Worktowin 3,982. Good morning from Minneapolis today. It’s cold up here.
@worktowin how long you in town?!
MN/2,764 with Steve and everyone TODAY
Day 160. Depression
It’s colder up here.
I promise not to dip today.
AJ did not go pick up a can.
That won't happen. Ever.
Once free from the clutches of that garbage, I could finally see just how thoroughly it was ruining my life. It was a realization that shocked me to my core. It was a fundamental shift. I know we preach "One day at a time" here but THAT realization and THIS place, cured me of my need of it AND destroyed any false romantic notion of how it made me or my life better. Am I still an addict? Yep. Always will be. Once opened, that door never closes but... I walked away from that door and will forever keep walking away from it. That's a choice I will make until I die.
I used to be a little scared of the addiction. I think that's probably normal for most. We KNOW what kind of hold that garbage had on us. It's logical to hold a healthy fear of it at that point. Fear like that does its job and keeps us running from it.
BUT... ultimately that means it still has some hold on you.
Freedom, real freedom, is when you know that YOU have ALL the power. All of it. That fear? Gone. Useless. Pointless. We win. Period.
You leave that addiction beat to hell and bleeding in a pulp behind its door that it can't crawl out of anymore and... you just keep walking.
You, my man, are fighting like an absolute beast. It's heartbreaking. It's inspiring.
This is just words on a page of some rando forum from some rando dude but... you've already won, man. You have. Whatever you're holding onto or whatever still has a hold on you? I can't say, but THE REALITY is that... YOU win. You.
AJ... 3,868