Day 171
No dip for Dipchit today.
worktowin 3,993. Beautiful dip free day here in the Midwest. Have most of my Christmas shopping done, and feeling great. Love you guys, and honored to be on this team.
AJ… 3,879 QLF
So, I’m leaving for Italy in a couple weeks. My wife and I are picking up our daughter who is doing her fall term in Rome. She’s a senior in college this year. We’re all going to travel for most of December. Now, being a somewhat anxious dude, I’m already sweating the heavy flight days. Me no likey to fly. I will be drugged up. Period. Lol!!
Anyway, it dawns on me that almost 10 years ago to the month (give or take a few days) I was vacay’ing with the fam for the first time dip free. Previous to that I spent an inordinate amount of time and asinine effort to figure out how to dip on vacay. It was awful. So much headspace taken up with that. I would pack separate from my wife so I could bring a stash that was hopefully enough for the trip. Rationing dips… recycling short ones. Omg, it’s gross and embarrassing to think about! Then when we got to where we were going, trying to find a hiding spot for it.
Good. Lord.
It was stupid.
I can’t even begin to imagine traveling in Europe for weeks and trying to manage this addiction. I just can’t fathom it! That amount of stress on top of my already elevated flying stress likely would have caused some sort of stoke or out of body experience.
Freedom is SO damn cool.