Alright, I am looking for some support and or some answers. I need to know what the difference is between a crave, a thought, and a trigger. I have tried getting answers from people and it seems that maybe I don't understand.
Crave - to me when my body or mind is telling me that I want dip. (Like I really want a dip type feeling)
Thought - when I waiver between should I keep doing this or not? (Don't be dicks about this just answer my question. We all waiver about this, we all second guess things.)
Trigger - For instance this morning I was kinda freaking out because the guy in front of me at the C store was buying a can.
I would like to hear from anyone, new quitters or vets. Vets do not be dicks about this and just say that I have to hate Tobacco, Don't be a dick and say if your second guessing yourself you don't really want to be quit. Because I battle everyday. I am doing my dam best. I am just looking for answers and or support. If I get answers then I am educating myself and I know how to fight things off.
I think you've got a handle on it.
A crave is that actual physical feeling of wanting a dip. Kind of like a hunger pang. There's a physical component.
A trigger is something that can cause a crave. If there's any activity you used to ALWAYS have a dip in for, then that can be a trigger. Mowing the grass... working on the car... driving alone... whatever it is, it throws your mind straight into "WHERE'S MY DIP?!?" mode. You might be able to predict a trigger in advance, or they might catch you by surprise and only be visible in hindsight.
The thoughts...
Once you're past the first couple of weeks, and the nicotine is out of your system and your body is starting to adjust, then it's ALL mental. You don't
need nicotine, but you
may will want it. At that point quitting is
all about learning to say "no" to those thoughts, over and over and over.
So yeah. Those thoughts
do come. Will come. "Why am I doing this?" "Why bother?" "Maybe just one?"
Those thoughts SUCK. I still have them at over a year. I know other guys who are further along than I who have them as well. They go on for a long while. Because we're addicts.
It does get easier to deal with them. Posting roll everyday is a big part of that. It helps remind you that you're actively quitting, that you've made that choice for today, and mentally prepares you to say "no" when those thoughts come into your head. Because your quit gets to the point where it's 100% mental.
We need that daily reminder that we don't use that crap anymore, because evidence is that if we don't, we forget... and then those thoughts start to sound reasonable.
Plus, sticking around and talking to other quitters helps, because when you start having those thoughts - they'll understand. Because they do, too.
That's why you'll hear people telling you that you need to develop a hatred for nicotine... not because they're being internet tough guys, but because that's how they defend themselves against those thoughts. They're doing their best to build a wall between themselves and those thoughts to keep them safe.
So, if you're fighting those thoughts every day...
good. Because whatever you're going through,
you're still fighting.
That's what we're here for. To help each other fight - and
win. One day at a time.