Hi All. I made the decision last night to finally quit after 25+ years and over can a day. I don't love dipping. I don't think i ever have. I just picked it up cause my friends did it and it just stuck. I'm tired of having to sneak off at work to get a fix, I'm tired of wasting money on something that is going to kill me, im tired of having something control so many of my actions.
I am happy to say that I am now over a day into my quit. So far i don't know what to think. My head is a little cloudy but not too much so, though I'm guessing that will get worse. I'm doing what i can to keep my mind off of it but its all i can think of. At this point i miss having something in my mouth more than the nicotine itself. I stocked up on some Smokey Mountain to help with if I have a craving. I had some challenges and somethings I'm proud of. I didn't put one in when i woke up. I didn't put one in when i drove to the store, nor when i watched a bowl game. I couldn't say that prior to today and I look forward to be able to say it about tomorrow.