Author Topic: Mentally trying to pick my day.  (Read 4966 times)

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Re: Mentally trying to pick my day.
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2021, 12:46:15 AM »
Hey guys/gals my name is Jay. I’ve been dipping for about 20 years. I’ve been wanting to quit for some time now but the wall seems to hard to get over. I was a daily drinker and after 5 trips to detox and one trip to treatment I joined AA. My last drink was Aug 7 of 2020. Booze was very hard for me to get off but there’s no going back to it now as long as I continue to do my part. Since I’ve got over the drinking it’s now time to get off the chew. I just can’t seem to find the strength to pick a day to face it head  on. How did you guys find the strength to start your day #1? Thanks JAY

To answer the "how" question.  I had been thinking about quitting forever without actually quitting.  I had even bought a bunch of gum with the idea that I would use it when I quit, and then that gum sat in a drawer for months.  I decided to quit when I ran out of chew on a Labor day weekend and I put my foot down.  I decided that I'd had enough and I would never buy a can again.

There was some strength involved in quitting, but I also had to be ready to quit.  I had to make that decision for myself.  Face it when you are ready to face it.  We will be here to support you when you do.

Offline Zombo Funk

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Re: Mentally trying to pick my day.
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2021, 10:38:27 PM »
Hey @Maineguy ,

I'm proud to be quit with you today. I'm 468 days alcohol free, and I know what you mean about it being hard. Also, I know what you mean about wanting to pick the day. That's actually why I have 468 days of alcohol freedom, and why I almost don't.

I quit dipping on April 29th, 2020. April 28th was my 31st birthday. I was supposed to be quit by then, I had picked lots of days before. Every day before, actually. And like every day before, I had to go get dip first thing in the morning. This was during the height of the pandemic, I was already feeling bad about dipping, and having to go out to buy it at that point just sucked. And the whole day sucked. So I ended up posting my day 1 on the 29th, the day after, and haven't looked back.

But in the process of quitting dip, I realized that I am an addict, and that I also needed to quit drinking. Happy to talk about that more, or you can read my intro. The point is that I knew pretty early into my nicotine quit that I needed to quit drinking also. And I resolved to do so on my HOF day. (Around here, we celebrate Hall of Famers (HOF) who reach 100 days of quit.) I have a hard time counting my days. The only way I used to do it was that another guy in my group and I share a count, and he ALWAYS posts before me. So whatever he posted, I posted. Well I didn't want to keep track of 2 number so I thought to myself, "if I quit on day 100, then it'll always be easy to count.. it'll be the same, in hundreds."

So that day comes and I am proud to say I did quit that day.

But I also realized that 100 and 1 aren't 100 days apart. They are 99 days apart. It's not "100 / 0", it's "100 / 1" It's not going to be "1,000 / 900 " it's going to be "1,000 and 991".

Imagine me sitting there on my first day committing not to drink. This was almost enough to make me cave, day 1. But I didn't.

It doesn't matter what day you pick. Something will happen THAT DAY to justify why it's not the right day. That's how this works, man. You quit drinking, so you know that already. And I'm here to tell you that quitting drinking is much harder than quitting dip. At least for me.

So I know you can do it. But you know that, too. Just pick a day and quit. I recommend tomorrow, because when you're looking back it won't matter what day you quit. It'll matter that you quit.

Or that you didn't.

Zombo Funk - 567 / 468

Oh, and @Maineguy - 468 days ago today was 06 August, 2020. So if you ever lose track of your day count, you can just hop on here, look at mine, and +1.


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Re: Mentally trying to pick my day.
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2021, 10:36:21 PM »
Hey @Maineguy ,

I'm proud to be quit with you today. I'm 468 days alcohol free, and I know what you mean about it being hard. Also, I know what you mean about wanting to pick the day. That's actually why I have 468 days of alcohol freedom, and why I almost don't.

I quit dipping on April 29th, 2020. April 28th was my 31st birthday. I was supposed to be quit by then, I had picked lots of days before. Every day before, actually. And like every day before, I had to go get dip first thing in the morning. This was during the height of the pandemic, I was already feeling bad about dipping, and having to go out to buy it at that point just sucked. And the whole day sucked. So I ended up posting my day 1 on the 29th, the day after, and haven't looked back.

But in the process of quitting dip, I realized that I am an addict, and that I also needed to quit drinking. Happy to talk about that more, or you can read my intro. The point is that I knew pretty early into my nicotine quit that I needed to quit drinking also. And I resolved to do so on my HOF day. (Around here, we celebrate Hall of Famers (HOF) who reach 100 days of quit.) I have a hard time counting my days. The only way I used to do it was that another guy in my group and I share a count, and he ALWAYS posts before me. So whatever he posted, I posted. Well I didn't want to keep track of 2 number so I thought to myself, "if I quit on day 100, then it'll always be easy to count.. it'll be the same, in hundreds."

So that day comes and I am proud to say I did quit that day.

But I also realized that 100 and 1 aren't 100 days apart. They are 99 days apart. It's not "100 / 0", it's "100 / 1" It's not going to be "1,000 / 900 " it's going to be "1,000 and 991".

Imagine me sitting there on my first day committing not to drink. This was almost enough to make me cave, day 1. But I didn't.

It doesn't matter what day you pick. Something will happen THAT DAY to justify why it's not the right day. That's how this works, man. You quit drinking, so you know that already. And I'm here to tell you that quitting drinking is much harder than quitting dip. At least for me.

So I know you can do it. But you know that, too. Just pick a day and quit. I recommend tomorrow, because when you're looking back it won't matter what day you quit. It'll matter that you quit.

Or that you didn't.

Zombo Funk - 567 / 468

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Re: Mentally trying to pick my day.
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2021, 06:07:46 AM »
Hey guys/gals my name is Jay. I’ve been dipping for about 20 years. I’ve been wanting to quit for some time now but the wall seems to hard to get over. I was a daily drinker and after 5 trips to detox and one trip to treatment I joined AA. My last drink was Aug 7 of 2020. Booze was very hard for me to get off but there’s no going back to it now as long as I continue to do my part. Since I’ve got over the drinking it’s now time to get off the chew. I just can’t seem to find the strength to pick a day to face it head  on. How did you guys find the strength to start your day #1? Thanks JAY

Welcome, @Maineguy Jay. Dude, there is no day like today. We are not promised tomorrow, brother. My Day 1 was easy for me; it was the day I found a bump on my gum. Thankfully it was not cancer, but it scared the dip right out of my mouth. That was 628 days ago today. The first days/weeks were damn hard, no lie, but obviously not impossible.

You've been sober over a year. Now focus on being free of tobacco for a day. Just 24 hours at a time is all we ask. On your Day 1, don't even worry about 24 hours. Focus on an hour, then two, and so on. None of us is any better than you; if we can quit and stay quit, you can, too.

Post up on Discord. Ankape gave you the keys to the Quit Kingdom, brother. Then come back here and read, read, read. Read some Hall of Fame speeches, Quit Wisdom, etc. There's lots of knowledge and experience here.

You've got this, Jay.
Renegade of Quit
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Re: Mentally trying to pick my day.
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2021, 01:22:09 AM »
Hey guys/gals my name is Jay. I’ve been dipping for about 20 years. I’ve been wanting to quit for some time now but the wall seems to hard to get over. I was a daily drinker and after 5 trips to detox and one trip to treatment I joined AA. My last drink was Aug 7 of 2020. Booze was very hard for me to get off but there’s no going back to it now as long as I continue to do my part. Since I’ve got over the drinking it’s now time to get off the chew. I just can’t seem to find the strength to pick a day to face it head  on. How did you guys find the strength to start your day #1? Thanks JAY

Hi Jay. There will never be a better day to quit than right now. Flush anything you still have and then join us here. Make a promise to not use any nicotine. For the day. Worry about tomorrow…tomorrow.
It works because you are the type to keep your promise. We quit with you -one day at a time.

Here is the link to introduce yourself on KTC discord and find your group.


Offline Maineguy

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Mentally trying to pick my day.
« on: November 15, 2021, 09:41:45 PM »
Hey guys/gals my name is Jay. I’ve been dipping for about 20 years. I’ve been wanting to quit for some time now but the wall seems to hard to get over. I was a daily drinker and after 5 trips to detox and one trip to treatment I joined AA. My last drink was Aug 7 of 2020. Booze was very hard for me to get off but there’s no going back to it now as long as I continue to do my part. Since I’ve got over the drinking it’s now time to get off the chew. I just can’t seem to find the strength to pick a day to face it head  on. How did you guys find the strength to start your day #1? Thanks JAY