Today I woke up again with a headache and a little bit nauseous, 3 days of dealing with this frustration and annoyance. However when I got on roll this morning I seen my fellow Thunder brother
@Jeepmoxie was struggling as well. I can say this, I joined KTC for reasons like these. seeing someone else ,only a day behind in his quit, going through something similar almost immediately toughened my resolve. " Damn Nick he is going through the same shit as well and he is still going don't be a pussy" " Fuck this if he can stay quit I damn sure know I can". Its the Magic of
Brotherhood + Accountability that keeps Me quit, If I was going it alone I would be just another guest standing out in the cold looking in.
As many know, one of the ways i stay quit or distract my craving mind is by listing to motivational stuff on my way to work instead of slinging Hoarse shit in my lip. This is some of the messages I heard today and am applying to my Quit: Self discipline is the ability to want to do something , but do it any way. I may not want to to WUPP, But i do it any way. I may not want to Let people know ill be late to roll, but i do it anyway. I may not have felt comfortable giving out my phone number, but i did it any way. Change your mentality and on the other side there is greatness.
YOU can face down everyone including that
weak voice inside your own
If you truly want to achieve something, you got to find ways to put yourself at risk of something great happening. I wanted my freedom so I risked putting myself out there on this site to walk into my great new nicotine free life. I accepted my own responsibility, i see myself as primarily responsible for my outcomes and my experience. I can drink as much of the kool-aid as i want , i must first hold myself to the higher standard of my quit and KTC comes Second to helping me stay quit. Cause and effect exist, if you want to get better at something you need to put in the work. If you want to save your own life you must be willing to face the flames. Lock and load yourself with every tool to get you out of the trenches of nicotine and possible death.
I dare you to take a stand today, to say "
NO MORE". I will no longer Accept this (dip) for my life. I dare you to take action today. I dare you to quit and have KTC keep you Accountable.
Nick-Otine Free- 57 LTBE