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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2353 on: December 11, 2007, 10:46:00 AM »
Quote from: BAT

morning bat -- how goes it this AM!?! great to be quit isn't it!?!?!?
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Offline BAT

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2352 on: December 11, 2007, 09:39:00 AM »

QD - 8/10/07, HOF - 11/17/07, 2nd Floor - 2/25/08, 3rd Floor - 6/4/08, ONE YEAR - 08/08/08, 4th Floor - 9/12/08, 5th Floor - 12/21/08, 6th Floor - 3/31/09, 7th Floor - 7/9/09

Offline chewie

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2351 on: December 10, 2007, 08:54:00 AM »
good monday morning quitters!!! it's the beginning of another dip free week!
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

Offline QuittinTime

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2350 on: December 10, 2007, 08:26:00 AM »
Good Morning Quitters. B)
“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”

Offline 7iron

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2349 on: December 09, 2007, 02:02:00 AM »
Quote from: mylilsecret
Quote from: CoachDip
Quote from: QuittinTime
Quote from: CoachDip

When will my mouth stop screwing with me?  I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week.  There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times.  Water wouldn't even help it.  It was like having an allergic reaction.  My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white.  Then boom, it was gone.  Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth.  Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating.  I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time.  I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day.  I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life.  Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex.  My lips feel like they have cellophane on them.  The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes.  WTF?  Has anyone had this?  Does it ever get better?


I had similar symtoms for about the first 2 months......not the chapped lip part, but I kept biting the shit outa the inside of my cheeks and lips for quite a while. I couldn't tell what was self inflicted and what was a result of quitting. I'm sure part of it was the fact that my "dip pocket" was emty and my cheeks were loose as a result. Therefore, I would chomp down on them all the time. Seems like I remember all the taste-buds on my tounge flaring up and stinging like hell for the first couple of weeks. But at a year, I can't see why you'd have these problems, unless you're still eating sunflower seeds by the bag. If it persists I would have it checked out. That's all I've got. Hope it gets better.

Thanks QT and loot

Was trying to avoid the doc but I guess I won't be able to. It is just annoying and seems to change about every two weeks or so.  Hi ho - off to doc I go.

Thanks again
You are not alone on this issue. I'm actually glad someone else is experiencing what I am. I am constantly biting at my lip or cheek 'til it's raw and I go through cotton mouth issues all the time. Water seems never to quench my thirst. I haven't really experienced any sores in my mouth unless you are talking about cold sores on your lip.. ?? If so, then yes .. one of 'em lasted for almost two weeks. I can totally relate to what you're going through.
I had problems with biting my lips and cheeks the first few months.

The problem with cracking in the corners of your lips is something I have experienced too ... in my case, it was due to a vitamin deficiency (vitamin K I think) and drooling while I slept.

And yes, I realize this opens me up to all kinds of comments ... go ahead ... just trying to help out a brother. ;)

If you are not taking a multi-vitamin, start doing so. As for the drooling, well, I have no helpful advice :blink:
Quit Date: April 1st, 2006

The anticipation of the guilt that would result from giving myself cancer hit me square in the face. And so I quit. I no longer use chewing tobacco.

Do not ask what quitting will cost you. Rather, determine in your mind that you are willing to pay the price, whatever it is, to be free.

7iron's HOF speech: No Tobacco Today

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2348 on: December 07, 2007, 09:23:00 PM »
Quote from: CoachDip

When will my mouth stop screwing with me? I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week. There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times. Water wouldn't even help it. It was like having an allergic reaction. My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white. Then boom, it was gone. Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth. Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating. I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time. I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day. I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life. Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex. My lips feel like they have cellophane on them. The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes. WTF? Has anyone had this? Does it ever get better?

So Coach...Are you a snaggled tooth mouth breather?
That might explain it.....
:P :P

Just kidding..Like looT and QT said, go see the doc. Good health

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2347 on: December 07, 2007, 05:53:00 PM »
Quote from: CoachDip
Quote from: QuittinTime
Quote from: CoachDip

When will my mouth stop screwing with me?  I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week.  There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times.  Water wouldn't even help it.  It was like having an allergic reaction.  My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white.  Then boom, it was gone.  Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth.  Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating.  I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time.  I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day.  I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life.  Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex.  My lips feel like they have cellophane on them.  The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes.  WTF?  Has anyone had this?  Does it ever get better?


I had similar symtoms for about the first 2 months......not the chapped lip part, but I kept biting the shit outa the inside of my cheeks and lips for quite a while. I couldn't tell what was self inflicted and what was a result of quitting. I'm sure part of it was the fact that my "dip pocket" was emty and my cheeks were loose as a result. Therefore, I would chomp down on them all the time. Seems like I remember all the taste-buds on my tounge flaring up and stinging like hell for the first couple of weeks. But at a year, I can't see why you'd have these problems, unless you're still eating sunflower seeds by the bag. If it persists I would have it checked out. That's all I've got. Hope it gets better.

Thanks QT and loot

Was trying to avoid the doc but I guess I won't be able to. It is just annoying and seems to change about every two weeks or so. Hi ho - off to doc I go.

Thanks again
You are not alone on this issue. I'm actually glad someone else is experiencing what I am. I am constantly biting at my lip or cheek 'til it's raw and I go through cotton mouth issues all the time. Water seems never to quench my thirst. I haven't really experienced any sores in my mouth unless you are talking about cold sores on your lip.. ?? If so, then yes .. one of 'em lasted for almost two weeks. I can totally relate to what you're going through.
Quit Date: 01/04/07

I Want To Inspire People!
I Want Someone To Look At Me  Say -
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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2346 on: December 07, 2007, 04:02:00 PM »
Keep Your Guard Up, don't Believe the BIG LIE, Take it a day at a time and drink plenty of water. You'll be amazed how far you can go. It's worked for 1132 days for me so far.

Offline CoachDip

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2345 on: December 07, 2007, 01:07:00 PM »
Quote from: QuittinTime
Quote from: CoachDip

When will my mouth stop screwing with me?  I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week.  There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times.  Water wouldn't even help it.  It was like having an allergic reaction.  My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white.  Then boom, it was gone.  Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth.  Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating.  I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time.  I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day.  I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life.  Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex.  My lips feel like they have cellophane on them.  The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes.  WTF?  Has anyone had this?  Does it ever get better?


I had similar symtoms for about the first 2 months......not the chapped lip part, but I kept biting the shit outa the inside of my cheeks and lips for quite a while. I couldn't tell what was self inflicted and what was a result of quitting. I'm sure part of it was the fact that my "dip pocket" was emty and my cheeks were loose as a result. Therefore, I would chomp down on them all the time. Seems like I remember all the taste-buds on my tounge flaring up and stinging like hell for the first couple of weeks. But at a year, I can't see why you'd have these problems, unless you're still eating sunflower seeds by the bag. If it persists I would have it checked out. That's all I've got. Hope it gets better.

Thanks QT and loot

Was trying to avoid the doc but I guess I won't be able to. It is just annoying and seems to change about every two weeks or so. Hi ho - off to doc I go.

Thanks again

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2344 on: December 07, 2007, 12:47:00 PM »
Quote from: CoachDip

When will my mouth stop screwing with me? I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week. There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times. Water wouldn't even help it. It was like having an allergic reaction. My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white. Then boom, it was gone. Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth. Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating. I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time. I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day. I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life. Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex. My lips feel like they have cellophane on them. The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes. WTF? Has anyone had this? Does it ever get better?

damn dude...

loot been around a looong time and never heard of such a thing

make an appt with the doc doc

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2343 on: December 07, 2007, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: CoachDip

When will my mouth stop screwing with me? I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week. There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times. Water wouldn't even help it. It was like having an allergic reaction. My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white. Then boom, it was gone. Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth. Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating. I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time. I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day. I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life. Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex. My lips feel like they have cellophane on them. The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes. WTF? Has anyone had this? Does it ever get better?


I had similar symtoms for about the first 2 months......not the chapped lip part, but I kept biting the shit outa the inside of my cheeks and lips for quite a while. I couldn't tell what was self inflicted and what was a result of quitting. I'm sure part of it was the fact that my "dip pocket" was emty and my cheeks were loose as a result. Therefore, I would chomp down on them all the time. Seems like I remember all the taste-buds on my tounge flaring up and stinging like hell for the first couple of weeks. But at a year, I can't see why you'd have these problems, unless you're still eating sunflower seeds by the bag. If it persists I would have it checked out. That's all I've got. Hope it gets better.

“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2342 on: December 07, 2007, 09:41:00 AM »

When will my mouth stop screwing with me? I have been quit nearly a year and my mouth changes every other week. There was a stint were my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow at times. Water wouldn't even help it. It was like having an allergic reaction. My tongue was so dry, swollen and nearly white. Then boom, it was gone. Tongue is red again and no issue with the cotton mouth. Then I go on this stint where I have about 5 or so sores in my mouth because I kept biting my cheek or lip when eating. I was walking around with a mouth full of blood most of the time. I would bite a portion of my mouth at least once a day. I seem to have finally gotten past that and no am on to the worst case of chapped lips I have ever had in my life. Nothing seems to help, Blistex-Chapstick-Carmex. My lips feel like they have cellophane on them. The corners crack and bleed and I look like I have herpes. WTF? Has anyone had this? Does it ever get better?


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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2341 on: December 07, 2007, 08:44:00 AM »
FAL- your always dropping me !!!! but thats ok , I guess

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2340 on: December 07, 2007, 08:42:00 AM »
Quote from: free-at-last!
Quote from: QuittinTime
Good Morning Again........Happy Friday!!!
Good Morning Quitters! It is QuittinTime!!! :rolleyes:
GooD Morning... Hope everyne has a great weekend!!!

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #2339 on: December 07, 2007, 08:29:00 AM »
Quote from: QuittinTime
Good Morning Again........Happy Friday!!!
Good Morning Quitters! It is QuittinTime!!! :rolleyes:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.