I have made it past the frst day. I am now starting day two. Wow.
Wow indeed. Nice Job! Remember these first days, and know that you never have to go through them again.
Glad you are here,
I am a little extra stressed today. I have quit before and now realize that I need you guys in order to be successful in my quit. I need more phone numbers to be able to call people and talk. Thank you, Brett
Are you posting roll in November 2012 quit group, Brett?
If so, you should make this post in your group too and hopefully a fellow compatriot will step up and give you some digits to sext. Also, you should come here and read and post anytime you are having a crave or getting the "thinks" (am i really quitting?; i now know i can quit, so why not just start again until after this upcoming stressful event and then i'll quit for good?; etc). The "thinks" are just addict rationalization, by the way. It's bullshit to justify you continuing to use the drug you're addicted to.
Focus on getting through the day and falling asleep. Then get up and post roll before your mind even has a chance to get the "thinks." Do it again.
It won't be too long before you are feeling better than you've ever felt and you will be shaking your head at the poor fuggers you see still being dominated by nicotine. Trust me. It gets so much better and is worth everything you're going through right this minute.