Author Topic: General Discussion - 2016  (Read 81416 times)

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Offline mtnMom

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2016, 10:55:00 AM »
Congrats to all of you working so hard. Have any of you guys quit drinking and dipping at the same time? Hubby is trying to do both but dip is proving much harder. Any suggestions? Doing my best to just offer support and not nag...he has been drinking and chewing since 12 yrs old. What is like quitting both... 'tough'

Offline KingNothing

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2016, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: just-dave
I'm probably a little different than most in that I started dipping in my mid 30's. About 3-4 years of what I'd call "social" dipping followed by 5 years of almost daily. My wife tried to get me to quit, so did my kids, and I tried a few times, but felt a little resentful about being forced into it and it never took.

Can't say it's the same for everybody but for me when I decided to quit on my own I just quit. One day in early October (can't even remember the date) I just said I'm done. I had 1 pouch left over, dipped it the next morning and have not looked back since (about 90-100 days).

Just got a clean bill of health from the dentist (I was certain I had developed tongue cancer after quitting) and only very rarely do I get an urge (my triggers are 1st cup of coffee, after lunch, 1st beer, and outdoors stuff like camping or yard work, golf etc). When I do, those Teaza and other tea leaf dips fill the void plenty good enough.

Just wanted to say hi and thanks to this site. It was the first useful place I found after I decided to quit even though I was skeptical on the whole your mouth hurts worse after you stop thing.

So to sum up, don't quit because other people are telling you to. If you want to quit, just do it. Don't plan it. Don't get paralysis by analysis. Just when you decide never buy another can and do it.

Edit--Read back up some of the other messages. If you are the guy doing 5 cans a day, you should probably not follow my advice. Though not a physician I can guess its possible you may actually die if you stopped cold turkey. For you, seek the advice of a doctor.
Hey Dave! Congrats on making it this far on your own. That's a hell of an accomplishment. Feel free to join us and post roll with the December Disciples. They are all a little more than 100 days in as well. Share your story with them, and I'm sure they'd do the same. It helps to quit as a team. We've all quit for others before or tried to do it on our own with little to no success. It's tough when you don't have the family support (it's not their fault, they just don't get what you're going through if they've never battled an addiction), so get the support you need from KTC! The only requirement is to post roll.

Glad to have you here Dave and I hope you make the choice to join the party!
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2016, 07:35:00 AM »
I'm probably a little different than most in that I started dipping in my mid 30's. About 3-4 years of what I'd call "social" dipping followed by 5 years of almost daily. My wife tried to get me to quit, so did my kids, and I tried a few times, but felt a little resentful about being forced into it and it never took.

Can't say it's the same for everybody but for me when I decided to quit on my own I just quit. One day in early October (can't even remember the date) I just said I'm done. I had 1 pouch left over, dipped it the next morning and have not looked back since (about 90-100 days).

Just got a clean bill of health from the dentist (I was certain I had developed tongue cancer after quitting) and only very rarely do I get an urge (my triggers are 1st cup of coffee, after lunch, 1st beer, and outdoors stuff like camping or yard work, golf etc). When I do, those Teaza and other tea leaf dips fill the void plenty good enough.

Just wanted to say hi and thanks to this site. It was the first useful place I found after I decided to quit even though I was skeptical on the whole your mouth hurts worse after you stop thing.

So to sum up, don't quit because other people are telling you to. If you want to quit, just do it. Don't plan it. Don't get paralysis by analysis. Just when you decide never buy another can and do it.

Edit--Read back up some of the other messages. If you are the guy doing 5 cans a day, you should probably not follow my advice. Though not a physician I can guess its possible you may actually die if you stopped cold turkey. For you, seek the advice of a doctor.

Offline southgafarmer

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2016, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: cesj77
Has anyone had sharp stomach pains after quitting?
I haven't had severe ones, but I have a friend who did. He actually thought something had gone terribly wrong internally and made an emergency appointment to see his doctor. Turned out to be nothing...but I always say err on the side of caution. If they persist and/or concern you to the extent you say to yourself "should I go see a doctor" then GO. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Detox can do some pretty crazy stuff to a body...

(BTW: Welcome to KTC. Why don't you come join us over in the April 16 group and see what all the "fog" is about?)
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2016, 06:41:00 PM »
Has anyone had sharp stomach pains after quitting?

Offline skagnetti13

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2016, 06:35:00 PM »
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: skagnetti13
"Stopped" chewing for 5 days last September after getting back on this site and reading all of the great motivation and major kicks in the asses. Like an absolute stupid f**k, started again. Dumped my can on 1/2 at 2:35pm. Please tell me what an idiot I have been and bring it on because it helps shame me into realizing what a stupid f'ing selfish prick I have now been for over 30 years. I am married with a 7 and 9 year old. I obviously need help, but this is the final time I am going to quit. I also realize this isn't a site for people who want to try to quit, but it is for people who actually quit. Feel like I have let you guys down and most of all my self.

Thanks in advance for putting me in my place!! Congrats to all the quitters on this site, I admire you guys so much! Feels great to be off the garbage for almost 2 days now and I try to keep focusing on that great feeling as opposed to the withdrawl symptoms. Fortunately I really only dipped 4-5 times a day and would only keep my dips in for an hour or less at a time so I am guessing that is why the withdrawl symptoms so far haven't been nearly as bad as what I have read that some of you guys have been through.

F you Kodiak!
skagnetti13 you are an idiot - you were in my quit group and you only posted a Day 1. Where were you for days 2 through 5 of your "stop"? Posting roll is an every day thing here for a reason - keeping a promise for 24 hours is a lot easier than keeping a promise for a week. Had you been with us every day you might be over a hundred days quit like I am right now.

Get yourself into the April 2016 quit group and post every day, first thing in the morning. Get some digits from your April brothers. Tell them your cave story. April 2016 is looking like a bad ass group of quitters right now. All of the help that you need is here for you but you need to be willing to be helped and do your part by showing up every day.

I quit with you today.
This dudes a poser. Hasn't posted in April 16 yet. He doesn't want to quit
No poser here man. On day 4 of quit. Just posted roll call in April group. Won't be missing again.

Offline skagnetti13

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2016, 06:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: skagnetti13
"Stopped" chewing for 5 days last September after getting back on this site and reading all of the great motivation and major kicks in the asses. Like an absolute stupid f**k, started again. Dumped my can on 1/2 at 2:35pm. Please tell me what an idiot I have been and bring it on because it helps shame me into realizing what a stupid f'ing selfish prick I have now been for over 30 years. I am married with a 7 and 9 year old. I obviously need help, but this is the final time I am going to quit. I also realize this isn't a site for people who want to try to quit, but it is for people who actually quit. Feel like I have let you guys down and most of all my self.

Thanks in advance for putting me in my place!! Congrats to all the quitters on this site, I admire you guys so much! Feels great to be off the garbage for almost 2 days now and I try to keep focusing on that great feeling as opposed to the withdrawl symptoms. Fortunately I really only dipped 4-5 times a day and would only keep my dips in for an hour or less at a time so I am guessing that is why the withdrawl symptoms so far haven't been nearly as bad as what I have read that some of you guys have been through.

F you Kodiak!
skagnetti13 you are an idiot - you were in my quit group and you only posted a Day 1. Where were you for days 2 through 5 of your "stop"? Posting roll is an every day thing here for a reason - keeping a promise for 24 hours is a lot easier than keeping a promise for a week. Had you been with us every day you might be over a hundred days quit like I am right now.

Get yourself into the April 2016 quit group and post every day, first thing in the morning. Get some digits from your April brothers. Tell them your cave story. April 2016 is looking like a bad ass group of quitters right now. All of the help that you need is here for you but you need to be willing to be helped and do your part by showing up every day.

I quit with you today.
Thanks Stranger! Can't argue with anything you said. Just did roll call in the April group and will be doing so every day. I know... talk is cheap and actions speak. Congrats on your success!!

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2016, 06:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Dcude
Not sure how this place works.
I've been checking out the site for a while now, and just now decided to officially join.
I quit Copenhagen on December 7th of 2015 at 1700hrs.
Still reach for my back pocket several times a day.
Does the craving ever stop?
Welcome dcude!

One month quit is wonderful!

The trick to this place is to go to the March 2016 Quit Group and say hello. (you are quit about the same number of days as they are). The post roll, your promise not to use nicotine for 24 hours. Post roll every day when you wake up. Get to know those quitters, share phone numbers with them. Build a support network for your quit.

As for craves, they do slow down over time. You will get to the point where they are infrequent or even rare, but your body has some healing to do first and that takes time.

Offline Tjschu

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2016, 05:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: skagnetti13
"Stopped" chewing for 5 days last September after getting back on this site and reading all of the great motivation and major kicks in the asses. Like an absolute stupid f**k, started again. Dumped my can on 1/2 at 2:35pm. Please tell me what an idiot I have been and bring it on because it helps shame me into realizing what a stupid f'ing selfish prick I have now been for over 30 years. I am married with a 7 and 9 year old. I obviously need help, but this is the final time I am going to quit. I also realize this isn't a site for people who want to try to quit, but it is for people who actually quit. Feel like I have let you guys down and most of all my self.

Thanks in advance for putting me in my place!! Congrats to all the quitters on this site, I admire you guys so much! Feels great to be off the garbage for almost 2 days now and I try to keep focusing on that great feeling as opposed to the withdrawl symptoms. Fortunately I really only dipped 4-5 times a day and would only keep my dips in for an hour or less at a time so I am guessing that is why the withdrawl symptoms so far haven't been nearly as bad as what I have read that some of you guys have been through.

F you Kodiak!
skagnetti13 you are an idiot - you were in my quit group and you only posted a Day 1. Where were you for days 2 through 5 of your "stop"? Posting roll is an every day thing here for a reason - keeping a promise for 24 hours is a lot easier than keeping a promise for a week. Had you been with us every day you might be over a hundred days quit like I am right now.

Get yourself into the April 2016 quit group and post every day, first thing in the morning. Get some digits from your April brothers. Tell them your cave story. April 2016 is looking like a bad ass group of quitters right now. All of the help that you need is here for you but you need to be willing to be helped and do your part by showing up every day.

I quit with you today.
This dudes a poser. Hasn't posted in April 16 yet. He doesn't want to quit

Offline brunwardo

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2016, 04:39:00 PM »
Quote from: medic401
Getting ready to quit, I went 14 hours today without, until I started feeling like my face was separated from my body, tingling, numb just a very strange feeling, it was like I was high or something. I currently chew about 5 cans a day very large dips 2 dips per can. From what I read that's a lot of nicotine equal to about 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes per day. So should I quit cold turkey or wean a little?
Are you shitting me? 5 cans a day and 2 dips per can?? Were you stuffing it in between each toe as well?? :D
No longer a slave to the can!


Offline Dcude

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2016, 04:04:00 PM »
Not sure how this place works.
I've been checking out the site for a while now, and just now decided to officially join.
I quit Copenhagen on December 7th of 2015 at 1700hrs.
Still reach for my back pocket several times a day.
Does the craving ever stop?

Offline dwayne

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2016, 11:21:00 AM »
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: Dwayne
Hi guys, onto the second day. Trying to get into the roll call and the april quit group but having issues. I will hopefully get things set up today and start doing the roll call every morning. Wow can't believe how tough this is as its been 10 years since I last tried to quit. I do believe this site is awesome and makes us stick to our guns.
PM sent man. What exactly is giving you trouble with posting roll? I know it can be confusing!
Got it.

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2016, 06:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Kozkoz
Hi. On day 7 of no dip. A rough few days but after 10 years of dipping it was time to change. I know I have a long way to go, but going to take it a day at a time.
7 days is great Koz!

You might want to spend some of that one day at a time with the April 2016 quit group. Post roll, your promise to use no nicotine for 24 hours, and get to know those quitters. Your success is more certain with that brotherhood and accountability.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2016, 06:06:00 AM »
Hi. On day 7 of no dip. A rough few days but after 10 years of dipping it was time to change. I know I have a long way to go, but going to take it a day at a time.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2016, 04:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Dwayne
Hi guys, onto the second day. Trying to get into the roll call and the april quit group but having issues. I will hopefully get things set up today and start doing the roll call every morning. Wow can't believe how tough this is as its been 10 years since I last tried to quit. I do believe this site is awesome and makes us stick to our guns.
PM sent man. What exactly is giving you trouble with posting roll? I know it can be confusing!
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL