I gotta question and it is probably real dumb..but are there any quitters out here that are still smoking? Is that against the rules? ain't the nic bitch the same either way?
No I don't smoke -- hardly never have - maybe 4 or 5 cigs in my life time including my experimental years (mid 60's!), maybe a dozen cigars (babies ya know) and a pipe for about a half year.
The reason for asking is I have a buddy I would like to turn him onto this site but he is a smoker and a chewer and has failed miserably at quitten both on his own.. He seems to knock one down but increases the other and finally gives up..he is 62 and been doing both most all his life. Still healthy so far (well as best as can be expected due to the abuses he put on himself - he is a friend of Bill W's also for the past 18 or so years). I sure would like to see him stay around for awhile .. I know the choice is ultimately his.
anyway, if any of you in the support can give me some direction to my questions, I sure would appreciate it.
if there are people posting roll here, then they SHOULD be nic free... that includes dip, chew, snuff, cigs, cigars, etc. you're right... nic is nic.
while the site is killtheCAN there are some people here that have never dipped... they were smokers only. while some of what we say wouldn't be relevant to them, we've seen over the years that the concepts that work for dippers will also work for smokers.
that said we'd love to have him! we'll hold him to the same standards that we hold all roll callers to -- no nic today!