Hi All, I am a new quitter (5 days) and really want to get more involved with KTC. I'm big on accountability and I think getting more involved will hold me even more accountable than posting roll does. (Not that posting roll doesn't). Although, I feel that because I am so new in my quit its kinda hypocritical for me to reply and interact especially when it comes to people asking for advice and looking for help, I could be wrong, its just my perspective on it. Any suggestions for a newbie on how I can get more involved?
Posting roll is your promise to yourself and your brothers/sisters that you will be quit for the day. As long as you keep your word, it works!
You're right though. There's quite a bit more to it than simply posting roll. I text a bunch of people every morning, people that I have actually connected with a little more than just an "SRains918 - 201 and IQWYT" text. These are people that I know I can count on when I'm struggling. People that I know I can call (or will call me) when I need it. In many cases they're people I have actually MET, which makes my promise to them that much stronger...
1) Definitely find your quit group (if you haven't already) and post roll as soon as you wake up every morning (WUPPEDD)...
2) Don't be afraid to ask questions in your group on the forums. Take your rage and funk and fog and everything else there too. We've ALL been through it. We get it.
3) Reach out to others in your group (five days quit puts you into July '18) through the PM system (upper right hand corner of the window) and share your number (digits)...
4) Reach out to quitters that have been around a while (vets) and do the same thing...
5) Actually USE those digits. Don't just text - call and actually get to know people...
6) MEET as many other quitters as you can. It's a little odd at first, but it will make your quit that much stronger!
If I can do this, so can YOU!
Proud to be quit with you today!
EDIT - I sent you a PM with my contact info (if you scroll all the way up, your inbox is top right)