Author Topic: Hello Quitting World!  (Read 4642 times)

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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2020, 10:18:58 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

The foundation of our quit is posting a promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day.

I encourage you to do the same. You can go to the link below and follow the instructions for posting roll call.

If that doesn't work. Hit the 'reply' button at the top of the page and put your name, day count, and your promise.

As soon as you can tomorrow, do it again.

It's that promise where accountability begins. We hold you to it, and expect you to hold us to our promise.

Good move Quit.  I feel better about your chances.  Great job posting roll.  Reach out any time for anything.
Are you in Hawaii?  Because, that would be a good excuse that  you aren't posted today for a day 2 at noon time EST.
Post roll first thing every morning and make that promise.  Get on roll.
I hope I'm wrong, but feel like something is off here. I feel like you aren't 100% committed yet. if that's not the case, I will apologize. but you gotta get on roll. Make the promise early. keep the promise all day. I told you we'd have your back, but you have to put the work in.

The process is simple, we quit one day at a time (ODAAT):

1. Wake Up
2. Piss
3. Post your promise to be nic free for 24 hours
5. Repeat Daily

WUPP (Wake Up, Piss, Post)

If you are not doing at least the above, you will not remain quit for very long.  You've already made the decision to quit, now show us you are serious and get in here an post roll @Quitthecan !!

Perhaps we scared this one away?

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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2020, 02:51:11 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

The foundation of our quit is posting a promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day.

I encourage you to do the same. You can go to the link below and follow the instructions for posting roll call.

If that doesn't work. Hit the 'reply' button at the top of the page and put your name, day count, and your promise.

As soon as you can tomorrow, do it again.

It's that promise where accountability begins. We hold you to it, and expect you to hold us to our promise.

Good move Quit.  I feel better about your chances.  Great job posting roll.  Reach out any time for anything.
Are you in Hawaii?  Because, that would be a good excuse that  you aren't posted today for a day 2 at noon time EST.
Post roll first thing every morning and make that promise.  Get on roll.
I hope I'm wrong, but feel like something is off here. I feel like you aren't 100% committed yet. if that's not the case, I will apologize. but you gotta get on roll. Make the promise early. keep the promise all day. I told you we'd have your back, but you have to put the work in.

The process is simple, we quit one day at a time (ODAAT):

1. Wake Up
2. Piss
3. Post your promise to be nic free for 24 hours
5. Repeat Daily

WUPP (Wake Up, Piss, Post)

If you are not doing at least the above, you will not remain quit for very long.  You've already made the decision to quit, now show us you are serious and get in here an post roll @Quitthecan !!
If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Offline Dawgs

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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2020, 12:51:12 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

The foundation of our quit is posting a promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day.

I encourage you to do the same. You can go to the link below and follow the instructions for posting roll call.

If that doesn't work. Hit the 'reply' button at the top of the page and put your name, day count, and your promise.

As soon as you can tomorrow, do it again.

It's that promise where accountability begins. We hold you to it, and expect you to hold us to our promise.

Good move Quit.  I feel better about your chances.  Great job posting roll.  Reach out any time for anything.
Are you in Hawaii?  Because, that would be a good excuse that  you aren't posted today for a day 2 at noon time EST.
Post roll first thing every morning and make that promise.  Get on roll.
I hope I'm wrong, but feel like something is off here. I feel like you aren't 100% committed yet. if that's not the case, I will apologize. but you gotta get on roll. Make the promise early. keep the promise all day. I told you we'd have your back, but you have to put the work in.


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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2020, 12:14:58 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

The foundation of our quit is posting a promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day.

I encourage you to do the same. You can go to the link below and follow the instructions for posting roll call.

If that doesn't work. Hit the 'reply' button at the top of the page and put your name, day count, and your promise.

As soon as you can tomorrow, do it again.

It's that promise where accountability begins. We hold you to it, and expect you to hold us to our promise.

Good move Quit.  I feel better about your chances.  Great job posting roll.  Reach out any time for anything.
Are you in Hawaii?  Because, that would be a good excuse that  you aren't posted today for a day 2 at noon time EST.
Post roll first thing every morning and make that promise.  Get on roll.
Just one is right back to where you were and where you were was desperately wishing you were where you are now.- Via Flip
"But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket" - ZAM
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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2020, 08:04:12 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

The foundation of our quit is posting a promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day.

I encourage you to do the same. You can go to the link below and follow the instructions for posting roll call.

If that doesn't work. Hit the 'reply' button at the top of the page and put your name, day count, and your promise.

As soon as you can tomorrow, do it again.

It's that promise where accountability begins. We hold you to it, and expect you to hold us to our promise.

Good move Quit.  I feel better about your chances.  Great job posting roll.  Reach out any time for anything. 

Offline Zeus

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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2020, 07:26:13 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

The foundation of our quit is posting a promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day.

I encourage you to do the same. You can go to the link below and follow the instructions for posting roll call.

If that doesn't work. Hit the 'reply' button at the top of the page and put your name, day count, and your promise.

As soon as you can tomorrow, do it again.

It's that promise where accountability begins. We hold you to it, and expect you to hold us to our promise.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2020, 07:28:00 PM by Zeus »
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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2020, 07:19:21 PM »
Hey guys thanks for the responses!! And yes after I posted on here I decided that waiting wasn’t the right thing. So as of 6:40 PM I am tobacco free. I will not let it rule my life. I will never turn back to the can. I’m stronger than the can is so I know I can get through this

Offline Dawgs

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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2020, 06:36:05 PM »
So I am new to this website. I am 29 years old and have dipped for the better part of half my life and am finally ready to free myself from this shit. I stumbled across this website and it has inspired me seeing other folks in my position wanting to quit and that have successfully quit. So with all that being said tomorrow is my quit date so after today I will start my journey on being tobacco free. Wish me luck fellow comrades!!

Hey @Quitthecan .  Welcome aboard.  You are making a great that may save your life.  If you want to quit successfully, this is the place.  Lots of folks here are ready and willing to support you.

My first question is why wait for tomorrow?  Toss that can right now...while you are motivated to do so.  If you've been using for awhile, you've tried to quit before, and I'm sure you've set dates and watched them sail by with a big wedge in your lip.  Don't let this moment pass.  Hop on that grenade right now.  Post roll in the May '20 group and make today your first day quit.

Link for May '20:

There's a lot more to talk about but all in good time.  Take that first step brother (sister?).  Freedom and peace of mind patiently await.

PTBQWYT (Proud To Be Quit With You Today) my friend.

Hey @Quitthecan ....I want to echo what  @EXBEARHAG said....why wait??? Get rid of it right now. Remember, this is a no nicotine group. That means no tobacco, no nic gum, no nic patches and nothing else that contains nicotine. I do want to welcome you and tell you that everyone on here will have your back. You have to make the choice to quit though. Remember that we are addicts. Our brains will speak addict talk to us. It will tell us to give in. It will try to justify taking another hit. Lean on us here. We’ve all been there and understand. We will support you and give you a kick in the butt as needed. Please don’t wait. Get rid of that crap right now. Hit me up if you have any questions.


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Re: Hello Quitting World!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2020, 05:53:25 PM »
So I am new to this website. I am 29 years old and have dipped for the better part of half my life and am finally ready to free myself from this shit. I stumbled across this website and it has inspired me seeing other folks in my position wanting to quit and that have successfully quit. So with all that being said tomorrow is my quit date so after today I will start my journey on being tobacco free. Wish me luck fellow comrades!!

Hey @Quitthecan .  Welcome aboard.  You are making a great that may save your life.  If you want to quit successfully, this is the place.  Lots of folks here are ready and willing to support you.

My first question is why wait for tomorrow?  Toss that can right now...while you are motivated to do so.  If you've been using for awhile, you've tried to quit before, and I'm sure you've set dates and watched them sail by with a big wedge in your lip.  Don't let this moment pass.  Hop on that grenade right now.  Post roll in the May '20 group and make today your first day quit.

Link for May '20:

There's a lot more to talk about but all in good time.  Take that first step brother (sister?).  Freedom and peace of mind patiently await.

PTBQWYT (Proud To Be Quit With You Today) my friend.


« Last Edit: January 26, 2020, 05:56:04 PM by EXBEARHAG »

Offline Quitthecan

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Hello Quitting World!
« on: January 26, 2020, 04:42:11 PM »
So I am new to this website. I am 29 years old and have dipped for the better part of half my life and am finally ready to free myself from this shit. I stumbled across this website and it has inspired me seeing other folks in my position wanting to quit and that have successfully quit. So with all that being said tomorrow is my quit date so after today I will start my journey on being tobacco free. Wish me luck fellow comrades!!