Author Topic: General Discussion - 2012  (Read 88963 times)

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Offline ChewCrewRetiree

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #186 on: February 09, 2012, 01:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Keddy
What was happening at 2:10 AM this morning to attract 185 users?
Doesn't anyone sleep around here?
Guilty. I was up parading about the site. The quit is strong with the brotherhood and those interested!
Quit - 10/24/11 |-| HOF - 1/31/12 |-| 2nd Floor - 5/10/12 |-| 3rd Floor - 8/18/12 |-| 1 Year - 10/22/12 |-| 4th Floor - 11/26/12

Stop and in say hi to the January 2012 Juggernauts

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #185 on: February 09, 2012, 12:54:00 PM »
What was happening at 2:10 AM this morning to attract 185 users?
Doesn't anyone sleep around here?

Offline shortround

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #184 on: February 09, 2012, 08:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
Boo Boo Ya Ya!
Working toward a lot of victories . . . .
Wow. That is awesome!
Boom shak-a-laka! Sweet.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
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How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
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Offline Highway48

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #183 on: February 08, 2012, 01:08:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
Boo Boo Ya Ya!
Working toward a lot of victories . . . .
Wow. That is awesome!
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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #182 on: February 08, 2012, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
Boo Boo Ya Ya!
Working toward a lot of victories . . . .
Wow. That is awesome!

Offline Highway48

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #181 on: February 08, 2012, 11:14:00 AM »
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
Hahaha... you know neither of those two are gonna let me get the last word
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Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #180 on: February 08, 2012, 10:46:00 AM »
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
Boo Boo Ya Ya!
Working toward a lot of victories . . . .
Wow. That is awesome!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Keddy

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #179 on: February 08, 2012, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
Boo Boo Ya Ya!
Working toward a lot of victories . . . .

Offline wastepanel

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #178 on: February 08, 2012, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: iuchewie
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #177 on: February 08, 2012, 09:39:00 AM »
So in other news... we're creeping up on 11,000 members... boo ya!
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Offline redyota

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #176 on: February 08, 2012, 08:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Anyone know how to get to the wildcard section... cant seem to find it anywhere

Cost of admission is quit...

Good to see you sir.
How do I get there without using the link? Good to see you too buddy
Go to the main page, scroll down to where it says "NON DIPPING DISCUSSIONS" and you should see it in there.
You're member #31 and can't find the wildcard thread?

No wonder you posted a smooth day 1 in may 12.
Oh, he's posted "smooth" day 1's in many quit groups.

I bet he still wonders why success is elusive.
Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people wonder what happened.

When it comes to quitting, I know which category I'm in. It sounds like Highway is a wondering spectator.
Well this was a good start fellas... nice to meet you too
Ive met you damn every time you came crawling back to this site after caving.

In fact, I'm sick of meeting you.

Plan on doing any quitting, or following any advice this time, or do you plan to just come in here and talk some shit for a while and then being on your way with a fat lip once again?
Forgive me for not rolling out the red carpet for a retread caver. May 12 is a strong group. You need them a helluva lot more than they need you.

PS - If you're looking to eschew accountability, there's this other site....
I love Jesus
Sorry but if I may...

How many times have we all tried quitting and FAILED? I know I'm just a newbie to this site but away from it I have tried time and time again. This site has helped me shit tons and its great but I am probably on attempt 20 something right now.

You don't know this guy's story. I had different reasons for caving each time and it sucked ass. I don't thing the guy needs more people telling him how much he blows because he can't beat it.

He keeps coming back here for help. Some people never try to quit, at least he's making an attempt even if it has been weak in the past.

Let's face it, we have all been there. For fuck sake just ignore him if you can't get past the fact that he's failed. We have all fucking failed at a lot in our lives, no one is perfect, stop acting like you all are.
You're in the wrong place, RKO. We don't try or attempt here, we quit.

You know how I know his excuses weren't good enough? No excuse is good enough. I will not dip no matter what. There is no reason to dip, it doesnt solve anything. It just causes slavery and cancer.

If we all had your (shitty) attitude, this site would be full of cavers, not quitters. As a matter fact, there is another site just like that. You may find it more to your liking. It does seem like your goal is to try, whereas ours is to succeed.

As far as 48, dude is a troll. He stops by here every so often, floods the site with nonsense, and then disappears. Wait a bit, then he'll come back and do it all over. He won't succeed until his attitude changes, which by the smartassedness I've seen so far, it hasn't. That tells me he isn here to quit, just stir up more shit, in which case we don't need him.

You, sir, need an attitude change yourself (if success is your goal). Continue taking up for failure if you like, but I'd suggest following success instead.
My attitude is SHITTY? SERIOUSLY? I'm on day #38 and I'm saying no to the nic bitch. I'm saying everyone including yourself has TRIED to quit before and FAILED. If you deny that you're a fucking liar.

I have stayed out of most shit but attacking people for trying to a do something good for their life is wrong in my book. Maybe it was the way I was raised. People fail a shit ton in everything before they succeed. Bill Gates didn't become a billionaire after his first idea.

My attitude is far from shitty, sir. If anyone needs a change of attitude it is you. Maybe I'm just the more supportive type and received more love as a child therefore you have to be such a fuckin asshole to everyone.

My mom and dad taught me better.

As for 48 being a troll, that's fine. Let him troll around. Ignore the guy. He wants to quit he will but far from me to say he's not welcome here or any of you for that matter.
Well said... Im ok with them giving me attitude, they dont know me so would expect nothing less. The people who do know me have all sent me messages showing thier support and thats all i need for now.

probably the farthest thing from a troll so thats why im trying to laugh all this off
Why don't you put the same kinda effort into keeping the rat shit outta your face?

...again with the word 'try'...

How about a 'DO'?
sorry... im not trying to laugh this all off, i am laughing all this off
That's the spirit. You're SURE to have success this time!

Cuz after all, this is one big fuckin' joke around here.

maybe to you, but definitely not to me
Says the serial caver.

We'll just have to see...
serial caver???
I give it a week with this big talk, then you'll fade as usual, setting up yet another failure. How long until you learn to shut up and listen? Maybe learn a few things along the way? When you start takin this seriously, showing quitting is more important to you than running that damn mouth, then you will have a chance at success. I see no change in you attitude from all your previuos failures. Why do you expect success this time? Why should we?
66 posts in one day! You think he might have said at least one thing substantial!?
if talking shit on these boards helps keep me away from the can then why stop... You keep saying do whatever it takes to keep the shit out of my mouth...
How did all that shit talking work for you the last time you were a visitor here?
Dont know what ur talking about
Convienent amnesia
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline Highway48

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #175 on: February 08, 2012, 08:49:00 AM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Anyone know how to get to the wildcard section... cant seem to find it anywhere

Cost of admission is quit...

Good to see you sir.
How do I get there without using the link? Good to see you too buddy
Go to the main page, scroll down to where it says "NON DIPPING DISCUSSIONS" and you should see it in there.
You're member #31 and can't find the wildcard thread?

No wonder you posted a smooth day 1 in may 12.
Oh, he's posted "smooth" day 1's in many quit groups.

I bet he still wonders why success is elusive.
Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people wonder what happened.

When it comes to quitting, I know which category I'm in. It sounds like Highway is a wondering spectator.
Well this was a good start fellas... nice to meet you too
Ive met you damn every time you came crawling back to this site after caving.

In fact, I'm sick of meeting you.

Plan on doing any quitting, or following any advice this time, or do you plan to just come in here and talk some shit for a while and then being on your way with a fat lip once again?
Forgive me for not rolling out the red carpet for a retread caver. May 12 is a strong group. You need them a helluva lot more than they need you.

PS - If you're looking to eschew accountability, there's this other site....
I love Jesus
Sorry but if I may...

How many times have we all tried quitting and FAILED? I know I'm just a newbie to this site but away from it I have tried time and time again. This site has helped me shit tons and its great but I am probably on attempt 20 something right now.

You don't know this guy's story. I had different reasons for caving each time and it sucked ass. I don't thing the guy needs more people telling him how much he blows because he can't beat it.

He keeps coming back here for help. Some people never try to quit, at least he's making an attempt even if it has been weak in the past.

Let's face it, we have all been there. For fuck sake just ignore him if you can't get past the fact that he's failed. We have all fucking failed at a lot in our lives, no one is perfect, stop acting like you all are.
You're in the wrong place, RKO. We don't try or attempt here, we quit.

You know how I know his excuses weren't good enough? No excuse is good enough. I will not dip no matter what. There is no reason to dip, it doesnt solve anything. It just causes slavery and cancer.

If we all had your (shitty) attitude, this site would be full of cavers, not quitters. As a matter fact, there is another site just like that. You may find it more to your liking. It does seem like your goal is to try, whereas ours is to succeed.

As far as 48, dude is a troll. He stops by here every so often, floods the site with nonsense, and then disappears. Wait a bit, then he'll come back and do it all over. He won't succeed until his attitude changes, which by the smartassedness I've seen so far, it hasn't. That tells me he isn here to quit, just stir up more shit, in which case we don't need him.

You, sir, need an attitude change yourself (if success is your goal). Continue taking up for failure if you like, but I'd suggest following success instead.
My attitude is SHITTY? SERIOUSLY? I'm on day #38 and I'm saying no to the nic bitch. I'm saying everyone including yourself has TRIED to quit before and FAILED. If you deny that you're a fucking liar.

I have stayed out of most shit but attacking people for trying to a do something good for their life is wrong in my book. Maybe it was the way I was raised. People fail a shit ton in everything before they succeed. Bill Gates didn't become a billionaire after his first idea.

My attitude is far from shitty, sir. If anyone needs a change of attitude it is you. Maybe I'm just the more supportive type and received more love as a child therefore you have to be such a fuckin asshole to everyone.

My mom and dad taught me better.

As for 48 being a troll, that's fine. Let him troll around. Ignore the guy. He wants to quit he will but far from me to say he's not welcome here or any of you for that matter.
Well said... Im ok with them giving me attitude, they dont know me so would expect nothing less. The people who do know me have all sent me messages showing thier support and thats all i need for now.

probably the farthest thing from a troll so thats why im trying to laugh all this off
Why don't you put the same kinda effort into keeping the rat shit outta your face?

...again with the word 'try'...

How about a 'DO'?
sorry... im not trying to laugh this all off, i am laughing all this off
That's the spirit. You're SURE to have success this time!

Cuz after all, this is one big fuckin' joke around here.

maybe to you, but definitely not to me
Says the serial caver.

We'll just have to see...
serial caver???
I give it a week with this big talk, then you'll fade as usual, setting up yet another failure. How long until you learn to shut up and listen? Maybe learn a few things along the way? When you start takin this seriously, showing quitting is more important to you than running that damn mouth, then you will have a chance at success. I see no change in you attitude from all your previuos failures. Why do you expect success this time? Why should we?
66 posts in one day! You think he might have said at least one thing substantial!?
if talking shit on these boards helps keep me away from the can then why stop... You keep saying do whatever it takes to keep the shit out of my mouth...
How did all that shit talking work for you the last time you were a visitor here?
Dont know what ur talking about
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Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #174 on: February 08, 2012, 08:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Anyone know how to get to the wildcard section... cant seem to find it anywhere

Cost of admission is quit...

Good to see you sir.
How do I get there without using the link? Good to see you too buddy
Go to the main page, scroll down to where it says "NON DIPPING DISCUSSIONS" and you should see it in there.
You're member #31 and can't find the wildcard thread?

No wonder you posted a smooth day 1 in may 12.
Oh, he's posted "smooth" day 1's in many quit groups.

I bet he still wonders why success is elusive.
Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people wonder what happened.

When it comes to quitting, I know which category I'm in. It sounds like Highway is a wondering spectator.
Well this was a good start fellas... nice to meet you too
Ive met you damn every time you came crawling back to this site after caving.

In fact, I'm sick of meeting you.

Plan on doing any quitting, or following any advice this time, or do you plan to just come in here and talk some shit for a while and then being on your way with a fat lip once again?
Forgive me for not rolling out the red carpet for a retread caver. May 12 is a strong group. You need them a helluva lot more than they need you.

PS - If you're looking to eschew accountability, there's this other site....
I love Jesus
Sorry but if I may...

How many times have we all tried quitting and FAILED? I know I'm just a newbie to this site but away from it I have tried time and time again. This site has helped me shit tons and its great but I am probably on attempt 20 something right now.

You don't know this guy's story. I had different reasons for caving each time and it sucked ass. I don't thing the guy needs more people telling him how much he blows because he can't beat it.

He keeps coming back here for help. Some people never try to quit, at least he's making an attempt even if it has been weak in the past.

Let's face it, we have all been there. For fuck sake just ignore him if you can't get past the fact that he's failed. We have all fucking failed at a lot in our lives, no one is perfect, stop acting like you all are.
You're in the wrong place, RKO. We don't try or attempt here, we quit.

You know how I know his excuses weren't good enough? No excuse is good enough. I will not dip no matter what. There is no reason to dip, it doesnt solve anything. It just causes slavery and cancer.

If we all had your (shitty) attitude, this site would be full of cavers, not quitters. As a matter fact, there is another site just like that. You may find it more to your liking. It does seem like your goal is to try, whereas ours is to succeed.

As far as 48, dude is a troll. He stops by here every so often, floods the site with nonsense, and then disappears. Wait a bit, then he'll come back and do it all over. He won't succeed until his attitude changes, which by the smartassedness I've seen so far, it hasn't. That tells me he isn here to quit, just stir up more shit, in which case we don't need him.

You, sir, need an attitude change yourself (if success is your goal). Continue taking up for failure if you like, but I'd suggest following success instead.
My attitude is SHITTY? SERIOUSLY? I'm on day #38 and I'm saying no to the nic bitch. I'm saying everyone including yourself has TRIED to quit before and FAILED. If you deny that you're a fucking liar.

I have stayed out of most shit but attacking people for trying to a do something good for their life is wrong in my book. Maybe it was the way I was raised. People fail a shit ton in everything before they succeed. Bill Gates didn't become a billionaire after his first idea.

My attitude is far from shitty, sir. If anyone needs a change of attitude it is you. Maybe I'm just the more supportive type and received more love as a child therefore you have to be such a fuckin asshole to everyone.

My mom and dad taught me better.

As for 48 being a troll, that's fine. Let him troll around. Ignore the guy. He wants to quit he will but far from me to say he's not welcome here or any of you for that matter.
Well said... Im ok with them giving me attitude, they dont know me so would expect nothing less. The people who do know me have all sent me messages showing thier support and thats all i need for now.

probably the farthest thing from a troll so thats why im trying to laugh all this off
Why don't you put the same kinda effort into keeping the rat shit outta your face?

...again with the word 'try'...

How about a 'DO'?
sorry... im not trying to laugh this all off, i am laughing all this off
That's the spirit. You're SURE to have success this time!

Cuz after all, this is one big fuckin' joke around here.

maybe to you, but definitely not to me
Says the serial caver.

We'll just have to see...
serial caver???
I give it a week with this big talk, then you'll fade as usual, setting up yet another failure. How long until you learn to shut up and listen? Maybe learn a few things along the way? When you start takin this seriously, showing quitting is more important to you than running that damn mouth, then you will have a chance at success. I see no change in you attitude from all your previuos failures. Why do you expect success this time? Why should we?
66 posts in one day! You think he might have said at least one thing substantial!?
if talking shit on these boards helps keep me away from the can then why stop... You keep saying do whatever it takes to keep the shit out of my mouth...
How did all that shit talking work for you the last time you were a visitor here?
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Highway48

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #173 on: February 07, 2012, 08:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Anyone know how to get to the wildcard section... cant seem to find it anywhere

Cost of admission is quit...

Good to see you sir.
How do I get there without using the link? Good to see you too buddy
Go to the main page, scroll down to where it says "NON DIPPING DISCUSSIONS" and you should see it in there.
You're member #31 and can't find the wildcard thread?

No wonder you posted a smooth day 1 in may 12.
Oh, he's posted "smooth" day 1's in many quit groups.

I bet he still wonders why success is elusive.
Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people wonder what happened.

When it comes to quitting, I know which category I'm in. It sounds like Highway is a wondering spectator.
Well this was a good start fellas... nice to meet you too
Ive met you damn every time you came crawling back to this site after caving.

In fact, I'm sick of meeting you.

Plan on doing any quitting, or following any advice this time, or do you plan to just come in here and talk some shit for a while and then being on your way with a fat lip once again?
Forgive me for not rolling out the red carpet for a retread caver. May 12 is a strong group. You need them a helluva lot more than they need you.

PS - If you're looking to eschew accountability, there's this other site....
I love Jesus
Sorry but if I may...

How many times have we all tried quitting and FAILED? I know I'm just a newbie to this site but away from it I have tried time and time again. This site has helped me shit tons and its great but I am probably on attempt 20 something right now.

You don't know this guy's story. I had different reasons for caving each time and it sucked ass. I don't thing the guy needs more people telling him how much he blows because he can't beat it.

He keeps coming back here for help. Some people never try to quit, at least he's making an attempt even if it has been weak in the past.

Let's face it, we have all been there. For fuck sake just ignore him if you can't get past the fact that he's failed. We have all fucking failed at a lot in our lives, no one is perfect, stop acting like you all are.
You're in the wrong place, RKO. We don't try or attempt here, we quit.

You know how I know his excuses weren't good enough? No excuse is good enough. I will not dip no matter what. There is no reason to dip, it doesnt solve anything. It just causes slavery and cancer.

If we all had your (shitty) attitude, this site would be full of cavers, not quitters. As a matter fact, there is another site just like that. You may find it more to your liking. It does seem like your goal is to try, whereas ours is to succeed.

As far as 48, dude is a troll. He stops by here every so often, floods the site with nonsense, and then disappears. Wait a bit, then he'll come back and do it all over. He won't succeed until his attitude changes, which by the smartassedness I've seen so far, it hasn't. That tells me he isn here to quit, just stir up more shit, in which case we don't need him.

You, sir, need an attitude change yourself (if success is your goal). Continue taking up for failure if you like, but I'd suggest following success instead.
My attitude is SHITTY? SERIOUSLY? I'm on day #38 and I'm saying no to the nic bitch. I'm saying everyone including yourself has TRIED to quit before and FAILED. If you deny that you're a fucking liar.

I have stayed out of most shit but attacking people for trying to a do something good for their life is wrong in my book. Maybe it was the way I was raised. People fail a shit ton in everything before they succeed. Bill Gates didn't become a billionaire after his first idea.

My attitude is far from shitty, sir. If anyone needs a change of attitude it is you. Maybe I'm just the more supportive type and received more love as a child therefore you have to be such a fuckin asshole to everyone.

My mom and dad taught me better.

As for 48 being a troll, that's fine. Let him troll around. Ignore the guy. He wants to quit he will but far from me to say he's not welcome here or any of you for that matter.
Well said... Im ok with them giving me attitude, they dont know me so would expect nothing less. The people who do know me have all sent me messages showing thier support and thats all i need for now.

probably the farthest thing from a troll so thats why im trying to laugh all this off
Why don't you put the same kinda effort into keeping the rat shit outta your face?

...again with the word 'try'...

How about a 'DO'?
sorry... im not trying to laugh this all off, i am laughing all this off
That's the spirit. You're SURE to have success this time!

Cuz after all, this is one big fuckin' joke around here.

maybe to you, but definitely not to me
Says the serial caver.

We'll just have to see...
serial caver???
I give it a week with this big talk, then you'll fade as usual, setting up yet another failure. How long until you learn to shut up and listen? Maybe learn a few things along the way? When you start takin this seriously, showing quitting is more important to you than running that damn mouth, then you will have a chance at success. I see no change in you attitude from all your previuos failures. Why do you expect success this time? Why should we?
66 posts in one day! You think he might have said at least one thing substantial!?
if talking shit on these boards helps keep me away from the can then why stop... You keep saying do whatever it takes to keep the shit out of my mouth...
Quit: 02.06.12
HOF: 05.15.12
200: 08.23.12
300: 12.01.12
400: 03.11.13
500: 06.19.13


Offline Keddy

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #172 on: February 07, 2012, 07:42:00 PM »
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: RatedRKO16
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: Highway48
Anyone know how to get to the wildcard section... cant seem to find it anywhere

Cost of admission is quit...

Good to see you sir.
How do I get there without using the link? Good to see you too buddy
Go to the main page, scroll down to where it says "NON DIPPING DISCUSSIONS" and you should see it in there.
You're member #31 and can't find the wildcard thread?

No wonder you posted a smooth day 1 in may 12.
Oh, he's posted "smooth" day 1's in many quit groups.

I bet he still wonders why success is elusive.
Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people wonder what happened.

When it comes to quitting, I know which category I'm in. It sounds like Highway is a wondering spectator.
Well this was a good start fellas... nice to meet you too
Ive met you damn every time you came crawling back to this site after caving.

In fact, I'm sick of meeting you.

Plan on doing any quitting, or following any advice this time, or do you plan to just come in here and talk some shit for a while and then being on your way with a fat lip once again?
Forgive me for not rolling out the red carpet for a retread caver. May 12 is a strong group. You need them a helluva lot more than they need you.

PS - If you're looking to eschew accountability, there's this other site....
I love Jesus
Sorry but if I may...

How many times have we all tried quitting and FAILED? I know I'm just a newbie to this site but away from it I have tried time and time again. This site has helped me shit tons and its great but I am probably on attempt 20 something right now.

You don't know this guy's story. I had different reasons for caving each time and it sucked ass. I don't thing the guy needs more people telling him how much he blows because he can't beat it.

He keeps coming back here for help. Some people never try to quit, at least he's making an attempt even if it has been weak in the past.

Let's face it, we have all been there. For fuck sake just ignore him if you can't get past the fact that he's failed. We have all fucking failed at a lot in our lives, no one is perfect, stop acting like you all are.
You're in the wrong place, RKO. We don't try or attempt here, we quit.

You know how I know his excuses weren't good enough? No excuse is good enough. I will not dip no matter what. There is no reason to dip, it doesnt solve anything. It just causes slavery and cancer.

If we all had your (shitty) attitude, this site would be full of cavers, not quitters. As a matter fact, there is another site just like that. You may find it more to your liking. It does seem like your goal is to try, whereas ours is to succeed.

As far as 48, dude is a troll. He stops by here every so often, floods the site with nonsense, and then disappears. Wait a bit, then he'll come back and do it all over. He won't succeed until his attitude changes, which by the smartassedness I've seen so far, it hasn't. That tells me he isn here to quit, just stir up more shit, in which case we don't need him.

You, sir, need an attitude change yourself (if success is your goal). Continue taking up for failure if you like, but I'd suggest following success instead.
My attitude is SHITTY? SERIOUSLY? I'm on day #38 and I'm saying no to the nic bitch. I'm saying everyone including yourself has TRIED to quit before and FAILED. If you deny that you're a fucking liar.

I have stayed out of most shit but attacking people for trying to a do something good for their life is wrong in my book. Maybe it was the way I was raised. People fail a shit ton in everything before they succeed. Bill Gates didn't become a billionaire after his first idea.

My attitude is far from shitty, sir. If anyone needs a change of attitude it is you. Maybe I'm just the more supportive type and received more love as a child therefore you have to be such a fuckin asshole to everyone.

My mom and dad taught me better.

As for 48 being a troll, that's fine. Let him troll around. Ignore the guy. He wants to quit he will but far from me to say he's not welcome here or any of you for that matter.
Well said... Im ok with them giving me attitude, they dont know me so would expect nothing less. The people who do know me have all sent me messages showing thier support and thats all i need for now.

probably the farthest thing from a troll so thats why im trying to laugh all this off
Why don't you put the same kinda effort into keeping the rat shit outta your face?

...again with the word 'try'...

How about a 'DO'?
sorry... im not trying to laugh this all off, i am laughing all this off
That's the spirit. You're SURE to have success this time!

Cuz after all, this is one big fuckin' joke around here.

maybe to you, but definitely not to me
Says the serial caver.

We'll just have to see...
serial caver???
I give it a week with this big talk, then you'll fade as usual, setting up yet another failure. How long until you learn to shut up and listen? Maybe learn a few things along the way? When you start takin this seriously, showing quitting is more important to you than running that damn mouth, then you will have a chance at success. I see no change in you attitude from all your previuos failures. Why do you expect success this time? Why should we?
66 posts in one day! You think he might have said at least one thing substantial!?