Monday is my quit day. I'm freaked out an nervous! I will get on pc sometime and figure this board out. It's a bit jacked on my phone. I will add a avatar then to. Nice to meet y'all! I'm a chain snuser not a dipper. Failed a few months ago. Time for a new start!
Monday is your quit day....The only time you have to live life is now! Being nervous until Monday will not help you in your journey of quit. I understand being nervous, but you can do this. Make the decision now. Close the door on nicotine. Flush it all down the toilet. Post roll in the August quit group. This is your promise not to user nicotine to everyone here for just today. Tomorrow do the same thing. Monday is too far away for you and I to think about.
Snus, dip, cigarettes, patch, nic gum....all are merely delivery systems of the drug we are addicted to -nicotine. Flush it and join us. We'll quit together, you and I. It will be worth it. I promise.