Hey all,
First day quitter here. I've been chewing a can a day for about 7 years, never quit for more than a week or two.
What I wanted to ask is, did any of you heavy dippers experience pain in your ears? Like an occasional mild, dull ache/pressure? Cause I have that.
It's irregular but it's definitely linked to chewing, because when ever I would stop for a day or two it would go away. I think it's linked to the throat irritation that chew causes.
Same thing with my jaw sometimes. Whenever I would open my mouth really wide my jaw would pop, nothing too serious, kinda like popping a knuckle. It was strange.
Welcome glad to see you found your quit group!
I haven't experienced that specifically, but nothing surprises me. People report all sorts of crazy physical symptoms. Your brain is currently setting off all sorts of alarm bells because you're withholding a chemical that it has forgotten how to operate without. The withdrawal symptoms that you're going to experience over the next days/ weeks/ months represent the healing process that your brain will have to go through.
I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it's going to suck. At times it's going to suck a lot. But I will promise you this: It will not kill you and it will get better.
Whatever weird physical, mental and emotional instabilities manifest over the next little while, I promise you that you can get through it if you are willing to throw yourself into this quit.
Also, not to nitpick, but you've never quit for a week or two. You've stopped for a week or two. Quit is quit. Quit is a mindset and it lasts, although you have to work at it every single day. This site is for those who are ready to do that.
Welcome, PKY is 100% on. Different for everyone. I had neck pain into 200 days. Had me convinced I had some sort of tumor... Jaw pain, throbbing, teeth pain, yes.. - even today at 480+ days.
As said, it all does get better.
This is more likely than not just another in the long line of tricky Nicotine games, trying to get you to drop your guard and fill your lip again.
Dont fall for it.
I experienced my toughest most challenging days of being quit at 100-150 or so. Post HOF let down, CONVINCED i had it licked. Convinced I had beat the addiction. Was considering leaving KTC.
I can tell you if I did I'd be right back where I was dipping again. I then recommitted myself to my quit, helping newbies, and posting support in all months I could.
PKY is also right on, this will be the hardest thing you have ever done. But also the most important thing you have ever done for yourself. And it is accomplished one day at a time. Post roll in your group, EVERY DAY. Get to know those guys.
Trust us. THis shit works.