Author Topic: General Discussion - 2012  (Read 89126 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #636 on: August 04, 2012, 10:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Frazzled
Something I posted today on Facebook. I already linked to KTC, but for what it is worth, here is the copy. Use it if it helps anyone:

I've (tried to not) read a lot of the political vitriol on these pages this week:

Go Chi-fil-a!! How dare you Chik-fil-a?

To be honest, I've never had a Chik-fil-a. I hear there's one location in Minneapolis by the U, but parking is a pain there, and I really don't feel like wasting my time just to get a sandwich. I hear the food is pretty good, for fast food.

I am outraged, however. I am outraged that we spend our time either buying or not buying a stupid chicken sandwich "for a cause" when United States Tobacco spends every minute of every day churning out product that has two goals: to get you addicted and to kill you. Where is the outrage against that?

United States Tobacco doesn't care whether you are straight, married, Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered, single, or even under 18. They want you to buy their product, get hooked, and die a slow death...all to boost their products.

And now they marketing Snus, a product with all sorts of fun "candy" flavors: strawberry, peach, mint. Sounds fun doesn't it? Sounds like something a kid would want to try, because, it tastes like candy, right? You think they're planning for the next generation of profits?

You want something to be angry about, this is what I'm fighting against. Visit for details, resources on how to quit, and stories about what this crap can do to you. Then I want to see you get angry.

My name is Mike, and I claim my 580th day of freedom today.
Nice work, Mike.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #635 on: August 04, 2012, 10:26:00 AM »
Something I posted today on Facebook. I already linked to KTC, but for what it is worth, here is the copy. Use it if it helps anyone:

I've (tried to not) read a lot of the political vitriol on these pages this week:

Go Chi-fil-a!! How dare you Chik-fil-a?

To be honest, I've never had a Chik-fil-a. I hear there's one location in Minneapolis by the U, but parking is a pain there, and I really don't feel like wasting my time just to get a sandwich. I hear the food is pretty good, for fast food.

I am outraged, however. I am outraged that we spend our time either buying or not buying a stupid chicken sandwich "for a cause" when United States Tobacco spends every minute of every day churning out product that has two goals: to get you addicted and to kill you. Where is the outrage against that?

United States Tobacco doesn't care whether you are straight, married, Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered, single, or even under 18. They want you to buy their product, get hooked, and die a slow death...all to boost their products.

And now they marketing Snus, a product with all sorts of fun "candy" flavors: strawberry, peach, mint. Sounds fun doesn't it? Sounds like something a kid would want to try, because, it tastes like candy, right? You think they're planning for the next generation of profits?

You want something to be angry about, this is what I'm fighting against. Visit for details, resources on how to quit, and stories about what this crap can do to you. Then I want to see you get angry.

My name is Mike, and I claim my 580th day of freedom today.
Quit Date 1/3/11
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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #634 on: August 03, 2012, 10:25:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: skeener41
day 10, suprisingly to me, tougher than the days before. i know everyone is different but these last couple days were worse than the first 7. anyone else been like that?  this site has really helped me push through cravings, thanks to the people that started it and those maintaining it.
Our quits are similar yet different. It is normal to have ups and downs. For me quitting was like sailing out of a storm. Got tossed around at first, but gradually the seas became calmer. The reward for toughing out these bad days is well worth the price.
Make sure you read the what to expect post. It will give you a timeline of events. My quit early on was very wild. Huge mood swings. As time passed things leveled out. If things get bad go back to basics. Take it minute by minute if you have to. As long as you stay clean it will get better!

Glad you are here!

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #633 on: August 03, 2012, 10:20:00 PM »
Quote from: skeener41
day 10, suprisingly to me, tougher than the days before. i know everyone is different but these last couple days were worse than the first 7. anyone else been like that? this site has really helped me push through cravings, thanks to the people that started it and those maintaining it.
Our quits are similar yet different. It is normal to have ups and downs. For me quitting was like sailing out of a storm. Got tossed around at first, but gradually the seas became calmer. The reward for toughing out these bad days is well worth the price.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #632 on: August 03, 2012, 09:56:00 PM »
day 10, suprisingly to me, tougher than the days before. i know everyone is different but these last couple days were worse than the first 7. anyone else been like that? this site has really helped me push through cravings, thanks to the people that started it and those maintaining it.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #631 on: August 02, 2012, 05:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Adizzle
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Adizzle
Um so im a little past my 48 hour mark and my right cheek is numb. This normal?
Yes. You are going to experience many changes in your body as you beco e nic free. Your body is pissed at you right now.

It gets better! Just stay clean.

Alright thanks. Its sure a lot more tolerable than the whiplash type pain i felt in my shoulders for 13 straight hours yesterday lol
I had all kinds of shit wrong with me in the beginning. Go read the what to expect post, gives you a good timeline of events. You are ridding yourself of a super toxin, there is some pain involved.

Just remember how bad this sucks! Stay clean and you only have to do it once!,


Just make sure you come back to the site, everyday, and complain. Even if you are feeling better, just come to the site everyday :). I would recommend that you share it with your group, too. I'm sure some of them are experiencing some of the same symptoms of getting healthy.

Glad to be quit with you today.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #630 on: August 02, 2012, 12:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Adizzle
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Adizzle
Um so im a little past my 48 hour mark and my right cheek is numb. This normal?
Yes. You are going to experience many changes in your body as you beco e nic free. Your body is pissed at you right now.

It gets better! Just stay clean.

Alright thanks. Its sure a lot more tolerable than the whiplash type pain i felt in my shoulders for 13 straight hours yesterday lol
I had all kinds of shit wrong with me in the beginning. Go read the what to expect post, gives you a good timeline of events. You are ridding yourself of a super toxin, there is some pain involved.

Just remember how bad this sucks! Stay clean and you only have to do it once!,


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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #629 on: August 02, 2012, 12:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Adizzle
Um so im a little past my 48 hour mark and my right cheek is numb. This normal?
Yes. You are going to experience many changes in your body as you beco e nic free. Your body is pissed at you right now.

It gets better! Just stay clean.

Alright thanks. Its sure a lot more tolerable than the whiplash type pain i felt in my shoulders for 13 straight hours yesterday lol

Offline Greg5280

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #628 on: August 02, 2012, 12:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Adizzle
Um so im a little past my 48 hour mark and my right cheek is numb. This normal?
Yes. You are going to experience many changes in your body as you beco e nic free. Your body is pissed at you right now.

It gets better! Just stay clean.


Offline Adizzle

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #627 on: August 02, 2012, 12:16:00 AM »
Um so im a little past my 48 hour mark and my right cheek is numb. This normal?

Offline Greg5280

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #626 on: August 01, 2012, 10:26:00 PM »
Quote from: mcarmo44
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
So what Tex came into chat? So what he is masking his IP address? I saw him in chat once, we had a nice private conversation, maybe you should ban me?

What the fuck is going on around here? Mods changing roll call in February 2012, Pista telling people he is something special and not to mess with him in November?? WTF? Is this how it is? MODS are something special and the rest of us are just shit stains? Answer that for me please!

Something really fucked up is taking place here and it smells like shit, I understand people need to be banned, I understand people need to be moderators and I understand I need to know my place but the hypocrisy is really unbelievable, seriously part of the initial Tex ban conversation revolved around altering roll call and then some mod changes the shit!

It really is a circus, I have seen it a couple times now, realize that this site isn't about you (mods)and is about US.

Don't want to post this but good people are getting pissed and thinking about quitting, lets get over ourselves and realize others need help.
BWB, I appreciate your on going support. To clarify no one changed roll yesterday, it was a joke that was added where if you type "a" then "b" shows up. I don't think they meant it to change roll. This has gone on to long, the big deal with Tex is he was banned. He is disrespecting this whole site. Let go man and just concentrate and now loosing anymore people.
Indeed.... The business of quitting needs to be our focus!

We have people coming here looking for help to stop a terrible addiction let's not forget that.


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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #625 on: August 01, 2012, 09:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
So what Tex came into chat? So what he is masking his IP address? I saw him in chat once, we had a nice private conversation, maybe you should ban me?

What the fuck is going on around here? Mods changing roll call in February 2012, Pista telling people he is something special and not to mess with him in November?? WTF? Is this how it is? MODS are something special and the rest of us are just shit stains? Answer that for me please!

Something really fucked up is taking place here and it smells like shit, I understand people need to be banned, I understand people need to be moderators and I understand I need to know my place but the hypocrisy is really unbelievable, seriously part of the initial Tex ban conversation revolved around altering roll call and then some mod changes the shit!

It really is a circus, I have seen it a couple times now, realize that this site isn't about you (mods)and is about US.

Don't want to post this but good people are getting pissed and thinking about quitting, lets get over ourselves and realize others need help.
BWB, I appreciate your on going support. To clarify no one changed roll yesterday, it was a joke that was added where if you type "a" then "b" shows up. I don't think they meant it to change roll. This has gone on to long, the big deal with Tex is he was banned. He is disrespecting this whole site. Let go man and just concentrate and now loosing anymore people.
Quit date 11/3/11
HOF - 2/10/12


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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #624 on: August 01, 2012, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
So what Tex came into chat? So what he is masking his IP address?
What part of BANNED don't you understand?
BWB, that's like your neighbor telling you to feel free to use his pool anytime and then inviting over someone you know to be unwelcome at your neighbor's house.
I get all of that, read the rest of it, seriously read the rest of it!
you are right. it is a circus cause dumbass keep posting tex and his bullshit. u state that you understand banning, but then you still chat with tex. I am not sure you really understand it. way to support the site and the leadership.
Yes we chatted, I asked him how his quit was going and he said good, told him to let me know if he needed anything. Tex was way more supportive of me and my quit than another complete asshole that hangs out in chat.

I couldn't kick Tex out, he left right after we talked. I understand it completely, I understand Tex did things that mean he needed to leave, it's the rest of the drama, the changing of roll calls, the I am better than you posted in words horseshit.

I am a military person, I will support my leadership but "you can't DEMAND respect you have to COMMAND respect" think about that one for a little while!
Hey, respect is also a two way street.
Fuckers...I swear...

You fuckn guys never ONCE said to that piece of shit, "calm thhe fuck down."

Know what? He's manipulated you. All of you. You fuckin DEFEND him, and shit on the fuckin people that CREATED the very fuckin place that saved your dumb ass.

One more fucker demands an explanation...or talks about what a good shit he was...I'm putting you on preview.

Fuckin try me.

You're military? This is time to STFU and drive on with the mission: Quit.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #623 on: August 01, 2012, 09:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
So what Tex came into chat? So what he is masking his IP address?
What part of BANNED don't you understand?
BWB, that's like your neighbor telling you to feel free to use his pool anytime and then inviting over someone you know to be unwelcome at your neighbor's house.
I get all of that, read the rest of it, seriously read the rest of it!
you are right. it is a circus cause dumbass keep posting tex and his bullshit. u state that you understand banning, but then you still chat with tex. I am not sure you really understand it. way to support the site and the leadership.
Yes we chatted, I asked him how his quit was going and he said good, told him to let me know if he needed anything. Tex was way more supportive of me and my quit than another complete asshole that hangs out in chat.

I couldn't kick Tex out, he left right after we talked. I understand it completely, I understand Tex did things that mean he needed to leave, it's the rest of the drama, the changing of roll calls, the I am better than you posted in words horseshit.

I am a military person, I will support my leadership but "you can't DEMAND respect you have to COMMAND respect" think about that one for a little while!
Hey, respect is also a two way street.
Time heals but I'm forever broken

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #622 on: August 01, 2012, 09:09:00 PM »
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
So what Tex came into chat? So what he is masking his IP address?
What part of BANNED don't you understand?
BWB, that's like your neighbor telling you to feel free to use his pool anytime and then inviting over someone you know to be unwelcome at your neighbor's house.
I get all of that, read the rest of it, seriously read the rest of it!
you are right. it is a circus cause dumbass keep posting tex and his bullshit. u state that you understand banning, but then you still chat with tex. I am not sure you really understand it. way to support the site and the leadership.
Yes we chatted, I asked him how his quit was going and he said good, told him to let me know if he needed anything. Tex was way more supportive of me and my quit than another complete asshole that hangs out in chat.

I couldn't kick Tex out, he left right after we talked. I understand it completely, I understand Tex did things that mean he needed to leave, it's the rest of the drama, the changing of roll calls, the I am better than you posted in words horseshit.

I am a military person, I will support my leadership but "you can't DEMAND respect you have to COMMAND respect" think about that one for a little while!