Author Topic: I quit again  (Read 133917 times)

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Offline Dipchit

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #340 on: October 24, 2023, 10:15:57 AM »
Day 135. Anxiety.
Anxiety will slowly go away as the brain heals and returns to homeostasis. No medications or talk therapy can heal the brain any faster. Time and only time take care of the symptoms of a cranky brain. Although I do believe in therapy when anxiety is being caused by an outstanding reason such as a death of a loved one or a cheating spouse or a physical attack etc. but no therapy can ever speed up the physical healing process. Although I really appreciate the suggestion I will just grit my teeth and move forward. I have been through Benzodiazepine withdrawal years ago that lasted nearly 4 years and it was agonizing. Severe depression and anxiety was the 2 symptoms that was the worst and all the doctors wanted to do was try this med or that med but I pressed on and once healed life was great. This withdrawal feels very similar but not quite as intense. Don’t get me wrong, nicotine addiction and withdrawal sucks but I will get over this in my own way and it is not going to include any medication or talk therapy because it simply won’t work in this situation. My life outside of nicotine withdrawal is good. I have a great paying job, beautiful wife, wonderful son and daughter in law and also a grandson who I spend lots of quality time with. Nothing in my life is causing anxiety other than a physical injury to my brain. If left alone the brain has amazing healing power.
My promise today is not to dip.
Keith0617 1846 ODAAT
MN/2,739 - I don't know what else to say other than I quit with you TODAY. Keep up the fight.
It’s all good engineer. You give good advice but I been down this similar path before with Benzodiazepines so I know I’ll be fine. Time is the best healer.
My anxiety is not as strong over all as it used to be. I feel that I want to feel normal so badly that any anxiety whether it’s strong or weak I think it’s bad. What I am struggling with is the ODAAT thing. I keep catching myself looking to the future such as planed events and telling myself that I’ll be fine by then and when that date comes and goes I’m still struggling I get really depressed. That I’m still working on. What really sucks is that as I type this I’m going through a major crave. This sucks.

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #339 on: October 24, 2023, 09:56:44 AM »
Day 135. Anxiety.
Anxiety will slowly go away as the brain heals and returns to homeostasis. No medications or talk therapy can heal the brain any faster. Time and only time take care of the symptoms of a cranky brain. Although I do believe in therapy when anxiety is being caused by an outstanding reason such as a death of a loved one or a cheating spouse or a physical attack etc. but no therapy can ever speed up the physical healing process. Although I really appreciate the suggestion I will just grit my teeth and move forward. I have been through Benzodiazepine withdrawal years ago that lasted nearly 4 years and it was agonizing. Severe depression and anxiety was the 2 symptoms that was the worst and all the doctors wanted to do was try this med or that med but I pressed on and once healed life was great. This withdrawal feels very similar but not quite as intense. Don’t get me wrong, nicotine addiction and withdrawal sucks but I will get over this in my own way and it is not going to include any medication or talk therapy because it simply won’t work in this situation. My life outside of nicotine withdrawal is good. I have a great paying job, beautiful wife, wonderful son and daughter in law and also a grandson who I spend lots of quality time with. Nothing in my life is causing anxiety other than a physical injury to my brain. If left alone the brain has amazing healing power.
My promise today is not to dip.
Keith0617 1846 ODAAT
MN/2,739 - I don't know what else to say other than I quit with you TODAY. Keep up the fight.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 | Comma 3x: 07.11.24 | 31st FL: 10.19.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #338 on: October 24, 2023, 09:30:33 AM »
Day 135. Anxiety.
Anxiety will slowly go away as the brain heals and returns to homeostasis. No medications or talk therapy can heal the brain any faster. Time and only time take care of the symptoms of a cranky brain. Although I do believe in therapy when anxiety is being caused by an outstanding reason such as a death of a loved one or a cheating spouse or a physical attack etc. but no therapy can ever speed up the physical healing process. Although I really appreciate the suggestion I will just grit my teeth and move forward. I have been through Benzodiazepine withdrawal years ago that lasted nearly 4 years and it was agonizing. Severe depression and anxiety was the 2 symptoms that was the worst and all the doctors wanted to do was try this med or that med but I pressed on and once healed life was great. This withdrawal feels very similar but not quite as intense. Don’t get me wrong, nicotine addiction and withdrawal sucks but I will get over this in my own way and it is not going to include any medication or talk therapy because it simply won’t work in this situation. My life outside of nicotine withdrawal is good. I have a great paying job, beautiful wife, wonderful son and daughter in law and also a grandson who I spend lots of quality time with. Nothing in my life is causing anxiety other than a physical injury to my brain. If left alone the brain has amazing healing power.
My promise today is not to dip.
Keith0617 1846 ODAAT

Offline Dipchit

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #337 on: October 24, 2023, 07:21:38 AM »
Day 135. Anxiety.
Anxiety will slowly go away as the brain heals and returns to homeostasis. No medications or talk therapy can heal the brain any faster. Time and only time take care of the symptoms of a cranky brain. Although I do believe in therapy when anxiety is being caused by an outstanding reason such as a death of a loved one or a cheating spouse or a physical attack etc. but no therapy can ever speed up the physical healing process. Although I really appreciate the suggestion I will just grit my teeth and move forward. I have been through Benzodiazepine withdrawal years ago that lasted nearly 4 years and it was agonizing. Severe depression and anxiety was the 2 symptoms that was the worst and all the doctors wanted to do was try this med or that med but I pressed on and once healed life was great. This withdrawal feels very similar but not quite as intense. Don’t get me wrong, nicotine addiction and withdrawal sucks but I will get over this in my own way and it is not going to include any medication or talk therapy because it simply won’t work in this situation. My life outside of nicotine withdrawal is good. I have a great paying job, beautiful wife, wonderful son and daughter in law and also a grandson who I spend lots of quality time with. Nothing in my life is causing anxiety other than a physical injury to my brain. If left alone the brain has amazing healing power.
My promise today is not to dip.

Offline Keith0617

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #336 on: October 23, 2023, 01:15:59 PM »
Day 134
No dip today and that’s my promise.
Still dealing with anxiety.
Keith0617 1845 ODAAT
MN/2,738 - no shit will touch this lip TODAY.

I never dealt with anxiety when I quit but years afterwards, I started to struggle with anxiety spawned from factors other than nicotine. I've struggled with it to varying degrees so I can empathize with what you are going through. I tried to manage on my own but eventually decided (with lengthy persuasion from my wife) to try the therapy route. There is certainly stigma around mental health and seeking therapy esp as guys since we are suppose to be tough and just deal with shit. But for me, it certainly helped and while I still deal with anxiety on occasion, I have tools to combat it and typically it's less intense than when it started.

I know your wife/family doesn't know about your nicotine addition, but how aware are they of your struggles with anxiety? Regardless, therapy might be a option to consider. My guy helped me understand which struggles and reactions were valid and which ones I needed to work on. No shame getting additional help. Hell you are here with a bunch of internet 'strangers' fighting this one battle ODAAT. Get more people in your corner to navigate these hurdles.

Your grit and determination continues to inspire me. Keep up the solid quit brother.
worktowin 3,956.  ^^^this was a great way to start my day, bro.  Thank you for sharing this.
Well said @MN_Engineer

Offline worktowin

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #335 on: October 23, 2023, 10:43:52 AM »
Day 134
No dip today and that’s my promise.
Still dealing with anxiety.
Keith0617 1845 ODAAT
MN/2,738 - no shit will touch this lip TODAY.

I never dealt with anxiety when I quit but years afterwards, I started to struggle with anxiety spawned from factors other than nicotine. I've struggled with it to varying degrees so I can empathize with what you are going through. I tried to manage on my own but eventually decided (with lengthy persuasion from my wife) to try the therapy route. There is certainly stigma around mental health and seeking therapy esp as guys since we are suppose to be tough and just deal with shit. But for me, it certainly helped and while I still deal with anxiety on occasion, I have tools to combat it and typically it's less intense than when it started.

I know your wife/family doesn't know about your nicotine addition, but how aware are they of your struggles with anxiety? Regardless, therapy might be a option to consider. My guy helped me understand which struggles and reactions were valid and which ones I needed to work on. No shame getting additional help. Hell you are here with a bunch of internet 'strangers' fighting this one battle ODAAT. Get more people in your corner to navigate these hurdles.

Your grit and determination continues to inspire me. Keep up the solid quit brother.
worktowin 3,956.  ^^^this was a great way to start my day, bro.  Thank you for sharing this.

Offline MN_Engineer

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #334 on: October 23, 2023, 10:13:01 AM »
Day 134
No dip today and that’s my promise.
Still dealing with anxiety.
Keith0617 1845 ODAAT
MN/2,738 - no shit will touch this lip TODAY.

I never dealt with anxiety when I quit but years afterwards, I started to struggle with anxiety spawned from factors other than nicotine. I've struggled with it to varying degrees so I can empathize with what you are going through. I tried to manage on my own but eventually decided (with lengthy persuasion from my wife) to try the therapy route. There is certainly stigma around mental health and seeking therapy esp as guys since we are suppose to be tough and just deal with shit. But for me, it certainly helped and while I still deal with anxiety on occasion, I have tools to combat it and typically it's less intense than when it started.

I know your wife/family doesn't know about your nicotine addition, but how aware are they of your struggles with anxiety? Regardless, therapy might be a option to consider. My guy helped me understand which struggles and reactions were valid and which ones I needed to work on. No shame getting additional help. Hell you are here with a bunch of internet 'strangers' fighting this one battle ODAAT. Get more people in your corner to navigate these hurdles.

Your grit and determination continues to inspire me. Keep up the solid quit brother.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 | Comma 3x: 07.11.24 | 31st FL: 10.19.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Feel like throwing in the towel? Sign the "Contract to Give Up" HERE
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Offline Keith0617

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #333 on: October 23, 2023, 09:19:16 AM »
Day 134
No dip today and that’s my promise.
Still dealing with anxiety.
Keith0617 1845 ODAAT

Offline Dipchit

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #332 on: October 23, 2023, 07:58:45 AM »
Day 134
No dip today and that’s my promise.
Still dealing with anxiety.

Offline Dipchit

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #331 on: October 23, 2023, 06:57:00 AM »
Day 134
No dip today and that’s my promise.

Offline Dipchit

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #330 on: October 22, 2023, 11:17:57 AM »
Keith0617 1844 ODAAT.  @Dipchit get in here and post that promise
MN/2,737 this is my promise for the next 24 hours
Don’t pay the ransom, I escaped. But really I over slept. I was up working in the garage til 2:00 AM.
Day 133 and I promise that today I will not dip. ODAAT.

Offline MN_Engineer

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #329 on: October 22, 2023, 11:11:14 AM »
Keith0617 1844 ODAAT.  @Dipchit get in here and post that promise
MN/2,737 this is my promise for the next 24 hours
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 | Comma 3x: 07.11.24 | 31st FL: 10.19.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Feel like throwing in the towel? Sign the "Contract to Give Up" HERE
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Offline Keith0617

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #328 on: October 22, 2023, 11:10:58 AM »
Keith0617 1844 ODAAT.  @Dipchit get in here and post that promise

Offline Keith0617

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #327 on: October 21, 2023, 12:52:40 PM »
Worktowin 3,954. So happy to not be hiding and lying to get my fix on this beautiful weekend morning. And honored to share this win with you fine quitters.
Day 132
Depression is the theme of today but still glad I gave up the cat turds in a can. Thanks for being here you guys. I will definitely not dip today.
MN/2,736 with Dipchit and everyone here TODAY
Keith0617 1843 ODAAT

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Re: I quit again
« Reply #326 on: October 21, 2023, 11:41:03 AM »
Worktowin 3,954. So happy to not be hiding and lying to get my fix on this beautiful weekend morning. And honored to share this win with you fine quitters.
Day 132
Depression is the theme of today but still glad I gave up the cat turds in a can. Thanks for being here you guys. I will definitely not dip today.
MN/2,736 with Dipchit and everyone here TODAY
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 | Comma 3x: 07.11.24 | 31st FL: 10.19.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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