Keith0617 1842 ODAAT with @Dipchit and the other badass quitters
3,953. Coming up on 2 milestones soon, 11 years and 4,000.
I still remember joining this place and feeling hopeless. Having other dudes with a lot more days under their belt telling me.... dude it gets better. I remember thinking, F these guys they don't understand what this is like. It is like constantly fighting a battle but never feeling like I'm taking a step forward. Then, slowly, I started inching forward. DipChit, I feel from your post a couple of days ago that you are starting, slowly, to inch forward. That doesn't mean that the fight is over, but if you remember my timeline I said that at some point the agonizing constant daily battle became easier, and life became "liveable" again if that makes sense. Keep it up, brother. We are here with you and for you. The bad asses on this thread have a long history of picking winners to fight with. You are a winner. And I'll quit with you (and them) today.