New blog post: KTC, Facebook And The Great American Spit Out ... -spit-out/
Holy smokes!
Thank you Chewie for going through that exercise. I couldn't in a million years be able to gracefully, and respectfully deal with such ignorance.
Thanks for all you do my man. And just so you know, I'm here to help too.
I'll see you tomorrow.
No kidding...that was gold chewie...pure gold.
Wow, just wow................. a quick "google" of snus yeilded these gems:
A: From Wikipedia,
Health consequences
Warning label on a container of swedish snus, the text reads: "This tobacco product may affect your health negatively and is addictive".Since snus is not intended nor recommended for inhalation, it does not affect the lungs as cigarettes do. Because it is steam-cured, rather than fire-cured like smoking tobacco or other chewing tobacco, it contains lower concentrations of nitrosamines and other carcinogens that form from the partially anaerobic heating of proteins; 2.8 parts per mil for Ettan brand compared to as high as 127.9 parts per mil in some American brands, according to a study by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health.[4] The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges that Swedish men have the lowest rate of lung cancer in Europe, partly due to the low tobacco smoking rate, but does not argue for substituting snus for smoking, citing that the effects of snus still remain unclear. Around 2005 several reports, partially funded by the snus industry, pointed to the fact that no carcinogenic effects could be attributed to Nordic snus and this resulted in the removal of the warning label that claimed snus could cause cancer. It was replaced with the more vague label "Can affect your health negatively". Research is still going on but at the moment no conclusive reports have been made regarding the health effects of snus.
Many cardiologists believe that nicotine products (oral) contribute to the potentiation of sympathetic nerve tone , and may aggravate hypertension due to the effects of nicotine on cholinergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission. At higher doses, tachycardia and reflex bradycardia can also occur , trigerring serious arrythmias or even cardiac arrest in sensitive individuals . Further studies are needed in this regard.
The European Union banned the sale of snus in 1992, after a 1985 WHO study concluded that "oral use of snuffs of the types used in North America and western Europe is carcinogenic to humans", but a WHO committee on tobacco has also acknowledged that evidence is inconclusive regarding health consequences for snus consumers.[3]. Only Sweden and EFTA-member Norway are exempt from this ban. A popular movement during the run-up to the 1994 referendum for Sweden's EU membership made exemption from the EU sale ban of snus a condition of the membership treaty.
Recent actions by many European governments to limit the use of cigarettes has led to calls to lift the ban on snus, as it is generally considered to be less harmful than cigarette smoke, both to the user[5] and to others.
* I think the cardiologists warning is enough for me not to choose this shit.
B: From USA Today:
"This is a growth strategy for us," says Bill Phelps, spokesman for Philip Morris USA, the nation's biggest tobacco company and maker of Marlboro, the top-selling cigarette. In Dallas this month, Philip Morris is launching its first smokeless product with a cigarette brand name: Marlboro Snus.
R.J. Reynolds, second in U.S. tobacco sales, is expanding tests of its Camel Snus from two cities to eight, which will include Dallas this month. Its ads have a "pleasure for wherever" tagline and a playful tone. Its "abridged guide to snusing" says, "Picture yourself stuck in the center seat 44B of an airplane: You can mope, or you can Snus."
*I am so glad my eyes are open, and I am not being led around by my addiction any more.