Hey, I'm new here and didnt really want to do an introduction cause I'm probablya bad influence and thoroughly enjoy dipping, but I kind of want to stop for health reasons (I get PVCs when I dip a lot and have any alcohol along with anything with caffeine.) I pretty much joined to see if anyone knows where I can get kikit brand tobacco free chew. I have been looking online and can't find it anywhere. I feel likei can quit any time I want, and have been fine going cold turkey for weeks or months at a time, but just miss the satisfaction and contentment. I recently went a year and a half without cause I was in Australia and they don't sell it there, but as soon as I hit US soil I got some. I don't feel I have a nicotine addiction, I just have the habit. With that being said, I would do fine with just having a dip alternative in my mouth that seems real. I have tried bacoff and it's the most disgusting thing ever to me. It tastes like it had Pine Sol in it. I was walking into the commissary on day when I was in Hawaii and they were handing out free samples of kikit and I got two cans. The green can was the best dip alternative I've ever tried. It really feels like you have a dip in and even gives a little bit of a burn. The feel is perfect and it stays packed in your lip like a real dip, unlike the jerky chew that ends up hurting my lip more than real dip cause its so dry.
Does anyone know where to get it? Or if you've tried it before, know of anything extremely similar? I'm a Copenhagen straight user, and not really fond of the wintergreen or natural tasting ones. If anyone could give me some ideas so I don't have to waste too much money on buying everything to try and can eliminate some options right away, I would greatly appreciate it!
um...might have been the worst intro, message on a discussion board i've ever read since joining KTC 57 days ago.
first of all, you need to go to the intro page and maybe make an introduction to the rest of the 15000 members on here. If you think you can quit at any time then you would be quit right now. That type of talk will get you no where here.
if you are not an addict you wouldn't be here searching for something to help you quit...non addicts don't pick something that can kill them after putting it down for a year. You need a role model...i'm not him, but seriously...i'm so pissed off by this comment i could just scream. 'bang head'
Good luck
Sorry it's the worst intro ever, but the fact is, I don't want to quit dipping. I want to dip something else, and it's specifically made by kikit. I dip when I'm bored or doing specific things like playing video games or working in the yard. I don't dip because I need the nicotine. I used to bar tend and could go hours without even thinking about dipping. If I'm around certain people or where dipping seems a little inappropriate, I have no problems going without it and not even feeling any need for it. I just have an oral fixation. When I didn't dip while in Australia, I was snacking all the time. I didn't join to get help with quitting. I joined because people who are trying to quit probably have a good knowledge of the products out there and I specifically want a certain product or a very similar product that I plan on continually using in the place of tobacco dip. Everyone is different and has different levels of addiction, so you can't classify me in the same group that everyone else is in. A person will never succeed in quitting anything if they don't want to quit. I happen to not want to quit, but still have enough awareness to want to find an alternative. I don't want to chew gum, the salt in seeds and the hardness of the shells hurt my gums and cheek even more than dip and I find it to be even more inconveniencing than just spitting in a bottle. I'm sorry I don't have the same goals as most people on here, but maybe you just find the needs to try to outcast anyone who doesn't have the same goal as you, or maybe you take offense to the fact, whether you believe it or not, I CAN quit dipping whenever I want and not be a wreck for days after. Whenever I started back up again, it's because I chose to, not because I felt I needed to. I just enjoy it and as of right now, I don't havea desire to quit. A lot of times I decided to quit was because of the price jumping up to $6-$8 a can, or while on deployment, the lack of selection and freshness. Right now I can still get it for under$3 and I know it's bad for your health, but these days, just being alive is bad for your health.
So basically, I didn't join to get help with quitting, or get lectured, or brag about anything. I just wanted to get some info on some products. If that's too much to ask, then maybe you should be taking some stress management classes to deal with your withdrawals.
This is a quit site for those who want accountability in the effort to kill the can. A brotherhood who work together by publically posting our intent to quit every damn day. If you don't want to join - look at the link and be gone.
In closing, nicotine is an addictive substance and that 'satisfaction and contentment' your craving is an addiction - stop sugar coating it.
1- as mentioned this is a nicotene cessation site. So if you want to quit (and from what you say you do not) this is the place.
2- there is one point that you say is correct, if you want to quit to will find a way, if you do not want to quit, then you will not.
3 - nicotene is an addictive substance, the strongest that is on this Earth. So do not kid yourself here. You said about not dipping but you were snacking (well there is the telling word as you were replacing one thing with another).
I will just say to tell you I hope you find what you are looking for while just wasting your money to those who have the wrong idea about what is good and bad for your body. Cause if you just quit it, you can enjoy the sugarfree gum, candy and other beneficial things in life.
And when you lose your jaw, well you can say we told you so.
Guys, clearly he is just looking for some info from people "trying" to quit. Clearly he is in the wrong place, no here is trying to quit.
Also, As an aside, you may have stopped for a while but clearly you are no quitter. If you think you can quit anytime, that is awesome. But all of us had multiple stops so you ain't no special butterfly.
Best of luck to you, and that link to the alternative non nicotine chews is pretty amazing. Of you ever do decide to quit, come on back. We will be here.
So . . . let me get this straight. You find satisfaction and contentment in a poison that causes you to have PVCs! Why do I find that to be just a bit off cue? :blink:
This really isn't the "worst" intro. It's the saddest!
I get only a mild case of PVCs, and it's only when I have an abundance of nicotine, alcohol and caffeine in the same period and it's probably not helping that I recently moved to Denver with the lower oxygen concentration in the air here. In the 12 years I've been dipping, I've only had two instances that have lasted about a week, including the present where I have had any noticeable sensations. The first time was during a port visit where I was smoking cuban cigars with dip in and lots of beer and soda for about two days. And you have to be kidding yourself if you didn't know of the "poisons" before ever taking your first dip, so don't sit here and try to lecture me about knowing how bad dip is. If you didn't know if was bad for you to begin with, you are just a plain idiot.
It's one thing to learn you're an idiot and stop being one.
It's quite another thing to know your an idiot and keep being one.
Kikit's Facebook page states that the company is temporarily out of business. I think you might be in trouble finding the stuff.
However, from experience, I will tell you the act of chewing without nicotine loses its appeal quickly. Many of us have used or use alternatives.
Why are you looking for alternatives if you like chewing so much?
I really appreciate your response and thank you for that info. With the lack of info I could find on it and their website not working I figured as much.
I have tried some of the alternatives and I know exactly what you mean by it losing it's appeal, which is why I was looking specifically for kikit. Some of the alternatives I've tried do lose their appeal because they seem nothing like dip. Bac off is pretty similar but I couldn't stand the chemical taste it had to it. I'm sure as most of you know, the effect of nicotine only lasts so long, and I'm not sure of the details, but I think I remember it being something like 2 weeks. So obviously, after a year and a half, I'm not addicted to nicotine anymore, and I didn't choose to dip again because of the nicotine. I just feel comfort from having it in my lip for some reason, just as someone who sucks their thumb has comfort sucking their thumb. I'm willing to admit that my habit is as infantile as that. So having an alternative would work for me, and for those of you that haven't tried kikit, you probably can't understand what I'm talking about. My guess is that most of the alternatives try to obtain a look and feel of dip and have to cover up the taste of whatever they use with more intense flavorings. Kikit was just shredded coconut and had some flavors and hot sauce, and even though it looked nothing like dip, it was the most realistic one I've tried, and after you get the nicotine out of your system, it's probably just as good. Except you don't have to spit. They have (had) a natural coconut flavor one that tasted just like coconut with a bit of citrus and it was a little too sweet for me and just tasted like candy. But the green can was awesome.
Even thought I'm not exactly looking to quit, if I had something that was just as good to me or close, I would gladly do that over dip. I know cancer and losing your jaw is good enough reason to quit, but my mentality seems to make me ignore that. That doesn't make me any less of a person than anyone else here. Everyone has to have a reason to quit, whether it just becomes an idea one day and they keep telling themselves every day that they are and eventually make an effort to, or some dramatic eye opening emotional event happens and they immediately make a huge effort to quit. I know it's not good for me, and I'm in a situation where I'm moving in about a month to a backwoods part of FL where everyone dips, so it's socially acceptable and being a veteran, I was around it all the time in the military, so against better judgement and logic, my brain still tells me it's ok after seeing everyone else around me doing it. It's just human nature.
When I move, I'll be living with my kids for the first time in 6 years, and they don't want me doing it, so I will eventually decide to quit. My ex that I'm getting back with smokes, and i hate cigarettes, and I would have no problem giving up dipping for her to quit, and we've talked about that already. Those will be my reasons for when I decide to quit, and they may not be the same as everyone else's reasons, but everyone has different ones. I seem to be getting a lot of hostility for being honest and a lot of criticism because I have my own opinions about myself. I expected a little more understanding from a group that is here to try to HELP one another, and regardless of my intentions on quitting, I have been asking for a dip alternative similar to one I've tried which would result in me quitting.
First of all, there are some good alternatives out there. Look around and try them. You'll be surprised how "realistic" some are (for example....smokey mountain snuff's cherry is spot on to skoal's cherry), but I've heard many people make many complaints about any alternative: not as much of a lip burn, sticky and stains your fingers, etc.
It sounds to me like you don't believe you can quit and that you are destined to want that plug in your lip forever. Here's the thing: you don't. Your "few weeks and few months" at a time are the most common times for people to go back to "in boredom" (and, also, because these times are when physical "funks" in a quit happen. We see it here everyday at around 30 days and as far as 225 days.).
You can do this. You just need to want to in both the good times and the bad. There is no magical trick or formula that can make you quit. It's consistency. There's nothing wrong with hitting seeds or alternatives in times of need, but if you want to be quit....be quit. You have a lot of excuses and justifications. A lot.
Please take the time to objectively look at yourself. No masks. No tough man attitude. Look at how many times you can put yourself through physical hell. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again looking for different results.
You can do this