Author Topic: General Discussion - 2018  (Read 147889 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #417 on: April 18, 2018, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: gottadoit3
Quote from: JB65
Basically the three questions that provoke introspection on why you told Sept '17 to fuck off and broke your word to us. I just posted a 312 and here you are back at Day 1. That's gotta suck and I hope it does.

1. What happened that you broke your promise to us and decided to pick up a can?
I can't recall the details at this point but I took a dip.
2. Why did it happen?
I really wanted a dip
3. What are you going to do differently?
Not take a dip. Not miss roll. Not be so quick to give up. Drink more water, exercise. Don't drink alcohol. Chew gum when I want to. Use soda if I have to. Be ready for triggers and learn to ride them out. Think about my reasons for quitting hard when I want to cave. Talk to fellow members in order to create more accountability for myself and other people
4. Do you REALLY want to quit? It's 10:00 CST now and you're not on roll yet. Wake up, piss doesn't look like you're serious.
Of course I am serious. Piss post... what makes you say that that's interesting
You can come back from this but you have to want it. July '18 AND Sept '17 will need your answers to these questions posted.
Are you saying to post them in those threads?
That's the biggest bunch of bullshit ever. I can't remember and I'm not going to even think about it, but I wanted a dip, so I took a dip. What the fuck? You weren't involved last time. Whose number did you have? Who did you call? Why did you cave other than because you're a fucking pussy? Think about your answers and try again.
you "Can't recall the details" why you caved? Was that the one you were clean for 4 months? because I remember every reason I caved in the past and my memory is pretty shit. You "really wanted a dip", so you mean your pansy ass will cave at the slightest crave? Bro those are shit answers and nobody is gonna invest time on someone who wont invest effort on themselves. We are here to help you win but you gotta fucking take this shit seriously. With those answers I automatically don't trust you to have my back. Those questions are to help you, if you can't take some introspection seriously how are you going to learn from your mistakes? How are you going to avoid failing like last time? Or are you just gonna be a pansy ass little bitch and cave when that monkey on your back starts hammering? Cause I can assure you that monkey is one big fat fucking cunt of a gorilla, and if you are gonna cave because you "wanted dip" then you're not gonna be able to cut it when a friend dies, you have to put your dog down, or when you and your wife have a huge argument and you get kicked out of the house and are staying on a friends couch thinking your life and your marriage are over.

So, once more

What happened that you broke your promise to us and decided to pick up a can?

Why did it happen?

What is your ass gonna do to not be a fucking loser pansy ass caving bitch this time?

Put some real thought into these questions, I am totally willing to be in your corner if you can just man up and decide you wanna win. But you gotta put some effort in because you've already proven your word means shit, so tell me why I should believe you this time when you post a day 1 or a day 30 or day 190.

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #416 on: April 18, 2018, 09:29:00 AM »
Quote from: gottadoit3
Quote from: JB65
Basically the three questions that provoke introspection on why you told Sept '17 to fuck off and broke your word to us. I just posted a 312 and here you are back at Day 1. That's gotta suck and I hope it does.

1. What happened that you broke your promise to us and decided to pick up a can?
I can't recall the details at this point but I took a dip.
2. Why did it happen?
I really wanted a dip
3. What are you going to do differently?
Not take a dip. Not miss roll. Not be so quick to give up. Drink more water, exercise. Don't drink alcohol. Chew gum when I want to. Use soda if I have to. Be ready for triggers and learn to ride them out. Think about my reasons for quitting hard when I want to cave. Talk to fellow members in order to create more accountability for myself and other people
4. Do you REALLY want to quit? It's 10:00 CST now and you're not on roll yet. Wake up, piss doesn't look like you're serious.
Of course I am serious. Piss post... what makes you say that that's interesting
You can come back from this but you have to want it. July '18 AND Sept '17 will need your answers to these questions posted.
Are you saying to post them in those threads?
That's the biggest bunch of bullshit ever. I can't remember and I'm not going to even think about it, but I wanted a dip, so I took a dip. What the fuck? You weren't involved last time. Whose number did you have? Who did you call? Why did you cave other than because you're a fucking pussy? Think about your answers and try again.

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #415 on: April 18, 2018, 09:26:00 AM »

Offline gottadoit3

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #414 on: April 18, 2018, 02:46:00 AM »
Quote from: JB65
Basically the three questions that provoke introspection on why you told Sept '17 to fuck off and broke your word to us. I just posted a 312 and here you are back at Day 1. That's gotta suck and I hope it does.

1. What happened that you broke your promise to us and decided to pick up a can?
I can't recall the details at this point but I took a dip.
2. Why did it happen?
I really wanted a dip
3. What are you going to do differently?
Not take a dip. Not miss roll. Not be so quick to give up. Drink more water, exercise. Don't drink alcohol. Chew gum when I want to. Use soda if I have to. Be ready for triggers and learn to ride them out. Think about my reasons for quitting hard when I want to cave. Talk to fellow members in order to create more accountability for myself and other people
4. Do you REALLY want to quit? It's 10:00 CST now and you're not on roll yet. Wake up, piss doesn't look like you're serious.
Of course I am serious. Piss post... what makes you say that that's interesting
You can come back from this but you have to want it. July '18 AND Sept '17 will need your answers to these questions posted.
Are you saying to post them in those threads?
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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #413 on: April 17, 2018, 09:30:00 PM »
Quote from: evillen
Quote from: srains918
Quote from: evillen
Hi All, I am a new quitter (5 days) and really want to get more involved with KTC. I'm big on accountability and I think getting more involved will hold me even more accountable than posting roll does. (Not that posting roll doesn't). Although, I feel that because I am so new in my quit its kinda hypocritical for me to reply and interact especially when it comes to people asking for advice and looking for help, I could be wrong, its just my perspective on it. Any suggestions for a newbie on how I can get more involved?

Posting roll is your promise to yourself and your brothers/sisters that you will be quit for the day. As long as you keep your word, it works!

You're right though. There's quite a bit more to it than simply posting roll. I text a bunch of people every morning, people that I have actually connected with a little more than just an "SRains918 - 201 and IQWYT" text. These are people that I know I can count on when I'm struggling. People that I know I can call (or will call me) when I need it. In many cases they're people I have actually MET, which makes my promise to them that much stronger...

1) Definitely find your quit group (if you haven't already) and post roll as soon as you wake up every morning (WUPPEDD)...
2) Don't be afraid to ask questions in your group on the forums. Take your rage and funk and fog and everything else there too. We've ALL been through it. We get it.
3) Reach out to others in your group (five days quit puts you into July '18) through the PM system (upper right hand corner of the window) and share your number (digits)...
4) Reach out to quitters that have been around a while (vets) and do the same thing...
5) Actually USE those digits. Don't just text - call and actually get to know people...
6) MEET as many other quitters as you can. It's a little odd at first, but it will make your quit that much stronger!

If I can do this, so can YOU!

Proud to be quit with you today!


EDIT - I sent you a PM with my contact info (if you scroll all the way up, your inbox is top right)
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the info. I've been posting roll every day for the last 5 days and I don't intend to stop doing that found my quit group and am just trying to become more active with them. Thanks for sharing your contact info. I appreciate it!
The best thing you can do, IMO, is to help out on your SSOA, track down your fellow quitters during the day, post missing quitters, things like that. Take a leadership role in your month and it will be a really rewarding experience. All months need their leaders. Be that guy.

Proud to be quit with you today.

Day 635.
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
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Offline Evillen

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #412 on: April 17, 2018, 01:41:00 PM »
Quote from: srains918
Quote from: evillen
Hi All, I am a new quitter (5 days) and really want to get more involved with KTC. I'm big on accountability and I think getting more involved will hold me even more accountable than posting roll does. (Not that posting roll doesn't). Although, I feel that because I am so new in my quit its kinda hypocritical for me to reply and interact especially when it comes to people asking for advice and looking for help, I could be wrong, its just my perspective on it. Any suggestions for a newbie on how I can get more involved?

Posting roll is your promise to yourself and your brothers/sisters that you will be quit for the day. As long as you keep your word, it works!

You're right though. There's quite a bit more to it than simply posting roll. I text a bunch of people every morning, people that I have actually connected with a little more than just an "SRains918 - 201 and IQWYT" text. These are people that I know I can count on when I'm struggling. People that I know I can call (or will call me) when I need it. In many cases they're people I have actually MET, which makes my promise to them that much stronger...

1) Definitely find your quit group (if you haven't already) and post roll as soon as you wake up every morning (WUPPEDD)...
2) Don't be afraid to ask questions in your group on the forums. Take your rage and funk and fog and everything else there too. We've ALL been through it. We get it.
3) Reach out to others in your group (five days quit puts you into July '18) through the PM system (upper right hand corner of the window) and share your number (digits)...
4) Reach out to quitters that have been around a while (vets) and do the same thing...
5) Actually USE those digits. Don't just text - call and actually get to know people...
6) MEET as many other quitters as you can. It's a little odd at first, but it will make your quit that much stronger!

If I can do this, so can YOU!

Proud to be quit with you today!


EDIT - I sent you a PM with my contact info (if you scroll all the way up, your inbox is top right)
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the info. I've been posting roll every day for the last 5 days and I don't intend to stop doing that found my quit group and am just trying to become more active with them. Thanks for sharing your contact info. I appreciate it!

Offline SRains918

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #411 on: April 17, 2018, 01:16:00 PM »
Quote from: evillen
Hi All, I am a new quitter (5 days) and really want to get more involved with KTC. I'm big on accountability and I think getting more involved will hold me even more accountable than posting roll does. (Not that posting roll doesn't). Although, I feel that because I am so new in my quit its kinda hypocritical for me to reply and interact especially when it comes to people asking for advice and looking for help, I could be wrong, its just my perspective on it. Any suggestions for a newbie on how I can get more involved?

Posting roll is your promise to yourself and your brothers/sisters that you will be quit for the day. As long as you keep your word, it works!

You're right though. There's quite a bit more to it than simply posting roll. I text a bunch of people every morning, people that I have actually connected with a little more than just an "SRains918 - 201 and IQWYT" text. These are people that I know I can count on when I'm struggling. People that I know I can call (or will call me) when I need it. In many cases they're people I have actually MET, which makes my promise to them that much stronger...

1) Definitely find your quit group (if you haven't already) and post roll as soon as you wake up every morning (WUPPEDD)...
2) Don't be afraid to ask questions in your group on the forums. Take your rage and funk and fog and everything else there too. We've ALL been through it. We get it.
3) Reach out to others in your group (five days quit puts you into July '18) through the PM system (upper right hand corner of the window) and share your number (digits)...
4) Reach out to quitters that have been around a while (vets) and do the same thing...
5) Actually USE those digits. Don't just text - call and actually get to know people...
6) MEET as many other quitters as you can. It's a little odd at first, but it will make your quit that much stronger!

If I can do this, so can YOU!

Proud to be quit with you today!


EDIT - I sent you a PM with my contact info (if you scroll all the way up, your inbox is top right)
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #410 on: April 17, 2018, 12:58:00 PM »
Hi All, I am a new quitter (5 days) and really want to get more involved with KTC. I'm big on accountability and I think getting more involved will hold me even more accountable than posting roll does. (Not that posting roll doesn't). Although, I feel that because I am so new in my quit its kinda hypocritical for me to reply and interact especially when it comes to people asking for advice and looking for help, I could be wrong, its just my perspective on it. Any suggestions for a newbie on how I can get more involved?

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #409 on: April 17, 2018, 11:08:00 AM »
Quote from: gottadoit3
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: gottadoit3
Hey guys, so I've been dipping for almost three years probably more than that now. I have attempted to quit several times, even stopped for about four months and had a few shorter "quits" since that. This forum was a very helpful tool when I first attempted to quit dip. I am not going to sit here and give excuses. I caved. I've dipped far less the past year than the previous two years, and while that does feel somewhat good, knowing that I have done it a lot less than before, I am still caught in a viscious cycle. I HATE IT when I cave. I hate waking up with regret knowing I should have quit dip. I HATE feeling great when I'm "quit" and then feeling horrible when I cave. I'm done. I'm freaking done. I cant do it anymore. I have to quit.

This is my comeback post, and I will not miss roll this time. Mark my words.

I've also decided to stop smoking cannabis.

My main reasons for quitting is health of course. But more specifically the fact that I am a singer, and dip and smoke DO NOT help your vocal cords. they DAMAGE THEM. I can intellectually know this but still dip and smoke. It's a downright shame. I know there are going to be some big speed bumps along the way, but I know I can succeed with this. It's all or nothing this time around.

Once I get into the habit of not dipping and not smoking I can improve my singing abilities because of better health.

I hope to speak with many of you later on. I'm going to get into the roll call.
You are going to have to prove to your brethren here you are worthy of your words, by your actions starting NOW

be a leader
exchange digits, actually talk to people, send texts, check in
are you going to answer the questions three??

Youve said everything except IM AN ADDICT, ALWAYS WILL BE.
What three questions?
Basically the three questions that provoke introspection on why you told Sept '17 to fuck off and broke your word to us. I just posted a 312 and here you are back at Day 1. That's gotta suck and I hope it does.

1. What happened that you broke your promise to us and decided to pick up a can?

2. Why did it happen?

3. What are you going to do differently?

4. Do you REALLY want to quit? It's 10:00 CST now and you're not on roll yet. Wake up, piss doesn't look like you're serious.

You can come back from this but you have to want it. July '18 AND Sept '17 will need your answers to these questions posted.


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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #408 on: April 17, 2018, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: chewie
This sort of legislation seems to be picking up steam. Thoughts? It's not clear from the article if it includes smokeless but it clearly states "tobacco" as well as vaping accessories so I'm "assuming" smokeless is in play as well.

Akron City Council votes to raise the legal age to buy tobacco to 21 ... to_ra.html
I like it. I'm not sure how it's written obviously so I don't know what all it covers (it doesn't sound like possession is illegal, just buying within city limits) or how significant the actual impact will be.

I've never been much for the "if you're old enough to serve in the military/vote/get married then you should be able to XYZ" argument that gets thrown out there. It's tough to make that argument with alcohol (which generally needs something else to happen in order to kill you), so why would you try to make it using tobacco (which is known to outright kill you eventually if you use it as intended) as an example?

What I really DO like about this is that it undercuts, at least to some extent, the dollars that big tobacco can lobby with on the big stage. Fighting one (albeit very large) fire in a central location is relatively simple. Fighting hundreds and hundreds of smaller fires across the country would be significantly more difficult and costly for them...
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #407 on: April 17, 2018, 09:40:00 AM »
This sort of legislation seems to be picking up steam. Thoughts? It's not clear from the article if it includes smokeless but it clearly states "tobacco" as well as vaping accessories so I'm "assuming" smokeless is in play as well.

Akron City Council votes to raise the legal age to buy tobacco to 21 ... to_ra.html
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24 / 68th - 3.5.25

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #406 on: April 16, 2018, 11:12:00 PM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: gottadoit3
Hey guys, so I've been dipping for almost three years probably more than that now. I have attempted to quit several times, even stopped for about four months and had a few shorter "quits" since that. This forum was a very helpful tool when I first attempted to quit dip. I am not going to sit here and give excuses. I caved. I've dipped far less the past year than the previous two years, and while that does feel somewhat good, knowing that I have done it a lot less than before, I am still caught in a viscious cycle. I HATE IT when I cave. I hate waking up with regret knowing I should have quit dip. I HATE feeling great when I'm "quit" and then feeling horrible when I cave. I'm done. I'm freaking done. I cant do it anymore. I have to quit.

This is my comeback post, and I will not miss roll this time. Mark my words.

I've also decided to stop smoking cannabis.

My main reasons for quitting is health of course. But more specifically the fact that I am a singer, and dip and smoke DO NOT help your vocal cords. they DAMAGE THEM. I can intellectually know this but still dip and smoke. It's a downright shame. I know there are going to be some big speed bumps along the way, but I know I can succeed with this. It's all or nothing this time around.

Once I get into the habit of not dipping and not smoking I can improve my singing abilities because of better health.

I hope to speak with many of you later on. I'm going to get into the roll call.
You are going to have to prove to your brethren here you are worthy of your words, by your actions starting NOW

be a leader
exchange digits, actually talk to people, send texts, check in
are you going to answer the questions three??

Youve said everything except IM AN ADDICT, ALWAYS WILL BE.
What three questions?
Parputt "One is one too many
One more is never enough"

30yraddict "Doing it for one day proves that you are capable.
Your addict brain is going to try to convince you otherwise.
But you know better.
Addiction is beat one day at a time by the power of NO. "

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #405 on: April 16, 2018, 07:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Athan
Quote from: JB65
Youve said everything except IM AN ADDICT, ALWAYS WILL BE.
It's THE foundational statement. Everything else rests upon it.
True dat.

A can of cope a day for me, now 47 days clean with the JHOJ, no more killer withdrawal symptoms, some days I don't even think about dip once.

Then yesterday, tired, irritated at the return of the cravings, would have been easy to cave were it not for KTC...Not gonna happen, the missing of roll, the wondering how to respond to bros who for no reason other than good will text me daily.

Yesterday reminded me for sure that IM AN ADDICT, ALWAYS WILL BE. But I aint gonna dip no more. Rinse and repeat, daily.

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #404 on: April 16, 2018, 06:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Wrangler102
Struggling. Used Snus every day for years. Just quit yesterday.
Welcome Wrangler. Congratulations on your quit. Check out this link.......... forum/55560/
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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #403 on: April 16, 2018, 05:45:00 PM »
Struggling. Used Snus every day for years. Just quit yesterday.