I woke up one morning probably 2 months ago and my breath smelled like something had died in my mouth. I knew it was the dip. I looked at my teeth in the mirror. Yellow and gums receding kinda. Decided on the spot to quit. Unlike
Most I didn't want to have a quit date or even think about tobacco at all. I just wanted to he away from it so I didn't tell anyone and just stopped. I'm 22. Started when I was 19 in the Marine Corps and dipped religiously throughout my period of service due to constantly being stressed out on a day to day basis and everyone in my platoon did it so it was a bonding method almost. Idk why I'm here but it helps telling people my story so I will stay off the death dirt for good. Thank you, have a good day and Semper Fi Marines.
Welcome on the greatest decision ever, quitting. You arenÂ’t here by accident so stay for a while and see what we do here at KTC. Simply, we Quit. One day at a time. I make a promise to these people each day to remain quit and not to use nicotine in any way, shape, or form today. Only today. If I am fortunate enough to wake up tomorrow I will make that same promise again. I donÂ’t need to think about quitting forever, just today. If I make and honor that promise today and repeat it every tomorrow, the forever will work itself out I guess.
I was a ninja dipper (hid it from everyone and never got caught in 16 years) and I tried quitting as a ninja. But, quitting isnÂ’t easy and my home life took a nose dive quickly. Quitters here suggested I come clean to the wife. I did. She was pissed. She got over it and now knows that KTC is a part of me and these fine people, the ones that help to save my life every day, and also a part of me.
You also mentioned that you don’t want to think about tobacco. I am the opposite and think most of these people on KTC are the same. We recognize that we are addicts, addicted to nicotine, the most addictive substance on the planet. Being quit is “active”. It takes effort 24/7, and part of the effort is remembering that I was a slave to nicotine for 16 years. I chose it over family, friends, savings, love, time, and even life. I don’t want to forget those years because if I start to be inactive, or complacent, in my Quit, then I will start to have bad thoughts like “I can have one. I deserve it. One won’t hurt”. I bet that you have tried quitting before, but ended up only stopping for a short time. If I am correct, why? Did you think, “I can have one. I deserve it. One won’t hurt”?
So, how do we remain “active”? We post roll. We add our name to a list each day. That small effort is a huge promise to me, my group, and everyone here on KTC that I will remain clean today. I have kept my word, that promise, for 330 straight days. I have every intention of making it 331 tomorrow should I wake. Why is that promise, Posting Roll, a really small task, so important? Because I got involved here and I know a lot of these people on a very personal level. They know things about me that my wife doesn’t know. It is a bond, a brotherhood, and a level of accountability like I have never experienced. If my name is on Roll they know (have learned over time that my word is gold) that I will remain quit. They know that if my name isn’t on Roll that they better start calling or texting because something is wrong (hopefully just running late or something like that). Accountability goes both ways. I look out for guys that are closest to me and expect to see their promise each day. If their name isn’t on Roll I’ll start texting or calling.
Sorry about the diarrhea of the keyboard. I didnÂ’t mean to ramble. In closing I ask you to click on the salmon colored Welcome Center link on the top left. Read it all, itÂ’s not much. Pay close attention to my favorite parts:
Post Roll:
Then I expect to see your name on the Pre HOF-December 2013 Roll.
Welcome aboard.