So i found this site after freaking out thinking i have cancer cause my jaws hurting. After reading some posts in this thread I feel a little better about my usage. Ive been dipping a can a day for the past 4 years, is my jaw hurting off and on a common thing? Also I have 3 white bumps under my bottom row middle teeth. I always assumed they were callouses because they dont hurt. Anyway this scare made me decide to quit.
Keep reading, Final. There's a lot more on here you need to read. First off, yea, the stuff you talk about has freaked us all out many times. Most of the time it was nothing, but you're not gonna get much medical advice here. If you are anything like I was, your story will go like this:
1. Freak out and decide "this is it! This is cancer!"
2. Cut back or pause dipping for a SHORT time
3. Decide shortly after cutting back that I do not have cancer.
4. Celebrate my clean bill of health by binging on copenhagen.
5. Repeat all the above every 2-6 months.
Quitting for you health is great. fine. whatever motivates you. For me, I relieved the above scenario so many times that I knew that health scares would not get me quit. Realizing that nicotine had me stepping and fetching like some bitch slave got me to quit.
In the meantime, get your mouth checked out. Read everything you can on KTC. Know what it means to Post Roll with us. And then decide to quit for today. Can you quit for one day? Your damn right you can. Check your (1) Inbox.