How about taxes? Not Texas, taxes.... What's your plan there?
ok man the drome tax codes gonna be reely short. until i work up all the numbers im just gonna ball park it. we gotta have taxes. we gotta pay for shit. the courts. the defense. the roads. the dets your fuggin gummint done run up. dromes taxes come in 3 parts. persinal income tax. corprite income tax. and value added tax. i mite have a speshull 1 time persinal welth tax what mite be payed over like 10 years but only if your persinal welth is over like 50 million bucks.
first man the vat rate is gonna be like 5 to 10%. on evry thing. food. rent. houses. close. doll houses. gi joe with kung fu grip. happy meals.
on income tax man all the write offs are gone. all of um. assept 1 on persinal taxs.
corprite tax rate is 10% on income + 5% on payroll.
persinal tax rate is 20%. on all income. cap gains. divadends. salery. stock opshuns. what ever them hegge fund guys get and hide. this tax is on the income over 20,000 per persin on your return. on top a that you get a credit a 5,000 for evry person on your return.
now lets do some maths.
famly of 4 makin 40k a year. 4x20k is 80k so no taxs and 4x5k credit so you get 20k back as refund. now rememember this here famlys payin 5 to 10% on evry thing as a vat. so they better make it last.
famly of 5 makin 150k
5x20 is 100k so tax is 20% a 50k or 10k. credit is 25k so they get 15k back.
famly of 2 makin 250k
2x20 is 40k so tax is 20% a 210k or 42k. credit is 10k so they pay 32k. man that looks like a lot but if they can hide 50k of there income with tax brakes today, they wood still owe almost 54k.
now part a the reeson we have the credit is so evry buddy has a minamum income. and watch out cuz the wellfare is gettin cut. but if you go out and get a job that minamum income is still there and added to what you make. so it dont pay to sit on your ass.
also there is a speshul for milatary and veterins. if you served this country that 20k deduckshun for you is 200k (but not for the rest a your famly) and active duty gets a 10k credit per persin.
so vet famly of 4 makin 300k - deduckshun is 200+3x20 or 260. tax is 20% of 40k or 8k. credit is 20k so he gets 12k back.
active duty famly of 4 makin 40k - no tax and a refund a 40k.
now the numbers mite be ajusted a bit. but im still givin the milatary benefits on that scale. 10x reguler deduckshun for vets. 2x reguler credit for active.