Author Topic: General Discussion - 2013  (Read 91804 times)

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Offline randy2134

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1053 on: December 16, 2013, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: randy2134
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: ccauley86
Hey guys, I'm going to ask a question here that is probably a new twist on an old theme:

I get one cigarette/cigar is NOT ok with a nicotine addict. That logically makes sense. How about Marijuana? This is not nicotine, this is not dipping, so.... thoughts?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to discuss your illicit drug use in public.

Chris I am not a user of the cannibus, however I will tell, be careful. Be ver carefel. At a time when you are breaking free from a fierce addiction, it is easy, and very common for other addictions and substance abuse issues to escalate.
Not to mention smoking anything is a damn slippery slope and aligns WAY too closely with tobacco. I wouldnt risk my quit on it for nothing. Now is your baking some laced brownies or something with the goods. Pass me a couple.
IMO using any type of mind altering substance such as smoking dope or drinking heavily, can easily lessen your resolve and make you want to cave. I can remember more recent experiences with alcohol and distant past experiences with weed where I get strong cravings for nic. If someone around me was drinking or smoking, that's all it would take for me to cave BF I joined KTC.
I wouldnt be able to do it. I had to pretty much quit drinking beer "by default", to ensure I don't have 1 too many and endanger my quit. A few too many beers at the beginning of my quit, and friends who smoke, almost killed me early. I held out and learned my lesson. My buddy and I are doing a 90 day sabbatical from beer, starting new years day. (although I've pretty much dropped it already)

What do people who dont drink have at social occasions? Tonic Water? Diet Coke? Anyone have any good ideas?
You might try non-alcohol beer
I never found one N/A beer that I liked. besides, no point in not drinking alcohol for 3 months if i cant reap the health bennies too.. Might as well stay away from beer and the empty carbs all together.
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Offline Kdip

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1052 on: December 16, 2013, 11:13:00 AM »
Quote from: randy2134
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: ccauley86
Hey guys, I'm going to ask a question here that is probably a new twist on an old theme:

I get one cigarette/cigar is NOT ok with a nicotine addict. That logically makes sense. How about Marijuana? This is not nicotine, this is not dipping, so.... thoughts?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to discuss your illicit drug use in public.

Chris I am not a user of the cannibus, however I will tell, be careful. Be ver carefel. At a time when you are breaking free from a fierce addiction, it is easy, and very common for other addictions and substance abuse issues to escalate.
Not to mention smoking anything is a damn slippery slope and aligns WAY too closely with tobacco. I wouldnt risk my quit on it for nothing. Now is your baking some laced brownies or something with the goods. Pass me a couple.
IMO using any type of mind altering substance such as smoking dope or drinking heavily, can easily lessen your resolve and make you want to cave. I can remember more recent experiences with alcohol and distant past experiences with weed where I get strong cravings for nic. If someone around me was drinking or smoking, that's all it would take for me to cave BF I joined KTC.
I wouldnt be able to do it. I had to pretty much quit drinking beer "by default", to ensure I don't have 1 too many and endanger my quit. A few too many beers at the beginning of my quit, and friends who smoke, almost killed me early. I held out and learned my lesson. My buddy and I are doing a 90 day sabbatical from beer, starting new years day. (although I've pretty much dropped it already)

What do people who dont drink have at social occasions? Tonic Water? Diet Coke? Anyone have any good ideas?
You might try non-alcohol beer

Offline randy2134

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1051 on: December 16, 2013, 10:58:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: ccauley86
Hey guys, I'm going to ask a question here that is probably a new twist on an old theme:

I get one cigarette/cigar is NOT ok with a nicotine addict. That logically makes sense. How about Marijuana? This is not nicotine, this is not dipping, so.... thoughts?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to discuss your illicit drug use in public.

Chris I am not a user of the cannibus, however I will tell, be careful. Be ver carefel. At a time when you are breaking free from a fierce addiction, it is easy, and very common for other addictions and substance abuse issues to escalate.
Not to mention smoking anything is a damn slippery slope and aligns WAY too closely with tobacco. I wouldnt risk my quit on it for nothing. Now is your baking some laced brownies or something with the goods. Pass me a couple.
IMO using any type of mind altering substance such as smoking dope or drinking heavily, can easily lessen your resolve and make you want to cave. I can remember more recent experiences with alcohol and distant past experiences with weed where I get strong cravings for nic. If someone around me was drinking or smoking, that's all it would take for me to cave BF I joined KTC.
I wouldnt be able to do it. I had to pretty much quit drinking beer "by default", to ensure I don't have 1 too many and endanger my quit. A few too many beers at the beginning of my quit, and friends who smoke, almost killed me early. I held out and learned my lesson. My buddy and I are doing a 90 day sabbatical from beer, starting new years day. (although I've pretty much dropped it already)

What do people who dont drink have at social occasions? Tonic Water? Diet Coke? Anyone have any good ideas?
Quit Date - 11/27/13
HOF Date 3/8/14
HOL Date: 8/23/2016

Offline Kdip

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1050 on: December 16, 2013, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: ccauley86
Hey guys, I'm going to ask a question here that is probably a new twist on an old theme:

I get one cigarette/cigar is NOT ok with a nicotine addict. That logically makes sense. How about Marijuana? This is not nicotine, this is not dipping, so.... thoughts?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to discuss your illicit drug use in public.

Chris I am not a user of the cannibus, however I will tell, be careful. Be ver carefel. At a time when you are breaking free from a fierce addiction, it is easy, and very common for other addictions and substance abuse issues to escalate.
Not to mention smoking anything is a damn slippery slope and aligns WAY too closely with tobacco. I wouldnt risk my quit on it for nothing. Now is your baking some laced brownies or something with the goods. Pass me a couple.
IMO using any type of mind altering substance such as smoking dope or drinking heavily, can easily lessen your resolve and make you want to cave. I can remember more recent experiences with alcohol and distant past experiences with weed where I get strong cravings for nic. If someone around me was drinking or smoking, that's all it would take for me to cave BF I joined KTC.

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1049 on: December 16, 2013, 05:35:00 AM »
Quote from: ccauley86
Hey guys, I'm going to ask a question here that is probably a new twist on an old theme:

I get one cigarette/cigar is NOT ok with a nicotine addict. That logically makes sense. How about Marijuana? This is not nicotine, this is not dipping, so.... thoughts?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to discuss your illicit drug use in public.

Chris I am not a user of the cannibus, however I will tell, be careful. Be ver carefel. At a time when you are breaking free from a fierce addiction, it is easy, and very common for other addictions and substance abuse issues to escalate.
Not to mention smoking anything is a damn slippery slope and aligns WAY too closely with tobacco. I wouldnt risk my quit on it for nothing. Now is your baking some laced brownies or something with the goods. Pass me a couple.

Offline ccauley86

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1048 on: December 16, 2013, 01:27:00 AM »
Hey guys, I'm going to ask a question here that is probably a new twist on an old theme:

I get one cigarette/cigar is NOT ok with a nicotine addict. That logically makes sense. How about Marijuana? This is not nicotine, this is not dipping, so.... thoughts?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to discuss your illicit drug use in public.


Offline Keddy

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1047 on: December 15, 2013, 06:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
Today has been rough, but so far I've been able to be tougher than the addiction. Was offered a can, and turned it down
One of the most inspiration quitters on KTC, Syndrome, gave the info below to a quitter that was offered a can. I think his advice applies to you. Good job keeping your word.
Quote from: Syndrome
man your coworkers are fuckin with your quit? time to teach um the tryed and true ktc way that you and your quit are not to be fucked with. next time one a those fucks offers you a dip heres what you need to do:

1. take can with big smile
2. open can
3. rotate arm at the wrist 180 degrees, there by emptyin contents of can on ground
4. step on pile of worm shit
5. twist at knee and ankel to grind worm shit back in to ground
6. replace lid
7. hand can back to coworker with a smile
8. remind him that you will be willin to help him agin any time
9. repete as nessassary til no buddy will ever offer you a dip agin. evin if you ask for it.

ps if you can piss on the worm shit thats evin better then grindin it in to the ground.
Haha that is just phenomenal! I'll keep that in mind
Sound wisdom!

Offline Bison

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1046 on: December 15, 2013, 01:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
Today has been rough, but so far I've been able to be tougher than the addiction. Was offered a can, and turned it down
One of the most inspiration quitters on KTC, Syndrome, gave the info below to a quitter that was offered a can. I think his advice applies to you. Good job keeping your word.
Quote from: Syndrome
man your coworkers are fuckin with your quit? time to teach um the tryed and true ktc way that you and your quit are not to be fucked with. next time one a those fucks offers you a dip heres what you need to do:

1. take can with big smile
2. open can
3. rotate arm at the wrist 180 degrees, there by emptyin contents of can on ground
4. step on pile of worm shit
5. twist at knee and ankel to grind worm shit back in to ground
6. replace lid
7. hand can back to coworker with a smile
8. remind him that you will be willin to help him agin any time
9. repete as nessassary til no buddy will ever offer you a dip agin. evin if you ask for it.

ps if you can piss on the worm shit thats evin better then grindin it in to the ground.
Haha that is just phenomenal! I'll keep that in mind

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1045 on: December 14, 2013, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Bison
Today has been rough, but so far I've been able to be tougher than the addiction. Was offered a can, and turned it down
One of the most inspiration quitters on KTC, Syndrome, gave the info below to a quitter that was offered a can. I think his advice applies to you. Good job keeping your word.
Quote from: Syndrome
man your coworkers are fuckin with your quit? time to teach um the tryed and true ktc way that you and your quit are not to be fucked with. next time one a those fucks offers you a dip heres what you need to do:

1. take can with big smile
2. open can
3. rotate arm at the wrist 180 degrees, there by emptyin contents of can on ground
4. step on pile of worm shit
5. twist at knee and ankel to grind worm shit back in to ground
6. replace lid
7. hand can back to coworker with a smile
8. remind him that you will be willin to help him agin any time
9. repete as nessassary til no buddy will ever offer you a dip agin. evin if you ask for it.

ps if you can piss on the worm shit thats evin better then grindin it in to the ground.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Bison

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1044 on: December 14, 2013, 10:14:00 PM »
Today has been rough, but so far I've been able to be tougher than the addiction. Was offered a can, and turned it down

Offline Wt57

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1043 on: December 14, 2013, 07:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: medicsteve
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
In my effort to quit, I have cut down from 3 - 4 cans a day to 1. I've been feeling kind of crummy: light headed, nauseas.. pretty much just like if I had the flu. Is this normal or just coincidental?
Your not quit; that's the problem. If you have any desire whatsoever to quit, click on the Welcome Center link near the top left and start reading. This is a no nicotine site. We quit cold turkey.
Fair enough. Did some reading, now my chew us joining the ranks of my digested dinner in my septic tank. I'm on board
Bison, I made the same decision you did one month ago. Best decision I have made in a long, long, time (since deciding to propose to my wife of 22 years). You will feel like shit for several days, then it gets better. Here are the keys for me, and likely for you too:
1. You are an addict. You cannot have one dip, smoke, puff, whatever.
2. You can do today. So do today, then wake up and do today again.

Welcome to your new life. Have you posted roll yet?

I hadnt posted roll yet, but that seems to have been for the best. I slipped today. Tomorrow will start a new attempt
Stop "attempting". Quit if you are serious. You have been given the KTC gospel - listen to it. This is life or death, so read the Welcome Center and then get your name on Roll everyday. Make that pledge to yourself and all of us that you will be nicotine free for one day and then honor your word.

Are you serious about gaineding your freedom one day at a time or are you just kicking the tires? You way sucks and has failed you how many times? I quit once, the KTC way, and I'm at 430 straight days of freedom.

The choice is yours and only you can make it: freedom or slave.
Glad to see you posted Day 1 today. Now the battles begin!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline mjohnston4314

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1042 on: December 14, 2013, 01:13:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: medicsteve
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
In my effort to quit, I have cut down from 3 - 4 cans a day to 1. I've been feeling kind of crummy: light headed, nauseas.. pretty much just like if I had the flu. Is this normal or just coincidental?
Your not quit; that's the problem. If you have any desire whatsoever to quit, click on the Welcome Center link near the top left and start reading. This is a no nicotine site. We quit cold turkey.
Fair enough. Did some reading, now my chew us joining the ranks of my digested dinner in my septic tank. I'm on board
Bison, I made the same decision you did one month ago. Best decision I have made in a long, long, time (since deciding to propose to my wife of 22 years). You will feel like shit for several days, then it gets better. Here are the keys for me, and likely for you too:
1. You are an addict. You cannot have one dip, smoke, puff, whatever.
2. You can do today. So do today, then wake up and do today again.

Welcome to your new life. Have you posted roll yet?

I hadnt posted roll yet, but that seems to have been for the best. I slipped today. Tomorrow will start a new attempt
Stop "attempting". Quit if you are serious. You have been given the KTC gospel - listen to it. This is life or death, so read the Welcome Center and then get your name on Roll everyday. Make that pledge to yourself and all of us that you will be nicotine free for one day and then honor your word.

Are you serious about gaineding your freedom one day at a time or are you just kicking the tires? You way sucks and has failed you how many times? I quit once, the KTC way, and I'm at 430 straight days of freedom.

The choice is yours and only you can make it: freedom or slave.
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: medicsteve
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
In my effort to quit, I have cut down from 3 - 4 cans a day to 1. I've been feeling kind of crummy: light headed, nauseas.. pretty much just like if I had the flu. Is this normal or just coincidental?
Your not quit; that's the problem. If you have any desire whatsoever to quit, click on the Welcome Center link near the top left and start reading. This is a no nicotine site. We quit cold turkey.
Fair enough. Did some reading, now my chew us joining the ranks of my digested dinner in my septic tank. I'm on board
Bison, I made the same decision you did one month ago. Best decision I have made in a long, long, time (since deciding to propose to my wife of 22 years). You will feel like shit for several days, then it gets better. Here are the keys for me, and likely for you too:
1. You are an addict. You cannot have one dip, smoke, puff, whatever.
2. You can do today. So do today, then wake up and do today again.

Welcome to your new life. Have you posted roll yet?

I hadnt posted roll yet, but that seems to have been for the best. I slipped today. Tomorrow will start a new attempt
Stop "attempting". Quit if you are serious. You have been given the KTC gospel - listen to it. This is life or death, so read the Welcome Center and then get your name on Roll everyday. Make that pledge to yourself and all of us that you will be nicotine free for one day and then honor your word.

Are you serious about gaineding your freedom one day at a time or are you just kicking the tires? You way sucks and has failed you how many times? I quit once, the KTC way, and I'm at 430 straight days of freedom.

The choice is yours and only you can make it: freedom or slave.

Hey, I quit 223 days ago and can tell you there is no better way. FOLLOW THE PROGRAM! Post roll, get to know your group, and zero nic. None.
Quitting' s easy. Done that a hundred times. Staying quit? Never done that past right now.

Quit - 05-05-2013. HOF - 08-12-13.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1041 on: December 14, 2013, 12:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: medicsteve
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
In my effort to quit, I have cut down from 3 - 4 cans a day to 1. I've been feeling kind of crummy: light headed, nauseas.. pretty much just like if I had the flu. Is this normal or just coincidental?
Your not quit; that's the problem. If you have any desire whatsoever to quit, click on the Welcome Center link near the top left and start reading. This is a no nicotine site. We quit cold turkey.
Fair enough. Did some reading, now my chew us joining the ranks of my digested dinner in my septic tank. I'm on board
Bison, I made the same decision you did one month ago. Best decision I have made in a long, long, time (since deciding to propose to my wife of 22 years). You will feel like shit for several days, then it gets better. Here are the keys for me, and likely for you too:
1. You are an addict. You cannot have one dip, smoke, puff, whatever.
2. You can do today. So do today, then wake up and do today again.

Welcome to your new life. Have you posted roll yet?

I hadnt posted roll yet, but that seems to have been for the best. I slipped today. Tomorrow will start a new attempt
Stop "attempting". Quit if you are serious. You have been given the KTC gospel - listen to it. This is life or death, so read the Welcome Center and then get your name on Roll everyday. Make that pledge to yourself and all of us that you will be nicotine free for one day and then honor your word.

Are you serious about gaineding your freedom one day at a time or are you just kicking the tires? You way sucks and has failed you how many times? I quit once, the KTC way, and I'm at 430 straight days of freedom.

The choice is yours and only you can make it: freedom or slave.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Bison

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1040 on: December 13, 2013, 11:42:00 PM »
Quote from: medicsteve
Quote from: Bison
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bison
In my effort to quit, I have cut down from 3 - 4 cans a day to 1. I've been feeling kind of crummy: light headed, nauseas.. pretty much just like if I had the flu. Is this normal or just coincidental?
Your not quit; that's the problem. If you have any desire whatsoever to quit, click on the Welcome Center link near the top left and start reading. This is a no nicotine site. We quit cold turkey.
Fair enough. Did some reading, now my chew us joining the ranks of my digested dinner in my septic tank. I'm on board
Bison, I made the same decision you did one month ago. Best decision I have made in a long, long, time (since deciding to propose to my wife of 22 years). You will feel like shit for several days, then it gets better. Here are the keys for me, and likely for you too:
1. You are an addict. You cannot have one dip, smoke, puff, whatever.
2. You can do today. So do today, then wake up and do today again.

Welcome to your new life. Have you posted roll yet?

I hadnt posted roll yet, but that seems to have been for the best. I slipped today. Tomorrow will start a new attempt

Offline Wt57

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #1039 on: December 12, 2013, 11:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Nolaq
Check out the headline under Pelosi's picture on Drudge.
That is awesome!
She defined suck!
"Embrace the suck" I can just see it on a political bumper sticker in the future; kind of like "hope" or "change"...
Your gonna have to suck it to find out what's in it! 'crackup'
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda