Author Topic: General Discussion - 2018  (Read 135294 times)

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Offline justin_ca

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #507 on: July 19, 2018, 11:52:00 PM »
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Fitz
So after talking with my wife last night, I basically told her I don't think I could ever do the "alternative" dips. Now, let me explain..

To me, even putting a pinch of jerky chew in my lip will associate with dip. I'm not sure how others feel, but to me it's gotta be cold turkey and that is it because any little deviation or "look-alike" is just gonna keep my cravings rolling in and my mind thinking, "We're so close to doing the real thing, let's just get a can already!".

I've tried beaverchew, sunflower seeds (which I never recommend doing in excess because of massive weight gain I've seen in friends), and other mint leaf chews but nothing satisfies enough and I always ended up coming back to real Copenhagen.

So, am I the only one who can't tempt myself with the alternatives?
No. There are a lot of quitters on here that don't like the close association with real thing. If it doesn't work for you, find something else that does. Gum (non nicotine variety), hard candy, coffee grounds, toothpicks, straws, etc. Whatever it takes to keep the real thing out of your mouth. Also, try not to get too down on yourself this early. The deck is already stacked against you when you start out and if you start dogging yourself too, it's a recipe for disaster. The KTC method is tried and true. Whether you use alternatives or not, post roll, be a man of your word and help others do the same. Do what works for your Fitz so long as nicotine is not involved.
I dipped for 30 years, and like you, I slowed down (you don't partially quit) way too many times. When we started this place, we had a common bond and a single ambition - quit for ourselves, stay quit, and help others find the same freedom. Now through multiple health issues, having to get a full mouth of implants due to the damage I caused to myself, and a 1000 other reasons that could have been a shithead excuse for caving, I am still quit.

Marine, there is no easy way to do this. Over thinking it, preparing in advance to cave, and all the other things you are doing are just more days you are cutting from your life. Man the fuck up, dump all the shit, lock yourself in a closet or slam your nuts in a drawer, whatever.................. but do it now my friend.

We are all here to support and try to hold you accountable to your commitment. Let's get started.
slam your nuts in a drawer, LOL! Funny cause I wish there was someone that could have punched me straight in the mouth tonight as I was craving some Copenhagen.

Offline Sean Fiske

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #506 on: July 17, 2018, 07:19:00 AM »
I've reached Day 20 in my quit. I've dipped for 20 years. 20 days clean after 20 years of dipping. People might say it can't be done. Oh yes it can. One day at a time you make a decision and a pledge not to use nicotine. Very simple concept. Every 24 hours you renew your commitment for the next 24 hours. There's no mystery here.

Your addict mind will, however, play tricks on you... Yup. All the time. It will over-analyze things. It will try to rationalize. It will try to scare you into caving. You must stay the course when this happens and reach out to your brothers in arms. This is a war. You have to look at it like a war. After all, dip is trying to kill you. You have to kill it before it kills you.

So, you must re-wire your brain. And that means you must brain-wash yourself and become a hardened fanatic - for this one area of your life (usually being a fanatic is not a good idea, but this would be an exception). You must be a fanatic against dipping. It must be destroyed. It is the enemy and has zero regard for you or your family. Therefore it must be destroyed. No mercy.

If you're thinking about quitting just enlist yourself in the war and go to the front lines where we quit one day at a time. That is where the fight is. That's where the bravery and courage is displayed, day after day. People on the fence are cowards. I was a coward for many years. I finally said enough was enough on June 28, 2018. I went to the front lines. It's been a real fight but it has been worth it. Quit today. Right now. Not tomorrow. Right now. We need men at the front for the fight.

Offline gottadoit3

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #505 on: July 14, 2018, 02:51:00 AM »
Whenever you are faced with a problem most of the time the thing that is impeding is not something external, it is you. You can be your own worst enemy. It is how we justify our own laziness, our own choice of inaction. And surely when it is all said and done you will be the real reason you do or do not reach your goals. Why are their dishes in the sink? Because you CHOSE NOT to do them, you did not bother. The blame is placed on no one else. Why do I have no energy today? Because I didn't wake up early enough to really cook some good food and eat a good meal. You must take responsibility for every action or inaction in your life. Better yet, you can view it as a daily thing. In the exact same manner that roll is on this community here. One day a a time, (which by the way I am at this point completely convinced that it is the best most tried and true way of achieving any goal) is a great axiom which lets you achieve what you thought not possible. But this is all dependent and what you DO and DON'T DO. Do pushups get stronger, feel better, have energy etc. Don't do them and your body degrades and weakens.

I do not wish to ramble on or off the intended course. Every thing that you tell yourself, in regards to trying to achieve any sort of goal directly affects if you do indeed achieve it. Your mind may begin to look for reasons to justify not doing anything. All of these are known as excuses. Anything other than action is an excuse as far as I'm concerned. Same is true for the inverse. After all, for every action there is a reaction see what I am saying. It is a snowball effect.

After all guys, really, I have been thinking maybe I should hire a maid?
Parputt "One is one too many
One more is never enough"

30yraddict "Doing it for one day proves that you are capable.
Your addict brain is going to try to convince you otherwise.
But you know better.
Addiction is beat one day at a time by the power of NO. "

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #504 on: July 13, 2018, 02:38:00 PM »
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Fitz
So after talking with my wife last night, I basically told her I don't think I could ever do the "alternative" dips. Now, let me explain..

To me, even putting a pinch of jerky chew in my lip will associate with dip. I'm not sure how others feel, but to me it's gotta be cold turkey and that is it because any little deviation or "look-alike" is just gonna keep my cravings rolling in and my mind thinking, "We're so close to doing the real thing, let's just get a can already!".

I've tried beaverchew, sunflower seeds (which I never recommend doing in excess because of massive weight gain I've seen in friends), and other mint leaf chews but nothing satisfies enough and I always ended up coming back to real Copenhagen.

So, am I the only one who can't tempt myself with the alternatives?
No. There are a lot of quitters on here that don't like the close association with real thing. If it doesn't work for you, find something else that does. Gum (non nicotine variety), hard candy, coffee grounds, toothpicks, straws, etc. Whatever it takes to keep the real thing out of your mouth. Also, try not to get too down on yourself this early. The deck is already stacked against you when you start out and if you start dogging yourself too, it's a recipe for disaster. The KTC method is tried and true. Whether you use alternatives or not, post roll, be a man of your word and help others do the same. Do what works for your Fitz so long as nicotine is not involved.
I dipped for 30 years, and like you, I slowed down (you don't partially quit) way too many times. When we started this place, we had a common bond and a single ambition - quit for ourselves, stay quit, and help others find the same freedom. Now through multiple health issues, having to get a full mouth of implants due to the damage I caused to myself, and a 1000 other reasons that could have been a shithead excuse for caving, I am still quit.

Marine, there is no easy way to do this. Over thinking it, preparing in advance to cave, and all the other things you are doing are just more days you are cutting from your life. Man the fuck up, dump all the shit, lock yourself in a closet or slam your nuts in a drawer, whatever.................. but do it now my friend.

We are all here to support and try to hold you accountable to your commitment. Let's get started.
I had a stroke on Valentines day 2018. I had to quit chewing after 25 years of Copenhagen snuff.
In the old days this fake mint chew tasted horrible but hooch herbal snuff taste good. I can still enjoy a nice dip in my lip while I watch a ball game
and not get the cancer that would kill me.

Hooch for is a great product, Im just sorry it took having a stroke and almost losing my life for me to find your product.

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #503 on: July 13, 2018, 08:47:00 AM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Fitz
So after talking with my wife last night, I basically told her I don't think I could ever do the "alternative" dips. Now, let me explain..

To me, even putting a pinch of jerky chew in my lip will associate with dip. I'm not sure how others feel, but to me it's gotta be cold turkey and that is it because any little deviation or "look-alike" is just gonna keep my cravings rolling in and my mind thinking, "We're so close to doing the real thing, let's just get a can already!".

I've tried beaverchew, sunflower seeds (which I never recommend doing in excess because of massive weight gain I've seen in friends), and other mint leaf chews but nothing satisfies enough and I always ended up coming back to real Copenhagen.

So, am I the only one who can't tempt myself with the alternatives?
No. There are a lot of quitters on here that don't like the close association with real thing. If it doesn't work for you, find something else that does. Gum (non nicotine variety), hard candy, coffee grounds, toothpicks, straws, etc. Whatever it takes to keep the real thing out of your mouth. Also, try not to get too down on yourself this early. The deck is already stacked against you when you start out and if you start dogging yourself too, it's a recipe for disaster. The KTC method is tried and true. Whether you use alternatives or not, post roll, be a man of your word and help others do the same. Do what works for your Fitz so long as nicotine is not involved.
I dipped for 30 years, and like you, I slowed down (you don't partially quit) way too many times. When we started this place, we had a common bond and a single ambition - quit for ourselves, stay quit, and help others find the same freedom. Now through multiple health issues, having to get a full mouth of implants due to the damage I caused to myself, and a 1000 other reasons that could have been a shithead excuse for caving, I am still quit.

Marine, there is no easy way to do this. Over thinking it, preparing in advance to cave, and all the other things you are doing are just more days you are cutting from your life. Man the fuck up, dump all the shit, lock yourself in a closet or slam your nuts in a drawer, whatever.................. but do it now my friend.

We are all here to support and try to hold you accountable to your commitment. Let's get started.
What's the difference between a liberal and a puppy??? The puppy stops whining and shitting on everything when he grows up.

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #502 on: July 12, 2018, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Fitz
So after talking with my wife last night, I basically told her I don't think I could ever do the "alternative" dips. Now, let me explain..

To me, even putting a pinch of jerky chew in my lip will associate with dip. I'm not sure how others feel, but to me it's gotta be cold turkey and that is it because any little deviation or "look-alike" is just gonna keep my cravings rolling in and my mind thinking, "We're so close to doing the real thing, let's just get a can already!".

I've tried beaverchew, sunflower seeds (which I never recommend doing in excess because of massive weight gain I've seen in friends), and other mint leaf chews but nothing satisfies enough and I always ended up coming back to real Copenhagen.

So, am I the only one who can't tempt myself with the alternatives?
No. There are a lot of quitters on here that don't like the close association with real thing. If it doesn't work for you, find something else that does. Gum (non nicotine variety), hard candy, coffee grounds, toothpicks, straws, etc. Whatever it takes to keep the real thing out of your mouth. Also, try not to get too down on yourself this early. The deck is already stacked against you when you start out and if you start dogging yourself too, it's a recipe for disaster. The KTC method is tried and true. Whether you use alternatives or not, post roll, be a man of your word and help others do the same. Do what works for your Fitz so long as nicotine is not involved.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #501 on: July 12, 2018, 08:34:00 AM »
So after talking with my wife last night, I basically told her I don't think I could ever do the "alternative" dips. Now, let me explain..

To me, even putting a pinch of jerky chew in my lip will associate with dip. I'm not sure how others feel, but to me it's gotta be cold turkey and that is it because any little deviation or "look-alike" is just gonna keep my cravings rolling in and my mind thinking, "We're so close to doing the real thing, let's just get a can already!".

I've tried beaverchew, sunflower seeds (which I never recommend doing in excess because of massive weight gain I've seen in friends), and other mint leaf chews but nothing satisfies enough and I always ended up coming back to real Copenhagen.

So, am I the only one who can't tempt myself with the alternatives?

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #500 on: July 11, 2018, 05:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
I saw this quote online and thought it applied to all of us on KTC:

"Next year, you'll wish you started today."
Also a fan of my signature quote:
“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.” -- A

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #499 on: July 11, 2018, 01:37:00 PM »
I saw this quote online and thought it applied to all of us on KTC:

"Next year, you'll wish you started today."

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #498 on: July 10, 2018, 02:52:00 AM »
Quote from: vajarhedd
Still a slave...but I'm here...with questions.

I'm 50yrs old and a retired US Marine. I've been dipping since I was 12: 20+ yrs Cope snuff; switched to Skoal Mint in Iraq (all they had was plastic lid "Formaldahagen"); been dipping Skoal pouches the last yr or two. I even dipped in boot camp; a buddy would send me Pringles with a few "missing". At my worst, it's been 1.5-2 cans/day; about 1 can/2days currently. I've been rolling the dice with my health for too long, especially since I've been gutting it since high school. I need to quit. I want to quit.

I can't quit on my own. I've tried several times in the past; I've made many of the same mistakes I've read about on here: cigars, cigarettes. Every time I've failed and I'm back in chains. I used vaping 2yrs ago and even backed the nic down to 0% over a few weeks...but again, I failed to respect, and prepare for, the craving of a big, fat lipper.

Been thinking about it for a few weeks now: why I failed; what do I need to do to make the next time the last time. For me, I think I've got 3 areas that I need to address: 1) nicotine (duh), 2) oral fixation (if I dont have worm dirt in my mouth, I'm eating. I still fall asleep at least once a week with a dip in), and 3) accountability / help. My research has led me here, and I have some questions:

1) Nicotine. I know y'all promote cold-turkey, but why? What about the nic patches, where you back off over a few weeks? Honest questions...this scares the shit out of me and my track record aint exactly stellar. I have an appt with my doc next week. I was going to ask her about the patches, til I started reading your posts.

2) Oral fixation: My nemesis!! I NEED to prepare for this...I will either fail, or gain 20 lbs a week, until I fail (been there, done it both ways). Tried an alternative once, 10-15yrs tasted like crap, was thick and heavy, and it cut up my lip worse than the Cope. Been reading your reviews. Seems like TeaZa is a favorite, but it's been awhile since any new reviews. I just ordered a sample of their Cool Mint. Any new thoughts on replacement mint pouches?

3) Accountability / Help: I like what I'm seeing. I've never been accountable for any of my numerous quits. I've never hid my dipping from anybody, except my Drill Instructors, and I gut, so its even less noticable. Even my wife knew on our 2nd date that I was a dipper. I need people that are gonna hold my feet to the fire. I need people who are gonna understand the cravings and withdrawals and all the other crap that comes with breaking these chains.

If I drink a 6pack of beer a month, that's a lot; I don't drink soda; I don't play video games; I only watch porn with the wife; I still work in the yard, walk on the treadmill, and hit my Bowflex a few times a week. But I have absolutely ZERO willpower against the worm dirt...and that scares the hell out of me (in terms of quitting AND not quitting).

If I'm going to finally kick this shit, I need a plan in place. How am I doing? What have I forgotten?

Thank y'all for your time and advice.

I chewed for roughly 25 years, Skoal OFC, longcut, Cope, etc. I mixed it up quite a bit and stayed pretty steady at 1 can every 3 days which is a lot less than many. I tried to quit on my own and made it three years at the longest. Ruined it because I thought I had beaten the bitch so I bought a pouch of Redman to go fishing because I didn't really consider that "chew" and I could quit after that fishing expedition. Three years down the toilet. I suspect that's a pretty common story, and why this website works. Accountability to someone beside yourself. Being a Marine, you know about brotherhood and the importance of your word which is why you'll be fine here.

It's going to suck, there's no way around that.
You're going to gain weight, no way around that (that I've found).
Headaches, stomach aches, constipation, insomnia, anger, temporary insanity, etc. That's just the stuff you're going to have to accept for a while. It does get easier and it's a lot cheaper than dental surgery and funerals.

For me, after about two weeks my mouth felt a lot better and I actually had minty fresh breath after brushing instead of minty fresh Skoal Wintergreen breath. Not having nasty spit cups in the truck. Not worried about my boys seeing me chew and think it's "cool" cause dad does it.

Like I said, there's a lot of suck ahead but we did this to ourselves. The freedom far outweighs the suck you will go through. As for the ELS, I use Smoky Mountain, Baccoff rough cut, Cinnamon Roll Grinds, gum and sunflower seeds. Backing off the seeds for a while to try and help with the weight gain (15 pounds in 50 days).

So anyway, no better time than now. Jump on in and quit being a slave to some bullshit plant.

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #497 on: July 07, 2018, 09:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Sean
Quote from: vajarhedd
Sean Fiske,

Thank you for the reply. Thats the type of accountability and motivation I know I'll need.

I also applaud you, and every other member who can "do it NOW".

I myself did that once. I threw away half a log, and made it longer than 3 weeks. But as I stated in my first post, I failed to acknowledge, respect, and prepare for the oral fixation, or Empty Lip Syndrome (ELS). I tried everything from gum, to lollipops, to beef jerky, sunflower seeds, coffee grinds, tea bags, potato chips, candy bars, and any other crap I could shove in my face. I could never find anything to satisfy my ELS, and I caved.

That reason is why I havent quit...yet. Dont misunderstand me..I WILL quit. I am very determined to quit. However, the old adages "know yourself" and "to thine own self, be true" apply here.

The ELS affects me deeply. I KNOW this about myself. Thats why I'm doing research now, BEFORE I quit. So I can have something ready to help me with that aspect. Thats why I was asking for recommendations for alternatives. I dip Skoal Pouches...Mint, Spearamint, and Wintergreen. Yesterday, I ordered some TeaZa and BaccOff pouches.

I did more research yesterday about the nicotine aspect of quitting. Tom S replied to me and confirmed what I was finding online: the nicotine is only in your system for a few days. So, I have decided that I am not going to do the patches or any other weaning regimen. Why prolong it.

My doc wanted to prescribe me Wellbutrin. But I have never dipped FOR any particular reason. Not for stress or depression or anything else. I simply have a dip in all day and sometimes all night too. And the side-effects are scary, so I'm not going to do that either.

I have announced my upcoming quit to my wife, my kids, and my coworkers; I have made them read about what I'm going to do, and what they'll have to put up with. They are all on board and have agreed to help with my accountability. I have joined this site where I know I'll have co-quitters to answer to.

Again, I appaud you Sean Fiske for being able to just "do it now". I do not have your level of willpower. But over my numerous failures, I have learned about my addiction and my weaknesses. I have done a bunch of research, and have asked for help.

I didn't put the lift-kit on my truck until I made sure I had all the tools I needed to do the job right. I'm trying to do that here, with my quit. What tools have I forgotten? What have I over-looked?

I am not about to jeapordize my quit by going into it half-assed. Not this time...
The only thing I guess I can suggest for the ELS is the fake stuff - the non-nicotine non-tobacco alternatives. There's some info on this website about it. I don't know anything about it but it really might make all the difference in your case. Some guys use it extensively. Others don't. Check into it. Try it out.
I always recommend that everyone read Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking." It is not a long read, but it helped me tremendously in my quit. Just mentally swap out smoking for dipping, it doesn't change a thing - nicotine is nicotine regardless as to the delivery system.
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #496 on: July 07, 2018, 08:52:00 AM »
Quote from: vajarhedd
Sean Fiske,

Thank you for the reply. Thats the type of accountability and motivation I know I'll need.

I also applaud you, and every other member who can "do it NOW".

I myself did that once. I threw away half a log, and made it longer than 3 weeks. But as I stated in my first post, I failed to acknowledge, respect, and prepare for the oral fixation, or Empty Lip Syndrome (ELS). I tried everything from gum, to lollipops, to beef jerky, sunflower seeds, coffee grinds, tea bags, potato chips, candy bars, and any other crap I could shove in my face. I could never find anything to satisfy my ELS, and I caved.

That reason is why I havent quit...yet. Dont misunderstand me..I WILL quit. I am very determined to quit. However, the old adages "know yourself" and "to thine own self, be true" apply here.

The ELS affects me deeply. I KNOW this about myself. Thats why I'm doing research now, BEFORE I quit. So I can have something ready to help me with that aspect. Thats why I was asking for recommendations for alternatives. I dip Skoal Pouches...Mint, Spearamint, and Wintergreen. Yesterday, I ordered some TeaZa and BaccOff pouches.

I did more research yesterday about the nicotine aspect of quitting. Tom S replied to me and confirmed what I was finding online: the nicotine is only in your system for a few days. So, I have decided that I am not going to do the patches or any other weaning regimen. Why prolong it.

My doc wanted to prescribe me Wellbutrin. But I have never dipped FOR any particular reason. Not for stress or depression or anything else. I simply have a dip in all day and sometimes all night too. And the side-effects are scary, so I'm not going to do that either.

I have announced my upcoming quit to my wife, my kids, and my coworkers; I have made them read about what I'm going to do, and what they'll have to put up with. They are all on board and have agreed to help with my accountability. I have joined this site where I know I'll have co-quitters to answer to.

Again, I appaud you Sean Fiske for being able to just "do it now". I do not have your level of willpower. But over my numerous failures, I have learned about my addiction and my weaknesses. I have done a bunch of research, and have asked for help.

I didn't put the lift-kit on my truck until I made sure I had all the tools I needed to do the job right. I'm trying to do that here, with my quit. What tools have I forgotten? What have I over-looked?

I am not about to jeapordize my quit by going into it half-assed. Not this time...
The only thing I guess I can suggest for the ELS is the fake stuff - the non-nicotine non-tobacco alternatives. There's some info on this website about it. I don't know anything about it but it really might make all the difference in your case. Some guys use it extensively. Others don't. Check into it. Try it out.

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #495 on: July 06, 2018, 01:26:00 PM »
Sean Fiske,

Thank you for the reply. Thats the type of accountability and motivation I know I'll need.

I also applaud you, and every other member who can "do it NOW".

I myself did that once. I threw away half a log, and made it longer than 3 weeks. But as I stated in my first post, I failed to acknowledge, respect, and prepare for the oral fixation, or Empty Lip Syndrome (ELS). I tried everything from gum, to lollipops, to beef jerky, sunflower seeds, coffee grinds, tea bags, potato chips, candy bars, and any other crap I could shove in my face. I could never find anything to satisfy my ELS, and I caved.

That reason is why I havent quit...yet. Dont misunderstand me..I WILL quit. I am very determined to quit. However, the old adages "know yourself" and "to thine own self, be true" apply here.

The ELS affects me deeply. I KNOW this about myself. Thats why I'm doing research now, BEFORE I quit. So I can have something ready to help me with that aspect. Thats why I was asking for recommendations for alternatives. I dip Skoal Pouches...Mint, Spearamint, and Wintergreen. Yesterday, I ordered some TeaZa and BaccOff pouches.

I did more research yesterday about the nicotine aspect of quitting. Tom S replied to me and confirmed what I was finding online: the nicotine is only in your system for a few days. So, I have decided that I am not going to do the patches or any other weaning regimen. Why prolong it.

My doc wanted to prescribe me Wellbutrin. But I have never dipped FOR any particular reason. Not for stress or depression or anything else. I simply have a dip in all day and sometimes all night too. And the side-effects are scary, so I'm not going to do that either.

I have announced my upcoming quit to my wife, my kids, and my coworkers; I have made them read about what I'm going to do, and what they'll have to put up with. They are all on board and have agreed to help with my accountability. I have joined this site where I know I'll have co-quitters to answer to.

Again, I appaud you Sean Fiske for being able to just "do it now". I do not have your level of willpower. But over my numerous failures, I have learned about my addiction and my weaknesses. I have done a bunch of research, and have asked for help.

I didn't put the lift-kit on my truck until I made sure I had all the tools I needed to do the job right. I'm trying to do that here, with my quit. What tools have I forgotten? What have I over-looked?

I am not about to jeapordize my quit by going into it half-assed. Not this time...

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #494 on: July 05, 2018, 08:00:00 PM »
Quote from: vajarhedd
Still a slave...but I'm here...with questions.

I'm 50yrs old and a retired US Marine. I've been dipping since I was 12: 20+ yrs Cope snuff; switched to Skoal Mint in Iraq (all they had was plastic lid "Formaldahagen"); been dipping Skoal pouches the last yr or two. I even dipped in boot camp; a buddy would send me Pringles with a few "missing". At my worst, it's been 1.5-2 cans/day; about 1 can/2days currently. I've been rolling the dice with my health for too long, especially since I've been gutting it since high school. I need to quit. I want to quit.

I can't quit on my own. I've tried several times in the past; I've made many of the same mistakes I've read about on here: cigars, cigarettes. Every time I've failed and I'm back in chains. I used vaping 2yrs ago and even backed the nic down to 0% over a few weeks...but again, I failed to respect, and prepare for, the craving of a big, fat lipper.

Been thinking about it for a few weeks now: why I failed; what do I need to do to make the next time the last time. For me, I think I've got 3 areas that I need to address: 1) nicotine (duh), 2) oral fixation (if I dont have worm dirt in my mouth, I'm eating. I still fall asleep at least once a week with a dip in), and 3) accountability / help. My research has led me here, and I have some questions:

1) Nicotine. I know y'all promote cold-turkey, but why? What about the nic patches, where you back off over a few weeks? Honest questions...this scares the shit out of me and my track record aint exactly stellar. I have an appt with my doc next week. I was going to ask her about the patches, til I started reading your posts.

2) Oral fixation: My nemesis!! I NEED to prepare for this...I will either fail, or gain 20 lbs a week, until I fail (been there, done it both ways). Tried an alternative once, 10-15yrs tasted like crap, was thick and heavy, and it cut up my lip worse than the Cope. Been reading your reviews. Seems like TeaZa is a favorite, but it's been awhile since any new reviews. I just ordered a sample of their Cool Mint. Any new thoughts on replacement mint pouches?

3) Accountability / Help: I like what I'm seeing. I've never been accountable for any of my numerous quits. I've never hid my dipping from anybody, except my Drill Instructors, and I gut, so its even less noticable. Even my wife knew on our 2nd date that I was a dipper. I need people that are gonna hold my feet to the fire. I need people who are gonna understand the cravings and withdrawals and all the other crap that comes with breaking these chains.

If I drink a 6pack of beer a month, that's a lot; I don't drink soda; I don't play video games; I only watch porn with the wife; I still work in the yard, walk on the treadmill, and hit my Bowflex a few times a week. But I have absolutely ZERO willpower against the worm dirt...and that scares the hell out of me (in terms of quitting AND not quitting).

If I'm going to finally kick this shit, I need a plan in place. How am I doing? What have I forgotten?

Thank y'all for your time and advice.


I can only tell you what I know. I have been 100% nicotine free for 7 full days - almost 8 as I write this. I dipped for 20 years. It started for me in the Army. I thought I'd be a more respected platoon leader if I dipped (which, looking back on it, probably didn't matter whatsoever). Why did I quit? Because I don't want to get cancer and die - it's that simple.

You have to take the first step.

Throw out all your dip and anything else with nicotine in it right now. It sucks but it's the only way. Keeping nicotine with you just perpetuates your addiction. We are addicts. We are addicted to nicotine. It's a drug and we're addicts. Period. It has to go. All of it.

Then join this community and post roll call every day without exceptions and get people's cell numbers.

As an addict, you will always find a reason not to quit circumvent what you know must happen. You have to throw all of that out and QUIT RIGHT NOW. Take the plunge. Do not put it off. The right time to QUIT is right now. It's always right now. Here at KTC, we quit every day when we wake up in the morning. There's no pretense here and no bullshit. It's very raw. But as addicts we need that.

As addicts you cannot quit on your own. Impossible. You need a group. Just like the Marines or the Army. A group makes you stronger.

Offline vajarhedd

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Re: General Discussion - 2018
« Reply #493 on: July 05, 2018, 05:08:00 PM »
Still a slave...but I'm here...with questions.

I'm 50yrs old and a retired US Marine. I've been dipping since I was 12: 20+ yrs Cope snuff; switched to Skoal Mint in Iraq (all they had was plastic lid "Formaldahagen"); been dipping Skoal pouches the last yr or two. I even dipped in boot camp; a buddy would send me Pringles with a few "missing". At my worst, it's been 1.5-2 cans/day; about 1 can/2days currently. I've been rolling the dice with my health for too long, especially since I've been gutting it since high school. I need to quit. I want to quit.

I can't quit on my own. I've tried several times in the past; I've made many of the same mistakes I've read about on here: cigars, cigarettes. Every time I've failed and I'm back in chains. I used vaping 2yrs ago and even backed the nic down to 0% over a few weeks...but again, I failed to respect, and prepare for, the craving of a big, fat lipper.

Been thinking about it for a few weeks now: why I failed; what do I need to do to make the next time the last time. For me, I think I've got 3 areas that I need to address: 1) nicotine (duh), 2) oral fixation (if I dont have worm dirt in my mouth, I'm eating. I still fall asleep at least once a week with a dip in), and 3) accountability / help. My research has led me here, and I have some questions:

1) Nicotine. I know y'all promote cold-turkey, but why? What about the nic patches, where you back off over a few weeks? Honest questions...this scares the shit out of me and my track record aint exactly stellar. I have an appt with my doc next week. I was going to ask her about the patches, til I started reading your posts.

2) Oral fixation: My nemesis!! I NEED to prepare for this...I will either fail, or gain 20 lbs a week, until I fail (been there, done it both ways). Tried an alternative once, 10-15yrs tasted like crap, was thick and heavy, and it cut up my lip worse than the Cope. Been reading your reviews. Seems like TeaZa is a favorite, but it's been awhile since any new reviews. I just ordered a sample of their Cool Mint. Any new thoughts on replacement mint pouches?

3) Accountability / Help: I like what I'm seeing. I've never been accountable for any of my numerous quits. I've never hid my dipping from anybody, except my Drill Instructors, and I gut, so its even less noticable. Even my wife knew on our 2nd date that I was a dipper. I need people that are gonna hold my feet to the fire. I need people who are gonna understand the cravings and withdrawals and all the other crap that comes with breaking these chains.

If I drink a 6pack of beer a month, that's a lot; I don't drink soda; I don't play video games; I only watch porn with the wife; I still work in the yard, walk on the treadmill, and hit my Bowflex a few times a week. But I have absolutely ZERO willpower against the worm dirt...and that scares the hell out of me (in terms of quitting AND not quitting).

If I'm going to finally kick this shit, I need a plan in place. How am I doing? What have I forgotten?

Thank y'all for your time and advice.
