Just recently quit almost 5 weeks ago (31 days) after 8 years off and on.. Never thought I'd find myself following something like this but it's time to do this for good and this forum has helped so much. everything on what to expect after quitting was spot on. My anxiety is through the roof and find it hard to do anything at times. But the urge to chew is gone for the most part. Never thought something like that can alter your body to the point when you stop its torture. I look forward to counting the days into the hundreds. Motivating others and staying motivated myself! 'Sno'
Welcome Smitty, glad you found the site after being solo for a month!
You should check out the "Introductions" board and post up there with some background - will let other quitters get to know you and will help you keep track of your progress. The "general discussions" board doesn't get as much traffic, so your posts might get missed here.
You'll also need to start "posting roll" with the July pre-HOf group (based on your quit date). It's a daily promise not to use any nicotine product. Your group will help hold you accountable, offer support and expect you to so the same. You post roll by going into the "Quit Group" board and finding July pre - HOF. There will be instructions and people to help you with that there.
Roll seems silly at first, but it helps hold you accountable to your word and is considered price of admission for support on the site.
Good luck man! I'm actually fewer days quit than you, but happy to help any way I can.