Smokey Mtn Herbal Snuff = AWESOME.
Today is day 4. Ive worn out my mouth with sunflower seeds over the past 3 days and I was literally about to go crazy. Ive got a can of hooch snuff ordered that will probably take a few more days to get here. So I took chewies advice and ventured out to my local walmart, where sure enough, right there next to the dreaded real stuff, there was smokey mtn tobacco free snuff. Being that i was a Grizzly man, I got the wintergreen. When I got back out to my truck, I used my all too familar thumb nail technique to slice around the paper labeling around the can. It looked kinda weird at first, but then I went for a pinch, and it was surprisingly soft, not at all like the mint snuff which is hard and sticky. I put some in, and Ill be damned if it didnt just feel like I had popped in a wedge of grizzly. It even had the "burn" from the pepper they put in it. I was very much pleased and relieved at the same time. Relieved that I now have something besides sunflower seeds to fight the physical cravings. I recommend it for all former skoal, grizzly or kodiac dippers.