Author Topic: General Discussion - 2012  (Read 89080 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #711 on: August 31, 2012, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Nolaq
Good morning.  Today is my Day 900.  No shit.  According to the savings calculator, I've managed to NOT spend a total of $9,274.50 on Copenhagen.

If you're a new guy reading this, please know, that I am no different than you.  You can do this.

Never again.

For any reason.
Good stuff Nolaq.

New guys should also know that Nolaq does not go anywhere to be made sport of.
Tru Dat.
That's cool. You don't have to go anywhere. I can come to you if you're that lazy about it.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #710 on: August 31, 2012, 11:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Nolaq
Good morning.  Today is my Day 900.  No shit.  According to the savings calculator, I've managed to NOT spend a total of $9,274.50 on Copenhagen.

If you're a new guy reading this, please know, that I am no different than you.  You can do this.

Never again.

For any reason.
Good stuff Nolaq.

New guys should also know that Nolaq does not go anywhere to be made sport of.
Tru Dat.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #709 on: August 31, 2012, 11:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Good morning. Today is my Day 900. No shit. According to the savings calculator, I've managed to NOT spend a total of $9,274.50 on Copenhagen.

If you're a new guy reading this, please know, that I am no different than you. You can do this.

Never again.

For any reason.
Good stuff Nolaq.

New guys should also know that Nolaq does not go anywhere to be made sport of.
Make Your Decision

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #708 on: August 31, 2012, 07:17:00 AM »
Good morning. Today is my Day 900. No shit. According to the savings calculator, I've managed to NOT spend a total of $9,274.50 on Copenhagen.

If you're a new guy reading this, please know, that I am no different than you. You can do this.

Never again.

For any reason.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline TSNUS

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #707 on: August 28, 2012, 10:00:00 AM »
moved to wildcard
Quit 8/14/12 and taking my life back one day at a time.

If you don?t control what you have access to, what you have access to will control you.

I?m trying to remind myself daily it?s not the absence of conflict that determines whether or not my relationships are healthy. It?s knowing how to handle the conflicts that will arise.

Character is who we are, not who we pretend to be. It's better to be shaped than to be fake.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #706 on: August 28, 2012, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: ADMann
This morning was probally one of the worse. First off I was late to work, my son was dragging his feet, fucking playing games, goofing off with the dog, and basically being an 8yr old. BUt I was not in the mood and snapped bad at him.
I can relate, I have been painting my deck, finishing a project that has been long overdue to finish. Blocked off the stairs and upper deck to keep the dogs and kids off the fresh paint. My 8 year old hops over the barricade and comes trotting through, I ripped into him and he ran to his room in tears. I went upstairs and explained that dad is in a bad place and used it as a teachable moment. I told him that if if was one of the dogs or his sisters they would have gotten yelled at or worse too. Sure he shouldn't have jumped the barricade, but the problem was mine and I overreacted by laying into him and it was MY fault, not his. You see dad is addicted to nicotine and after what I've put myself through I wish I'd never used chew in the first place and made him promise the same as a man of his word. I said I was sorry and that he's a great kid. He forgave me and even grabbed a brush and helped for a while before he lost interest. Glad I spoke to him about it instead of being a non caring prick or worse.
Quit 8/14/12 and taking my life back one day at a time.

If you don?t control what you have access to, what you have access to will control you.

I?m trying to remind myself daily it?s not the absence of conflict that determines whether or not my relationships are healthy. It?s knowing how to handle the conflicts that will arise.

Character is who we are, not who we pretend to be. It's better to be shaped than to be fake.

Offline dukedog

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #705 on: August 27, 2012, 09:46:00 PM »
Quote from: ADMann
To all of my brothers,

I have been trying different things to help me sleep during these very rough first couple of weeks. I go to the gym and lift weights, I go for lots of walks, I work on my motorcycle, and I have even changed my diet. All of things have helped out some what. The diet thing and going to the gm have helped the most in not gaining weight while I quit, but nothing has really helped the sleeping issue. I went to Super Supplements and was talking with the girls there about what I could take that would help me sleep but be non habit forming and maybe help my body recover from the workouts. I was given a product call ZMA (zinc magnesium and vitiam B). I have been taking it at night and I have had better sleep. This is only my exprience but if you are struggling to sleep try it. I have also noticed that my legs are not quite ase restless when I take the ZMA
Next time you go to Super Supplements put your mojo on the girls (they're bi if you didn't notice) take em home and fuck them bow legged, you'll sleep like a me.
Dese for you

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #704 on: August 26, 2012, 12:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Basel29
I want to punch a wall car anything i can get my hands on. Day 3 has been rough without but the day i am having i would of gone through a tin by now i am so figitty and on edge i cant stand it! !!!!! The worst part is a guy in my shop is milking a big dipper as we speak!!!  'bang head'  'bang head'  'bang head'  'bang head'
Stay strong and embrace the will save your life....this too shall pass. Proud to be quit with you today.
Stay strong and stay true. Quiting is the hardest thing you will do. When I was in the first days, I have a 20lbs sledge and an old tractor tire. I went to town on that shit till I could not pick up my arms. The other thing that helped me was going for a walk. Stay the quit its worth it. Your doing great
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"

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Offline ADMann

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #703 on: August 26, 2012, 12:17:00 PM »
To all of my brothers,

I have been trying different things to help me sleep during these very rough first couple of weeks. I go to the gym and lift weights, I go for lots of walks, I work on my motorcycle, and I have even changed my diet. All of things have helped out some what. The diet thing and going to the gm have helped the most in not gaining weight while I quit, but nothing has really helped the sleeping issue. I went to Super Supplements and was talking with the girls there about what I could take that would help me sleep but be non habit forming and maybe help my body recover from the workouts. I was given a product call ZMA (zinc magnesium and vitiam B). I have been taking it at night and I have had better sleep. This is only my exprience but if you are struggling to sleep try it. I have also noticed that my legs are not quite ase restless when I take the ZMA
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"

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Offline Roamcountry

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #702 on: August 25, 2012, 03:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Basel29
I want to punch a wall car anything i can get my hands on. Day 3 has been rough without but the day i am having i would of gone through a tin by now i am so figitty and on edge i cant stand it! !!!!! The worst part is a guy in my shop is milking a big dipper as we speak!!! 'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head'
Stay strong and embrace the will save your life....this too shall pass. Proud to be quit with you today.

Offline Basel29

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #701 on: August 24, 2012, 04:58:00 PM »
I want to punch a wall car anything i can get my hands on. Day 3 has been rough without but the day i am having i would of gone through a tin by now i am so figitty and on edge i cant stand it! !!!!! The worst part is a guy in my shop is milking a big dipper as we speak!!! 'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head'

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #700 on: August 24, 2012, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: ADMann
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: ADMann
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: ADMann
So this is me fucking bitching because I need to get rid of the stress and and you all get to be my punching bag right now.

first off day 16 is damn near as tough as day 1, WTF? But beyond that Ihave been working out and chewing the shit out of the trident gum and still struggling. This morning was probally one of the worse. First off I was late to work, my son was dragging his feet, fucking playing games, goofing off with the dog, and basically being an 8yr old. BUt I was not in the mood and snapped bad at him. So that is why im here bithing through this fucking keyboard. Then when I finally get  out of the house, I get stuck behind some fucking peice of shit driver on a two lane blacktop that fucking cant do the speed limit and is swerving all over the fucking road. 45 min drive to work turned into and 1 hour drive because of this asshole. and to make things better my one and only passing lane is being blocked by some fucking big rig slugging it up the hill and shit head is in the other fucking lane. I was so ready to throw my hands up and stop at the nearest store to pick up a can, but then I looked at my watch and saw that i was late for work.  So I have a very simpile job, i need to open the office by 7:00 am. Over the course of the last week I have not managed to get this done. Im ready to fucking chew just to feel that rush. I know that I should not, I have been quiting good. But i need help today. 'help'
NO!!!!!! You don't need to go load up on death dirt to get a rush!!! Per a now famous quote:

You will NEVER regret quitting but you will ALWAYS regret caving!!!!

DO NOT fall into the trap again!!! Quitting sucks and is the hardest thing you will EVER DO!!!!! BUT its the BEST thing you will EVER do!!! FREEDOM is WORTH the PRICE!!! You may be suffering right now but you have a long life of Freedom ahead of you if you stay quit!!! Which path do you choose???

Freedom or Slavery!!! Its up to you! I hope you make the RIGHT choice!
ADmann, bitch it out here. Not at your boy. Easier said than done, I know. I was a real dick to my kids the first few months, but come in here as much as you can.

Next, let me ask you - is dipping going to make your son listen any better?

Is dip going to make him move any faster?

Is a dip going to get that dumb ass driver in front of you to move the fuck along?

Is dip going to slow down time so you can make it to the shop by 7?

Fuck no. And you know it.

Sixteen days in is an incredible VICTORY! Yes, a victory. Look at it that way. You made it through all that shit (that will be there whether you are quit or not), looked that bitch in the face and kicked her right in the foofie.


Keep fighting. It's worth it.

Shout if you need anything.

Keep on fighting the good fight man. 16 days us huge! Keep fighting off the mind games. Keep coming in here to do your bitching and screaming, save the better side of yourself for your family and give us the shit. Proud to be QUIT with you today.
Thank you guys for everything. I have managed to get into the gym and lift weights and get in some cardio. I've pounded the water and started to calm down. I will stay the quit, I will not fail.
Take a victory lapp and hit the showers.

When gmann asks if you need soap, tell him no.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' Glad you are drinking the Koolaid ADMann!!! If you stay quit you only have to suffer through this once!!!
Thank you again for letting me vent here and not on my family. I have made it another day and have sayed clean. I will keep going to the gym to get rid of the stress and I will keep bitching here, not at my family.
Does this place work?

Damn right. See above.

Carry on with the quitting.
Great to see another victory! Quit on Admann...

Offline G

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #699 on: August 24, 2012, 11:46:00 AM »
Quote from: ADMann
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: ADMann
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: ADMann
So this is me fucking bitching because I need to get rid of the stress and and you all get to be my punching bag right now.

first off day 16 is damn near as tough as day 1, WTF? But beyond that Ihave been working out and chewing the shit out of the trident gum and still struggling. This morning was probally one of the worse. First off I was late to work, my son was dragging his feet, fucking playing games, goofing off with the dog, and basically being an 8yr old. BUt I was not in the mood and snapped bad at him. So that is why im here bithing through this fucking keyboard. Then when I finally get  out of the house, I get stuck behind some fucking peice of shit driver on a two lane blacktop that fucking cant do the speed limit and is swerving all over the fucking road. 45 min drive to work turned into and 1 hour drive because of this asshole. and to make things better my one and only passing lane is being blocked by some fucking big rig slugging it up the hill and shit head is in the other fucking lane. I was so ready to throw my hands up and stop at the nearest store to pick up a can, but then I looked at my watch and saw that i was late for work.  So I have a very simpile job, i need to open the office by 7:00 am. Over the course of the last week I have not managed to get this done. Im ready to fucking chew just to feel that rush. I know that I should not, I have been quiting good. But i need help today. 'help'
NO!!!!!! You don't need to go load up on death dirt to get a rush!!! Per a now famous quote:

You will NEVER regret quitting but you will ALWAYS regret caving!!!!

DO NOT fall into the trap again!!! Quitting sucks and is the hardest thing you will EVER DO!!!!! BUT its the BEST thing you will EVER do!!! FREEDOM is WORTH the PRICE!!! You may be suffering right now but you have a long life of Freedom ahead of you if you stay quit!!! Which path do you choose???

Freedom or Slavery!!! Its up to you! I hope you make the RIGHT choice!
ADmann, bitch it out here. Not at your boy. Easier said than done, I know. I was a real dick to my kids the first few months, but come in here as much as you can.

Next, let me ask you - is dipping going to make your son listen any better?

Is dip going to make him move any faster?

Is a dip going to get that dumb ass driver in front of you to move the fuck along?

Is dip going to slow down time so you can make it to the shop by 7?

Fuck no. And you know it.

Sixteen days in is an incredible VICTORY! Yes, a victory. Look at it that way. You made it through all that shit (that will be there whether you are quit or not), looked that bitch in the face and kicked her right in the foofie.


Keep fighting. It's worth it.

Shout if you need anything.

Keep on fighting the good fight man. 16 days us huge! Keep fighting off the mind games. Keep coming in here to do your bitching and screaming, save the better side of yourself for your family and give us the shit. Proud to be QUIT with you today.
Thank you guys for everything. I have managed to get into the gym and lift weights and get in some cardio. I've pounded the water and started to calm down. I will stay the quit, I will not fail.
Take a victory lapp and hit the showers.

When gmann asks if you need soap, tell him no.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' Glad you are drinking the Koolaid ADMann!!! If you stay quit you only have to suffer through this once!!!
Thank you again for letting me vent here and not on my family. I have made it another day and have sayed clean. I will keep going to the gym to get rid of the stress and I will keep bitching here, not at my family.
Does this place work?

Damn right. See above.

Carry on with the quitting.

Offline ADMann

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #698 on: August 24, 2012, 10:20:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: ADMann
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: ADMann
So this is me fucking bitching because I need to get rid of the stress and and you all get to be my punching bag right now.

first off day 16 is damn near as tough as day 1, WTF? But beyond that Ihave been working out and chewing the shit out of the trident gum and still struggling. This morning was probally one of the worse. First off I was late to work, my son was dragging his feet, fucking playing games, goofing off with the dog, and basically being an 8yr old. BUt I was not in the mood and snapped bad at him. So that is why im here bithing through this fucking keyboard. Then when I finally get  out of the house, I get stuck behind some fucking peice of shit driver on a two lane blacktop that fucking cant do the speed limit and is swerving all over the fucking road. 45 min drive to work turned into and 1 hour drive because of this asshole. and to make things better my one and only passing lane is being blocked by some fucking big rig slugging it up the hill and shit head is in the other fucking lane. I was so ready to throw my hands up and stop at the nearest store to pick up a can, but then I looked at my watch and saw that i was late for work.  So I have a very simpile job, i need to open the office by 7:00 am. Over the course of the last week I have not managed to get this done. Im ready to fucking chew just to feel that rush. I know that I should not, I have been quiting good. But i need help today. 'help'
NO!!!!!! You don't need to go load up on death dirt to get a rush!!! Per a now famous quote:

You will NEVER regret quitting but you will ALWAYS regret caving!!!!

DO NOT fall into the trap again!!! Quitting sucks and is the hardest thing you will EVER DO!!!!! BUT its the BEST thing you will EVER do!!! FREEDOM is WORTH the PRICE!!! You may be suffering right now but you have a long life of Freedom ahead of you if you stay quit!!! Which path do you choose???

Freedom or Slavery!!! Its up to you! I hope you make the RIGHT choice!
ADmann, bitch it out here. Not at your boy. Easier said than done, I know. I was a real dick to my kids the first few months, but come in here as much as you can.

Next, let me ask you - is dipping going to make your son listen any better?

Is dip going to make him move any faster?

Is a dip going to get that dumb ass driver in front of you to move the fuck along?

Is dip going to slow down time so you can make it to the shop by 7?

Fuck no. And you know it.

Sixteen days in is an incredible VICTORY! Yes, a victory. Look at it that way. You made it through all that shit (that will be there whether you are quit or not), looked that bitch in the face and kicked her right in the foofie.


Keep fighting. It's worth it.

Shout if you need anything.

Keep on fighting the good fight man. 16 days us huge! Keep fighting off the mind games. Keep coming in here to do your bitching and screaming, save the better side of yourself for your family and give us the shit. Proud to be QUIT with you today.
Thank you guys for everything. I have managed to get into the gym and lift weights and get in some cardio. I've pounded the water and started to calm down. I will stay the quit, I will not fail.
Take a victory lapp and hit the showers.

When gmann asks if you need soap, tell him no.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' Glad you are drinking the Koolaid ADMann!!! If you stay quit you only have to suffer through this once!!!
Thank you again for letting me vent here and not on my family. I have made it another day and have sayed clean. I will keep going to the gym to get rid of the stress and I will keep bitching here, not at my family.
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #697 on: August 23, 2012, 09:36:00 PM »
Quote from: jakeryan2410
I quit chew about a week ago. was a 2 can a day cope long cut. i need somewhere to vent. is this the right spot. really struggling. haven't slept. tried that patch shit, i think it made me worse. only 3 days off that. feel like ripping my skin off.
I see you found the "introduction section" I like what you are doing in there. Shows me you are desperate. I understand.

At this point, it could go either way.

We will soon see what you are made of.