Author Topic: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"  (Read 6818 times)

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Offline Jenahen

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2020, 07:18:20 AM »
Nice job JMM7 on quitting for 4 weeks. You seem to be getting the hang of posting roll, which is amazing. I am glad you are here fighting for your freedom like the rest of us.
Keep killing it girl!

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2020, 12:01:30 PM »
Do you and would you have the ability to help out with the SSOA/ tracking down the missing/ and/or roll flipping duties in your April 2020 quit group? Any help at all is much appreciated and goes along way when it comes to Brotherhood + Accountability. Thanks in advance!
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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2020, 06:15:42 PM »
@JMM7  Your 3rd day here and you haven't posted roll today?  Instead you take the time to make a weak argument that you aren't an addict?  Hate to tell you princess, but you aren't quit.  You've just stopped for a few weeks.  First major stress you encounter since stopping and you'll be stuffing your lip again.  Come back when you actually want to quit and aren't afraid to admit that you are an addict.  Until then, I'm not wasting my time on you.

1.  If you want to call yourself that, your choice, but don’t call me that. 

2.  Look up the definition of an addict and really tell me if you think you are one right now or have you quit? 

3.  Don’t call me princess.  I’m an Active Duty Captain and one great stressor has been the political scene since 2020.  If a potential war breaking out wasn’t stressful enough, I don’t know what is!  I will be fine.  I keep my word.  It’s what having integrity and honor mean. 

Yes I’m still figuring out how to post roll.  Thank you Jen.


Remember when I said I'm not wasting my time on you?  I meant it.  Show me your serious about your quit and then I will.  Claiming you're not an addict definitely shows you aren't serious yet.  You're an addict whether you are currently dipping or not.  Being an addict doesn't mean that you'll dip again.  Being an addict does mean that if you did go back to using nicotine, you'll be hooked just like you never stopped.  Also, if you don't like being called a princess, don't act like one, princess.  You're no different than anyone else that's quit here.  Stop acting like you're a special butterfly (princess) and take advice from the folks that have been quit for a lot longer than you.  Do that, and you'll get all the support you need.  This is the last I'll bother with you until I see a quitter posting rather than just a stopper.

Great!  We’ve come to an agreement.    No more bothering after day 23, 21 of those without you in my corner.  I can deal with that. 



These people are assuming you are an addict because 99% of the people who even bother to search for this place, and then register are hardcore addicts. They have, or nearly have, run out of hope and before them is KTC which is extreme, but alas there is living proof it's worked for thousands of hopeless cases of nicotine addiction. The remaining 1% are trolls.

You sound like you've been here before and are just trolling the people trying to help because you already know what they are going to say and how they are going to react to your continued bullshit.

Now, to give you the benefit of the doubt... if, by low probability, you are here in good faith and just happened across this forum because you've been on a frantic search because you can't seem to kick a dip/nicotine addiction and are ready to take more extreme measures, then welcome. Tell us about long have you dipped, how much  did you dip, how many times have you tried to stop on your own?  Your so-called small successes are no success. Learn about nicotine addiction and see if it honestly applies to you. Post roll call every day, share your number for added accountability, help new quitters.

If you aren't an addict, you are probably going to be miserable at KTC and should probably just move along to somewhere else. You've already complained that KTC isn't what it's supposed to be (a troll statement if I ever heard one), which means it'll never be what you want it to be. I suggest you go start your own support forum for non-addicts. Sounds like there is some demand for something like that. KTC isn't for everybody, and frankly, probably not for you.
Tbh, I've been wondering the same thing. There are some statements you have made here in your intro that leads me to believe you have been here before, but under a different name. If so, mind divulging what that name may be? I too took the CO route with the Army, so I urge you, show a little humility. You have been given the warno, now it's on you to buy into the system, or not. There really isn't any room for in between.
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Offline quitter419

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2020, 02:28:59 PM »
If some one had link to this HOF please replace it with link.
@JMM7 I hope this helps. it may not be perfect fit to your question but if you are not vigilant you will cave in your initial days of quit. roll call helps in accountability and to know there is some one you can reach out to if you need. so stay around.

THE VOID (the feeling of something missing)

Silly rabbits, nicotine wasn't filling the void it was creating it.

What exactly is it that your foggy mind imagines you lost? The only thing that chew is good for is to keep you addicted to chew.

You think you miss it? Is it the morning ritual of scraping the dead skin off your lip? Did it make you a better husband, father, son. Perhaps you miss being tethered to a dripping sewer of a spitter. I know!!! It made you smarter and the lump in your lip was a real hit with the ladies . You didn't lose anything , instead you have gained everything, perhaps your very life.

Nothing to miss thats all illusion created by the addiction

"Bullshit" you say "I remember that it was good and I liked it" You miss that good dip? the perfect wedge that you think you remember. I bet you have a romantic memory , mine is of dipping in the bleachers at the highschool game on Friday night. (Secret for you) That's not the dip you get when you cave. Ohhhh nooooo buttercup, you get a dip that was just like your LAST ONE. Remember that lame chew? The one you had to have just to feed your habit, you had to think about where to put it because everywhere else hurt. Except this dip will be full of guilt and shame and failure. How could you start again when you have read the Tom Kern story? or looked at ODT's cancer surgery, or spent any time here at all?

Don't romanticize your addiction, if it was so great why did you want to stop in the first place.

It isn't the one good chew you get when you fail , its the 10,000 shitty chews that will come with it. How long will it take you to get back to 30 days of freedom? How long did it take you this time? for me it was years in between quits. You can't risk that, how many chances until you look your son or daughter in the eyes and tell them you killed yourself? and you did it on purpose. The next dip could be the one that kills you. It isn't likely but the possibility is there. Jenny Kern said the odds of getting cancer from chew don't matter if your the one that gets it. Just saying.

Still on the fence eh, " it was always there for me" and " it would calm me down" you mumble. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor it raises your blood pressure. It is also a stimulant. Sounds calming alright . More illusions of your nicotine soaked cerabellum. When you are angry you produce chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol. These literally take the nic out of your blood stream. So you go into withdrawl. So....we...would have a dip, and feel better. The calm you felt... was only the relief from withdrawl.

But we all believed it was THE DIP that calmed us, it was in reality the DIP that caused alot of the stress. Nicotine creating a void (can you see it yet)

The feel better high you seek, the replacement for your so called void? I think PBkids shrink friend was close but not quite there. If you can admit the void is caused by nicotine and your addiction, then the opposite must be true as well. Recovery from the addiction will fill the void. You can see this prove out in your own group and those ahead of you. Posts such as it was great to hang out with my kid and not worry about a place to spit or a spitter. Posts on how nice it feels to not HAVE to lie and hide. How proud you feel, how proud your loved ones are. Those feelings of relief, calm , become more and more as your quit progresses. THAT my addict brethren will fill the void, THAT is the good and the positive stuff that your already working for. (another secret) it's worth it and it feels so much better than you do now.

your body has to heal, your mind needs to heal. Dip literally changes the way your brain works, and it changes how your body produces and uses all of its feel good chemicals. It effects serotonin and adrenaline. The fog in my opinion is created by a lack of chemical production when your brain is trying to figure out what the hell to do with out a steady stream of posion ( you knew that nicotine is a potent neurotoxin right). Anti depressants act on the same chemicals that nic did. Coincidence that Wellbutrin does the same thing? You may feel depressed, the funk, the fog, the blahs and the fuck its. It hits with a repeatable timing in all the groups. Common sense tells you that a pattern that occurs across every group could be reality.This is your brain healing. Literally nicotine receptors are dying and new neuro pathways are forming. This is the price you must pay to earn your freedom. Embrace it. Rkymtnman gave you the best piece of advice yet. Excercise, Yes you frito lay lovin pork rind munching fattys need to get off your collective asses and excercise. Walking counts if you put some distance there. Excercise works on your body just like the rest of the stuff above. Excercise releases endorphins that will help you feel better. It is scientifically proven that you will have less craves and less severe craves AND a larger number of you droolers will stay quit. Thor's Pajammer is correct with meditation, check out what meditation does to brain chemistry as well. Its all the same , help yourself and take a walk.

As Forest Gump says thats all I have to say about that. Sorry for the long post, I hope it helps. It is really just a collection of things I've picked up from those who helped me. Some is from posts you'll find if you dig hard enough. One day at a time buttercups. If I can do it so can you. Now seriously put the pickle down and buy a ab roller.

Quitting can really be the easiest hard thing you'll ever do. Or it can be the hardest easy thing. Depends on how you flip the switch in your mind.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 02:45:27 PM by quitter419 »

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2020, 09:51:48 AM »
@JMM7  Your 3rd day here and you haven't posted roll today?  Instead you take the time to make a weak argument that you aren't an addict?  Hate to tell you princess, but you aren't quit.  You've just stopped for a few weeks.  First major stress you encounter since stopping and you'll be stuffing your lip again.  Come back when you actually want to quit and aren't afraid to admit that you are an addict.  Until then, I'm not wasting my time on you.

1.  If you want to call yourself that, your choice, but don’t call me that. 

2.  Look up the definition of an addict and really tell me if you think you are one right now or have you quit? 

3.  Don’t call me princess.  I’m an Active Duty Captain and one great stressor has been the political scene since 2020.  If a potential war breaking out wasn’t stressful enough, I don’t know what is!  I will be fine.  I keep my word.  It’s what having integrity and honor mean. 

Yes I’m still figuring out how to post roll.  Thank you Jen.


Remember when I said I'm not wasting my time on you?  I meant it.  Show me your serious about your quit and then I will.  Claiming you're not an addict definitely shows you aren't serious yet.  You're an addict whether you are currently dipping or not.  Being an addict doesn't mean that you'll dip again.  Being an addict does mean that if you did go back to using nicotine, you'll be hooked just like you never stopped.  Also, if you don't like being called a princess, don't act like one, princess.  You're no different than anyone else that's quit here.  Stop acting like you're a special butterfly (princess) and take advice from the folks that have been quit for a lot longer than you.  Do that, and you'll get all the support you need.  This is the last I'll bother with you until I see a quitter posting rather than just a stopper.

Great!  We’ve come to an agreement.    No more bothering after day 23, 21 of those without you in my corner.  I can deal with that. 



These people are assuming you are an addict because 99% of the people who even bother to search for this place, and then register are hardcore addicts. They have, or nearly have, run out of hope and before them is KTC which is extreme, but alas there is living proof it's worked for thousands of hopeless cases of nicotine addiction. The remaining 1% are trolls.

You sound like you've been here before and are just trolling the people trying to help because you already know what they are going to say and how they are going to react to your continued bullshit.

Now, to give you the benefit of the doubt... if, by low probability, you are here in good faith and just happened across this forum because you've been on a frantic search because you can't seem to kick a dip/nicotine addiction and are ready to take more extreme measures, then welcome. Tell us about long have you dipped, how much  did you dip, how many times have you tried to stop on your own?  Your so-called small successes are no success. Learn about nicotine addiction and see if it honestly applies to you. Post roll call every day, share your number for added accountability, help new quitters.

If you aren't an addict, you are probably going to be miserable at KTC and should probably just move along to somewhere else. You've already complained that KTC isn't what it's supposed to be (a troll statement if I ever heard one), which means it'll never be what you want it to be. I suggest you go start your own support forum for non-addicts. Sounds like there is some demand for something like that. KTC isn't for everybody, and frankly, probably not for you.
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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2020, 10:14:32 PM »
@JMM7  Your 3rd day here and you haven't posted roll today?  Instead you take the time to make a weak argument that you aren't an addict?  Hate to tell you princess, but you aren't quit.  You've just stopped for a few weeks.  First major stress you encounter since stopping and you'll be stuffing your lip again.  Come back when you actually want to quit and aren't afraid to admit that you are an addict.  Until then, I'm not wasting my time on you.

1.  If you want to call yourself that, your choice, but don’t call me that. 

2.  Look up the definition of an addict and really tell me if you think you are one right now or have you quit? 

3.  Don’t call me princess.  I’m an Active Duty Captain and one great stressor has been the political scene since 2020.  If a potential war breaking out wasn’t stressful enough, I don’t know what is!  I will be fine.  I keep my word.  It’s what having integrity and honor mean. 

Yes I’m still figuring out how to post roll.  Thank you Jen.


Remember when I said I'm not wasting my time on you?  I meant it.  Show me your serious about your quit and then I will.  Claiming you're not an addict definitely shows you aren't serious yet.  You're an addict whether you are currently dipping or not.  Being an addict doesn't mean that you'll dip again.  Being an addict does mean that if you did go back to using nicotine, you'll be hooked just like you never stopped.  Also, if you don't like being called a princess, don't act like one, princess.  You're no different than anyone else that's quit here.  Stop acting like you're a special butterfly (princess) and take advice from the folks that have been quit for a lot longer than you.  Do that, and you'll get all the support you need.  This is the last I'll bother with you until I see a quitter posting rather than just a stopper.

Great!  We’ve come to an agreement.    No more bothering after day 23, 21 of those without you in my corner.  I can deal with that. 



Offline 25yeardippernomore

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2020, 09:26:16 PM »
@JMM7  Your 3rd day here and you haven't posted roll today?  Instead you take the time to make a weak argument that you aren't an addict?  Hate to tell you princess, but you aren't quit.  You've just stopped for a few weeks.  First major stress you encounter since stopping and you'll be stuffing your lip again.  Come back when you actually want to quit and aren't afraid to admit that you are an addict.  Until then, I'm not wasting my time on you.

1.  If you want to call yourself that, your choice, but don’t call me that. 

2.  Look up the definition of an addict and really tell me if you think you are one right now or have you quit? 

3.  Don’t call me princess.  I’m an Active Duty Captain and one great stressor has been the political scene since 2020.  If a potential war breaking out wasn’t stressful enough, I don’t know what is!  I will be fine.  I keep my word.  It’s what having integrity and honor mean. 

Yes I’m still figuring out how to post roll.  Thank you Jen.


Remember when I said I'm not wasting my time on you?  I meant it.  Show me your serious about your quit and then I will.  Claiming you're not an addict definitely shows you aren't serious yet.  You're an addict whether you are currently dipping or not.  Being an addict doesn't mean that you'll dip again.  Being an addict does mean that if you did go back to using nicotine, you'll be hooked just like you never stopped.  Also, if you don't like being called a princess, don't act like one, princess.  You're no different than anyone else that's quit here.  Stop acting like you're a special butterfly (princess) and take advice from the folks that have been quit for a lot longer than you.  Do that, and you'll get all the support you need.  This is the last I'll bother with you until I see a quitter posting rather than just a stopper.

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2020, 09:10:38 PM »
@JMM7  Your 3rd day here and you haven't posted roll today?  Instead you take the time to make a weak argument that you aren't an addict?  Hate to tell you princess, but you aren't quit.  You've just stopped for a few weeks.  First major stress you encounter since stopping and you'll be stuffing your lip again.  Come back when you actually want to quit and aren't afraid to admit that you are an addict.  Until then, I'm not wasting my time on you.

1.  If you want to call yourself that, your choice, but don’t call me that. 

2.  Look up the definition of an addict and really tell me if you think you are one right now or have you quit? 

3.  Don’t call me princess.  I’m an Active Duty Captain and one great stressor has been the political scene since 2020.  If a potential war breaking out wasn’t stressful enough, I don’t know what is!  I will be fine.  I keep my word.  It’s what having integrity and honor mean. 

Yes I’m still figuring out how to post roll.  Thank you Jen.


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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2020, 08:45:08 PM »
Thank you for your support. I think my post highlights what this site has become, vs what it’s supposed to be. 

FYI, I accepted that I was and addict, because of this realization, I choose to quit, because that not who I am, not who I want to be.  Therefore, while I am nicotine free, I’m not an addict.  Is this a forever thing?  I hope so.  Doesn’t mean it will be.  Maybe I wasn’t as hard core as a user, I didn’t have the experience of lying, cheating, hiding compulsive nature that addict go through when they are trying to quit.

I don’t see anyone on this site is an addict and will never think of people who dip, chew, or smoke as addicts. We have the willpower and support to quit, when we are ready. 

Out of the 5 people that responded, and thank you, 4 of them had a negative response to my opinion and reconfirmed that I would always be an addict. Tough love?  Maybe.  Your right this site might not be for everyone, but not everyone needs to be shitted on for making the right choices in their lives.  Why should you care how I look at my situation?  You shouldn’t. You should support me, not shit on me because I look at my situation in a confident way! 

I hope there were people there to support you during your quit, regardless of what you posted.


Welcome JMM7.  Things you should know. Don’t be confused by the term addict. We are not crackheads who will steal money to get high or whatever. You will learn that although you stopped nicotine it will creep up on you. You will want it again. I am an addict and will always be. I stopped chewing for  FIVE years. Through the years I thought about it. I let my down my guard and caved. Now I have to go through the pain of a new quit. Just because you quit doesn’t mean the nicotine has no power over you. I want you to quit just like every other quitter on this site. Listen to these people. They are strong quitters. Post your promise everyday and you will have group of support.

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2020, 08:26:41 PM »
Thank you for your support. I think my post highlights what this site has become, vs what it’s supposed to be. 

FYI, I accepted that I was and addict, because of this realization, I choose to quit, because that not who I am, not who I want to be.  Therefore, while I am nicotine free, I’m not an addict.  Is this a forever thing?  I hope so.  Doesn’t mean it will be.  Maybe I wasn’t as hard core as a user, I didn’t have the experience of lying, cheating, hiding compulsive nature that addict go through when they are trying to quit.

I don’t see anyone on this site is an addict and will never think of people who dip, chew, or smoke as addicts. We have the willpower and support to quit, when we are ready. 

Out of the 5 people that responded, and thank you, 4 of them had a negative response to my opinion and reconfirmed that I would always be an addict. Tough love?  Maybe.  Your right this site might not be for everyone, but not everyone needs to be shitted on for making the right choices in their lives.  Why should you care how I look at my situation?  You shouldn’t. You should support me, not shit on me because I look at my situation in a confident way! 

I hope there were people there to support you during your quit, regardless of what you posted.



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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2020, 05:22:05 PM »
You probably are wondering how I’m been successful all this time and I can provide what I think did it for me.

1.  Unintentionally quit when I got the flu.  Did I mention best flu ever!
you will unintentionally use nicotine the same way.

2.  I told people of my accomplishment, but I talked about it when I felt ready.  It was easy in the past when I tried to quit to just agree with supporters.
Supporter: “I’m so proud of you, what is this, day 5”.
Me: “yeah thanks”.
you are trying to avoid the guilt when you cave.

3.  No one called me an addict.  I quit, so therefore I am not.  Please stop referring to me as an addict because I quit. I AM NOT AN ADDICT!  This presupposes that we will become what we used to be and not who we want to be.
I hope you see how dumb this statement looks.  Do if an alcoholicquits drinking are they still not an alcohol?   Sure they do you not know this?
4.  This takes will power sure, but I’m the kind of person who sets a goal and competes it.  Honestly, I may not stay with this site anymore.  Theres more reminders here about nicotine than me just living my life. I’ve been on this site for two days now and have thought of nicotine more in the last two days than I the 3 weeks since I’ve quit. Out of site, out of mind works well for me. 
so, you think about it too think a few weeks and you are cured.  Do me a favor.  Come back in 6 months and look me up either way and let me know if you made it.  There are still dome tough times ahead.  With what you have posted, I know where my money is at...
This is my two cents.  Thanks for letting me share! :D
knowing what I know. Your 2 cents is worth about 2 cents...good grief
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2020, 05:02:21 PM »
You probably are wondering how I’m been successful all this time and I can provide what I think did it for me.

1.  Unintentionally quit when I got the flu.  Did I mention best flu ever!

2.  I told people of my accomplishment, but I talked about it when I felt ready.  It was easy in the past when I tried to quit to just agree with supporters.
Supporter: “I’m so proud of you, what is this, day 5”.
Me: “yeah thanks”.

3.  No one called me an addict.  I quit, so therefore I am not.  Please stop referring to me as an addict because I quit. I AM NOT AN ADDICT!  This presupposes that we will become what we used to be and not who we want to be.

4.  This takes will power sure, but I’m the kind of person who sets a goal and competes it.  Honestly, I may not stay with this site anymore.  Theres more reminders here about nicotine than me just living my life. I’ve been on this site for two days now and have thought of nicotine more in the last two days than I the 3 weeks since I’ve quit. Out of site, out of mind works well for me. 

This is my two cents.  Thanks for letting me share! :D
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass. Your addict talk is getting the best of you. Come back when you can actually face the truth.

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2020, 02:00:54 PM »
@JMM7  Your 3rd day here and you haven't posted roll today?  Instead you take the time to make a weak argument that you aren't an addict?  Hate to tell you princess, but you aren't quit.  You've just stopped for a few weeks.  First major stress you encounter since stopping and you'll be stuffing your lip again.  Come back when you actually want to quit and aren't afraid to admit that you are an addict.  Until then, I'm not wasting my time on you.

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2020, 01:03:16 PM »
You are an addict hate to break it to you. 3 weeks is a great accomplishment. Congrats on 21 days. But that's all you are at right now is just a few weeks into your quit. I can tell that you are an addict simply because you deny that you are one. Only an addict would lay in bed with nicotine. This site isnt for everyone that's fine. But you already set a timer for when the next time you use. All it takes is one slip up and back to being a slave to nicotine. Life can be a bitch. Any moment it can Mike Tyson your ass out, and that's when the real test begins.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 01:06:55 PM by SixString »

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Re: 21 days down! "Am I doing the right thing?"
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2020, 11:15:39 AM »
You probably are wondering how I’m been successful all this time and I can provide what I think did it for me.

1.  Unintentionally quit when I got the flu.  Did I mention best flu ever!

2.  I told people of my accomplishment, but I talked about it when I felt ready.  It was easy in the past when I tried to quit to just agree with supporters.
Supporter: “I’m so proud of you, what is this, day 5”.
Me: “yeah thanks”.

3.  No one called me an addict.  I quit, so therefore I am not.  Please stop referring to me as an addict because I quit. I AM NOT AN ADDICT!  This presupposes that we will become what we used to be and not who we want to be.

4.  This takes will power sure, but I’m the kind of person who sets a goal and competes it.  Honestly, I may not stay with this site anymore.  Theres more reminders here about nicotine than me just living my life. I’ve been on this site for two days now and have thought of nicotine more in the last two days than I the 3 weeks since I’ve quit. Out of site, out of mind works well for me. 

This is my two cents.  Thanks for letting me share! :D
You are an addict just like the rest of us. Nicotine is a drug. That doesn’t mean you have to stay a user, you can change, but you and I will remain an addict. I don’t want to forget about my addiction. If I do, my guard drops and one bad decision has me stuffing shit in my lip all day every day. If we aren’t addicts, why else did we knowingly do something that would kill us, cause us to lie, and hide the action? There are strength in numbers. Your decision.