Day 7
Hi Guys,
Thanks for keeping up with this site. I have been a lurker on here for a few weeks, it was awesome to see the stories from guys that have been there, and give me an idea of what to expect. I didn't think I would need anymore than that, but only week into it and I am struggling.
I am 39 yo, married father of two (3 and 1). I took my first dip over twenty years ago, tin a day (grizzly) for the last 14 or 15 years... wow seems weird to see it in writing. I have never tried to quit before, I don't like failing, and sadly killing myself was easier than bothering to try.
When my wife asked me why I was quitting, why now, all I could say was that it's time. I'm not sure if it's setting a good example for my young kids, or that fact that I'm coming up on 40. I don't know if it's the realization of thousands of dollars that I've spent on this nasty habit or the fear of getting sick and letting my family down. Likely it's a combination of everything, and all that matters is that it's time. It's time to start holding myself accountable, it's time to get well.
Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing. I'm just getting started down this road and it has already been immensely helpful. Stay strong KTC.
I Quit With You Today.