Quick question, is using nicotine gum a good idea? I don't want to get hooked on it
On a phone so I'll be brief.
No, it's a terrible idea. Would you use Jim Beam to solve your Jack Daniels addiction?
Its kinda like playing russian roulette with all the bullets
Alright. Any suggestions with aids? Or should I just man up and deal with it?
Just quit...seriously you have to make the decision for YOU. I dipped for nearly 15 years and "tried to quit" several times - including using patches, gum, etc. Guess what, it never worked.
Finally, I got on this website to "plan" my quit (I didn't have any intentions of quitting that day). After reading some a few posts it finally just clicked with me - that I was a complete slave to nicotine...that I was an addict and it was completely running (and ruining) my life. The stories I read helped me realize that I was a slave BUT that I had the power to break free and regain control of my life.
That was 50 days ago (7/14). I won't lie and say it's been a walk in the park but I have used the tools on this website and I make the commitment each and every day to not dip...and I'll do that for the rest of my life. Make the commitment right now to break those chains and start the first day of the rest of your life! If I can do it, anyone can!