I was thinking summer when I don't gave as much responsibility...I mean the majority of you people are grown ass men whose only responsibility is working 9-5. Not to disrespect or anything but instead of bashing me for "not really wanting to quit", is there anyone on here without their head shoved up their asshole that can actually tell me what I can expect during a quit process? Cause that's what I was asking for in the first place and I know damn well it sucks serious dick before it gets better.
Oh, p.s. If you ever do quit, you'll look back and think the addict you calling us quitters "people with their heads shoved up their assholes" is wonderfully ironic. I know I do.
Responsibilities huh?
I am 26, going full time to college, full time job, two young kids (4 years and 18 months), extra job during the summer...
You want to talk with me about responsibilities. And when I quit my daughter was only 6 months old. So along with having to stay up late getting school papers done I was having to wake up half way through the night to care for the her.
If you want to talk about responsibilities yours likely pale in comparison to mine and a lot of others on here.
But guess what I did? Got my head out of my ass and QUIT. This is the irony Dchogs is talking about, its not us with our heads in our asses, but it use to be when all of us where making bullshit excuses to not man up. Might want to start thinking about doing the same for yourself.