Fake Chew
So I've been using fake chew now for the 5 days I've been quit and it's been working really well for me. I get a crave and just pop one of those bad boys in and I'm pretty much good to go. I honestly think that aside from KTC the fake chew has been the key ingredient to my quit so far.
My question is, does there come a time when the fake dip becomes a continuation of the original crutch rather than a tool to fight the cravings? What is the time frame for this? My current plan is to transition from the fake chew to those minty white lifesavers, or something that won't stain my teeth so I can get the whitened.
Just wondering what some others have experienced with this.
First things first....congratulation mtn. PUSHING through the suck is something only few can accomplish. Continue to post roll daily and connect with KTC.
Fake is fake. I know of only 1 long-time quitter who still uses it regularly. So, maybe it is a crutch to him. But who gives a fuck? Right? I mean, You are actively quitting one of the most addictive poisons known to man. If you need to use fake, then use it. Especially, this early into your quit.
Personally, I used EVERYTHING:
Every type of Fake (SMJ, hooch, jakes, oregon, the alfalfa stuff, the sea coral stuff, etc)
Jolly Ranchers
Gently Used Panties (the salty and tangy flavors were the best, I did not enjoy the onion gravy flavor)
Beef Jerky
Starbucks stirrers
Probably some others that I can't think of right now.
So to answer your question - use whatever it takes to not stuff your piehole full of cancer. There will be a time in future when you will grow tired of the Fake. You'll just not need it anymore.
Once again, the most important thing right now is TO NOT PUT A HOG OF CANCER IN YOUR LIP today.