Something I posted today on Facebook. I already linked to KTC, but for what it is worth, here is the copy. Use it if it helps anyone:
I've (tried to not) read a lot of the political vitriol on these pages this week:
Go Chi-fil-a!! How dare you Chik-fil-a?
To be honest, I've never had a Chik-fil-a. I hear there's one location in Minneapolis by the U, but parking is a pain there, and I really don't feel like wasting my time just to get a sandwich. I hear the food is pretty good, for fast food.
I am outraged, however. I am outraged that we spend our time either buying or not buying a stupid chicken sandwich "for a cause" when United States Tobacco spends every minute of every day churning out product that has two goals: to get you addicted and to kill you. Where is the outrage against that?
United States Tobacco doesn't care whether you are straight, married, Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered, single, or even under 18. They want you to buy their product, get hooked, and die a slow death...all to boost their products.
And now they marketing Snus, a product with all sorts of fun "candy" flavors: strawberry, peach, mint. Sounds fun doesn't it? Sounds like something a kid would want to try, because, it tastes like candy, right? You think they're planning for the next generation of profits?
You want something to be angry about, this is what I'm fighting against. Visit for details, resources on how to quit, and stories about what this crap can do to you. Then I want to see you get angry.
My name is Mike, and I claim my 580th day of freedom today.