Author Topic: General Discussion - 2018  (Read 134580 times)

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Offline Thecook304

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #522 on: August 19, 2018, 10:50:00 PM »
Whats going on fellas

Offline BubbaM

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #521 on: August 19, 2018, 09:55:00 PM »

KTCÂ’s best Choice! (2nd Campaign slogan!) :Winner:

Offline BubbaM

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #520 on: August 17, 2018, 10:39:00 AM »

Making KTC Great Again!

Not that its not great! Just my slogan for election year!

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #518 on: August 14, 2018, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Kybo
Quote from: Rick23
Quote from: JackH
Hi guys. Thanks for the site! Can be tough finding people going through the same thing. Comforting that others are going through the same stuff I am as well.

A little about me: I starting dipping here and there in high school only on the weekends. Whatever we could get our hands on to be "cool". My regular dipping habit started as a freshman in college. Since then (12 years ago), I have been a regular dipper ranging from 1/2 tin per day to 1 tin per day. Almost exclusively Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches. I never thought much about it because "its only pouches" and "I can quite when I want". I never even considered quitting until about 3 years ago when I first started to notice basic side effects: teeth starting to yellow, sore gums, occasional bleeding from the dip and over brushing to compensate, etc. Then I met the girl of my dreams, got engaged, and quitting become a serious priority.

Little did I know, quitting is freaking hard! I first "quit" last year around Sept. 1. Made it about 100 days. Went through the "fog" and got through it. Things were going fine until the holidays rolled around. Friend offered me a pouch while drinking, accepted, then bam right back it.

Now I am 38 days into my current quit. The initial phase, "fog", etc. was much easier. I went through it not that long ago, so I knew what was coming. This time, though, my anxiety is through the roof, especially about the dreaded c-word. I seem to look at every little spec of anything in my mouth countless times throughout the day. Just can't get my mind off of it. Then you search on the internet and you see the worst pictures imaginable. Anybody else go through this?
Im going through it right now bother and have been for the past 3 or more weeks(day 46 for me). Its on my mind every day, all day. Any new bump i feel i think about it, and small pain i feel, i think about it. Some days are better than others but it does get better.

Found my breaking point to, Broke down and started to cry 2 weeks ago in front of my mother I was so scared and petrified of going out the way my granfather did (mouth cancer) scary stuff to watch but getting through it all.
Keep your quit going.
Jack, I think every one of us has worried at one time or another about a speck, spot or sore in our mouths. That is just another price we have to pay for our addiction.

The best piece of advice that I can give you is to go see a dentist. You are going to have to see one eventually. Why not go see one now? Chances are that everything will be fine. I have now been tobacco free for over 200 days and I have had both a dentist and a dermatologist check out my mouth since I quit. And I feel much better knowing they both gave me a thumbs up.
^^^ go see the dentist, it helps with your quit. I make them write it in my chart every time I go to my dentist, 1458 update that SOB!
Anxiety after quitting is rough, PM if you need help, I struggled with it hard as many did on the site. There are tons of resources and help on KTC, read up and arm yourself.

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #517 on: August 09, 2018, 02:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Rick23
Quote from: JackH
Hi guys. Thanks for the site! Can be tough finding people going through the same thing. Comforting that others are going through the same stuff I am as well.

A little about me: I starting dipping here and there in high school only on the weekends. Whatever we could get our hands on to be "cool". My regular dipping habit started as a freshman in college. Since then (12 years ago), I have been a regular dipper ranging from 1/2 tin per day to 1 tin per day. Almost exclusively Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches. I never thought much about it because "its only pouches" and "I can quite when I want". I never even considered quitting until about 3 years ago when I first started to notice basic side effects: teeth starting to yellow, sore gums, occasional bleeding from the dip and over brushing to compensate, etc. Then I met the girl of my dreams, got engaged, and quitting become a serious priority.

Little did I know, quitting is freaking hard! I first "quit" last year around Sept. 1. Made it about 100 days. Went through the "fog" and got through it. Things were going fine until the holidays rolled around. Friend offered me a pouch while drinking, accepted, then bam right back it.

Now I am 38 days into my current quit. The initial phase, "fog", etc. was much easier. I went through it not that long ago, so I knew what was coming. This time, though, my anxiety is through the roof, especially about the dreaded c-word. I seem to look at every little spec of anything in my mouth countless times throughout the day. Just can't get my mind off of it. Then you search on the internet and you see the worst pictures imaginable. Anybody else go through this?
Im going through it right now bother and have been for the past 3 or more weeks(day 46 for me). Its on my mind every day, all day. Any new bump i feel i think about it, and small pain i feel, i think about it. Some days are better than others but it does get better.

Found my breaking point to, Broke down and started to cry 2 weeks ago in front of my mother I was so scared and petrified of going out the way my granfather did (mouth cancer) scary stuff to watch but getting through it all.
Keep your quit going.
Jack, I think every one of us has worried at one time or another about a speck, spot or sore in our mouths. That is just another price we have to pay for our addiction.

The best piece of advice that I can give you is to go see a dentist. You are going to have to see one eventually. Why not go see one now? Chances are that everything will be fine. I have now been tobacco free for over 200 days and I have had both a dentist and a dermatologist check out my mouth since I quit. And I feel much better knowing they both gave me a thumbs up.
"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

HOF date: 4/16/182nd Floor: 7/25/183rd Floor: 11/02/184th Floor: 2/10/195th Floor: 5/21/196th Floor: 8/19/197th Floor: 12/7/198th Floor: 3/16/209th Floor: 6/24/2010th Floor: 10/02/2011th Floor: 1/10/2112th Floor: 4/20/2113th Floor: 7/29/2114th Floor: 11/7/2115th Floor:  2/14/2216th Floor:  5/25/2217th Floor:  9/2/2218th Floor:  12/11/2219th Floor:  3/21/23

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #516 on: August 09, 2018, 12:58:00 PM »
Quote from: JackH
Hi guys. Thanks for the site! Can be tough finding people going through the same thing. Comforting that others are going through the same stuff I am as well.

A little about me: I starting dipping here and there in high school only on the weekends. Whatever we could get our hands on to be "cool". My regular dipping habit started as a freshman in college. Since then (12 years ago), I have been a regular dipper ranging from 1/2 tin per day to 1 tin per day. Almost exclusively Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches. I never thought much about it because "its only pouches" and "I can quite when I want". I never even considered quitting until about 3 years ago when I first started to notice basic side effects: teeth starting to yellow, sore gums, occasional bleeding from the dip and over brushing to compensate, etc. Then I met the girl of my dreams, got engaged, and quitting become a serious priority.

Little did I know, quitting is freaking hard! I first "quit" last year around Sept. 1. Made it about 100 days. Went through the "fog" and got through it. Things were going fine until the holidays rolled around. Friend offered me a pouch while drinking, accepted, then bam right back it.

Now I am 38 days into my current quit. The initial phase, "fog", etc. was much easier. I went through it not that long ago, so I knew what was coming. This time, though, my anxiety is through the roof, especially about the dreaded c-word. I seem to look at every little spec of anything in my mouth countless times throughout the day. Just can't get my mind off of it. Then you search on the internet and you see the worst pictures imaginable. Anybody else go through this?
Im going through it right now bother and have been for the past 3 or more weeks(day 46 for me). Its on my mind every day, all day. Any new bump i feel i think about it, and small pain i feel, i think about it. Some days are better than others but it does get better.

Found my breaking point to, Broke down and started to cry 2 weeks ago in front of my mother I was so scared and petrified of going out the way my granfather did (mouth cancer) scary stuff to watch but getting through it all.
Keep your quit going.

Offline jackh

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #515 on: August 08, 2018, 09:26:00 PM »
Hi guys. Thanks for the site! Can be tough finding people going through the same thing. Comforting that others are going through the same stuff I am as well.

A little about me: I starting dipping here and there in high school only on the weekends. Whatever we could get our hands on to be "cool". My regular dipping habit started as a freshman in college. Since then (12 years ago), I have been a regular dipper ranging from 1/2 tin per day to 1 tin per day. Almost exclusively Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches. I never thought much about it because "its only pouches" and "I can quite when I want". I never even considered quitting until about 3 years ago when I first started to notice basic side effects: teeth starting to yellow, sore gums, occasional bleeding from the dip and over brushing to compensate, etc. Then I met the girl of my dreams, got engaged, and quitting become a serious priority.

Little did I know, quitting is freaking hard! I first "quit" last year around Sept. 1. Made it about 100 days. Went through the "fog" and got through it. Things were going fine until the holidays rolled around. Friend offered me a pouch while drinking, accepted, then bam right back it.

Now I am 38 days into my current quit. The initial phase, "fog", etc. was much easier. I went through it not that long ago, so I knew what was coming. This time, though, my anxiety is through the roof, especially about the dreaded c-word. I seem to look at every little spec of anything in my mouth countless times throughout the day. Just can't get my mind off of it. Then you search on the internet and you see the worst pictures imaginable. Anybody else go through this?

Offline BubbaM

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #514 on: August 01, 2018, 03:16:00 PM »

Therapist wanted me to watch this after I described to him how I tear up or get emotional.

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #513 on: July 25, 2018, 07:33:00 PM »
Did you know that on a death certificate there is a box that asks the coroner; "Did tobacco contribute to death?" With boxes for Yes, No, Probably or Unknown.

When I review pension files for work and I see a death certificate in the file, the first thing I look at is the cause of death and second I look at the tobacco box. I wonder if that person chewed...

Will that box be checked on yours?

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #512 on: July 25, 2018, 05:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Greggy
Will see how well I can navigate the website to do that.
Im not concerned about caving , but would be more than happy to support others through this nasty battle
This link HERE should help, Greggy. Again, since 60 days is borderline - you'll need to determine which group you are in by the quit date ranges I supplied above. Then you can just click on the right month in my prior post (since I made them both hyperlinks) and post!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
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HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24 | FL 29: 06.29.24 | Y8: 07.22.24 | FL 30 ,,,: 10.07.24

Offline Greggy

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #511 on: July 25, 2018, 04:59:00 PM »
Will see how well I can navigate the website to do that.
Im not concerned about caving , but would be more than happy to support others through this nasty battle

Offline FLLipOut

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #510 on: July 25, 2018, 04:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Greggy
Hey all, Im new here and not computer savvy, but anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for this site and those that share their experience of quitting.
Im 60 days cold turkey after over 35 years of copenhagen.
I thought quitting was going to be the death of me. This foggy mushy headache anxiety depression is serious shit
Im never going back, especially to avoid what I have been through the last 2 months.
It is very helpful just to read posts of others misery, ( sorry) to know Im not alone, and not totally insane.
Thank you all again,
we got this
Hey Greggy...that's great - 60 days solo is really amazing. But why quit alone? Depending on your actual quit date, you should go on over to either AUGUST 2018 (if you quit 04/24 to 05/24) or SEPTEMBER 2018 (if you quit 05/25 to 06/23) and POST ROLL. It is absolutely not too late. The special sauce of KTC is the brother/sisterhood and the accountability. Take advantage of both and go post roll NOW!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24 | FL 29: 06.29.24 | Y8: 07.22.24 | FL 30 ,,,: 10.07.24

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #509 on: July 25, 2018, 04:35:00 PM »
Hey all, Im new here and not computer savvy, but anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for this site and those that share their experience of quitting.
Im 60 days cold turkey after over 35 years of copenhagen.
I thought quitting was going to be the death of me. This foggy mushy headache anxiety depression is serious shit
Im never going back, especially to avoid what I have been through the last 2 months.
It is very helpful just to read posts of others misery, ( sorry) to know Im not alone, and not totally insane.
Thank you all again,
we got this

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #508 on: July 25, 2018, 10:57:00 AM »
Quote from: blugold
After quitting recently, I have been hyper sensitive to my gums and jaw

A few days ago, I noticed a weird indent or receding gum line on the right side of my mouth - basically under my teeth/jaw line. It looks like my gums are sinking in.

The thing is, that isn't even the side i help my dips on - I used the other side of my mouth, so I have no idea why this is happening, or if this is just normal.

Pic of my mouth

I know I should talk to my dentist, and I have my appointment scheduled, but wanted to get opinions to hold me over until I go in to see her.

In the pic - on the left side of the pic, you can see the area under my teeth is sunken in compared to the right side of the pic - but again, that isn't the side where I held my chew - so I don't know why it would be impacted by the tobacco
Did you go to the dentist?