I spit my last dip out just before midnight on New Year's the other day as good motivation to make this the year I finally do this for ME! It hasn't been as hard as I remember previous attempts but what is really getting me is that I managed to come down with a pretty nasty cold over night. Now in the past I would throw some good old Wintergreen in and let that "help" make me feel better. My question is could part of why I'm feeling so crappy be from quitting and not necessarily just my cold? Any recommendations for not giving in? I made it past 100 days on my last quit and honestly can't tell you why I started again. I would like to make this my final and permanent attempt!
Mike, it takes roughly 72 hours to flush the nicotine from your system... so you have a bit longer to go with physical addiction. Yes you will feel crappy from quit, especially the first days.
Drink lots of water, exercise. Cranberry juice will help flush your system.
In terms of making this your final quit. Quit is simple, one day at a time. We post roll in a quit group, our promise to use no nicotine for 24 hours. It is an anchor to stay quit, we post roll every day when we wake up. Your quit group is April 2016, you will reach 100 days quit in April with those quitters.
Realize nicotine is an addiction. We are not cured at any particular day count if ever. But we can all quit today, together.