Author Topic: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.  (Read 42671 times)

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #102 on: March 31, 2014, 02:20:00 AM »
This post is not for me, it's for a newbie who may be checking out this site. First off, why are you here? Do YOU want to quit? If so, congrats. You have come to the right place. read all you can and listen to the advice given by these fine quitters here on KTC.

My journey started 32 days ago. I was going down a path that I feel I would never get off of. I started dipping more and more and was looking for help but didn't know where to turn. It was then that I asked God for some help and this time I listened. Within a couple hours of praying for help, I found this amazing website and some amazing new friends.

Many things have happened since my Day 1 and I wont bore you with the details but I can easily think of 5 items that have happened that would have caused me to cave in the past. Posting Roll daily and being engaged in the chat room have been an instrumental factor in my daily decision to be quit.

In the past I have stopped dipping. At one point I stopped for almost 3 years. There is a difference between stopping and quitting. When I stopped in the past I tried to avoid dip at all costs. I stopped going into c-stores or places where I knew it was visible. I basically tried to act like it didn't exist. It was when my guard was down that the NB struck. Now, with KTC, I feel that I must face this balls to the walls, head on. I will not run from areas or stores where dip is sold. I now tell the clerk to promise to never sell it to me again. I now understand that nicotine is an addiction and not a habit. Breaking a habit is a hell of a lot easier than beating an addiction but you can do it if you really want to.

Quitting used to suck, now it is awesome. I feel as though I have my freedom back and am finally enjoying life. The foggy days have come and gone and I know they will come again. The shitty days have and will do the same. It is a bumpy as hell ride but it is so worth it.

Want to be quit also? Learn how to post roll and do it daily (even after you make HOF). Make that commitment to be quit today and only for today. Read, read, and read some more. Be engaged in this group.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #101 on: March 30, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: VAWilly
Quote from: Raider
So I was thinking last night about my addiction and why this whole KTC thing really works. We all know that Accountability (Posting Roll) is the center of KTC. The Brotherhoood being the spokes that reach out to one another but is that it? Is that why I have been quit for 20 days and feel like this time it will work? There seems to be something missing.

As I was on chat last night and looking at intros, rolls, etc it clicked. Part of the solution is facing the problem every damn day. Being on here is a constant reminder of my addiction. When I stopped in the past (for 3 years) I tried to completely block out anything to do with dipping. I would look away from the dip cans behind the counter. I would avoid going into the c-stores at all cost. I tried to act like I was over what I thought was a habit as opposed to facing an addiction.

Way back then I was still a slave to the NB, she was just waiting to pounce at a weak moment, and she did, and it was easy because I thought that I had forgot about her.

I am no longer a slave. I am still an addict but this time I am ready because I have the constant daily reminder of my addiction. I can face my fears head on because I have one hell of an Army behind me. The Army of KTC.

Hey NB� �  'arse'
The older I get the more I've come to believe that establishing and maintaining connections with other people is the second most powerful thing in the world. Through the power of brotherhood and fellowship ordinary people can rock the world.
That is an awesome realization Raider. I remember the moment that I realized the same thing. The other epiphany that I had along the way was this.................

I cant remember the member who had a Yoda quote in his signature line but it read like this, DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY. That particular quote was instrumental in my quit. For if we are only TRYING we are leaving the door open to the possibility of failure. That door is now closed, bolted shut, in fact welded!! Now we just have to double check that lock each morning by posting roll.

Raider, you are doing great man. It is great to watch you win. You have gained a lot of quit wisdom in a very short time. Remain vigilant.
Things changed the day you took caving completely off the table by posting roll my friend.

I remember all the attempts I made before coming here. Not one time did I take caving completely off the table. I new before my attempts the only thing I had going for me was hope, try and wish.

This place showed us how to quit. A PROMISE! Who would have ever thought that are word was the way to freedom.

Great post, keep doing what your doing. It even gets better.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #100 on: March 30, 2014, 07:10:00 AM »
Quote from: VAWilly
Quote from: Raider
So I was thinking last night about my addiction and why this whole KTC thing really works. We all know that Accountability (Posting Roll) is the center of KTC. The Brotherhoood being the spokes that reach out to one another but is that it? Is that why I have been quit for 20 days and feel like this time it will work? There seems to be something missing.

As I was on chat last night and looking at intros, rolls, etc it clicked. Part of the solution is facing the problem every damn day. Being on here is a constant reminder of my addiction. When I stopped in the past (for 3 years) I tried to completely block out anything to do with dipping. I would look away from the dip cans behind the counter. I would avoid going into the c-stores at all cost. I tried to act like I was over what I thought was a habit as opposed to facing an addiction.

Way back then I was still a slave to the NB, she was just waiting to pounce at a weak moment, and she did, and it was easy because I thought that I had forgot about her.

I am no longer a slave. I am still an addict but this time I am ready because I have the constant daily reminder of my addiction. I can face my fears head on because I have one hell of an Army behind me. The Army of KTC.

Hey NB    'arse'
The older I get the more I've come to believe that establishing and maintaining connections with other people is the second most powerful thing in the world. Through the power of brotherhood and fellowship ordinary people can rock the world.
That is an awesome realization Raider. I remember the moment that I realized the same thing. The other epiphany that I had along the way was this.................

I cant remember the member who had a Yoda quote in his signature line but it read like this, DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY. That particular quote was instrumental in my quit. For if we are only TRYING we are leaving the door open to the possibility of failure. That door is now closed, bolted shut, in fact welded!! Now we just have to double check that lock each morning by posting roll.

Raider, you are doing great man. It is great to watch you win. You have gained a lot of quit wisdom in a very short time. Remain vigilant.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #99 on: March 30, 2014, 06:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
So I was thinking last night about my addiction and why this whole KTC thing really works. We all know that Accountability (Posting Roll) is the center of KTC. The Brotherhoood being the spokes that reach out to one another but is that it? Is that why I have been quit for 20 days and feel like this time it will work? There seems to be something missing.

As I was on chat last night and looking at intros, rolls, etc it clicked. Part of the solution is facing the problem every damn day. Being on here is a constant reminder of my addiction. When I stopped in the past (for 3 years) I tried to completely block out anything to do with dipping. I would look away from the dip cans behind the counter. I would avoid going into the c-stores at all cost. I tried to act like I was over what I thought was a habit as opposed to facing an addiction.

Way back then I was still a slave to the NB, she was just waiting to pounce at a weak moment, and she did, and it was easy because I thought that I had forgot about her.

I am no longer a slave. I am still an addict but this time I am ready because I have the constant daily reminder of my addiction. I can face my fears head on because I have one hell of an Army behind me. The Army of KTC.

Hey NB 'arse'
The older I get the more I've come to believe that establishing and maintaining connections with other people is the second most powerful thing in the world. Through the power of brotherhood and fellowship ordinary people can rock the world.
Live Usefully

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #98 on: March 30, 2014, 02:19:00 AM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Raider
So why the hell does this seem so damn easy this time? Mogul stated in chat tonight that it's like a switch that just turned off and it made me think. Almost 3 weeks ago, about 11 days into my quit I had an accident. I was trying to get on a roof and the ladder slipped. I must have banged the hell out of my head because I was out for at least 30 minutes. I know my leg was messed up and I had a huge bruise on my ass but the headache lasted for about 10 days. Could the fall have triggered something that turned off the switch? I have have some minor cravings since but I have been able to blow them off. I'm sure the biggest reason for being successful in my quit is my dedication to posting roll daily and staying engaged in this site.
Rejoice in the fact that your cravings are minor. Glad you're doing well in your quit. It sucks that it took a fall like that to help get rid of the cravings, but count it as a blessing.
Glad your hanging in there as well. I am not recommending anyone go jump off a damn roof by the way. No need to require EMT support with that, eh Monster.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2014, 02:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
So why the hell does this seem so damn easy this time? Mogul stated in chat tonight that it's like a switch that just turned off and it made me think. Almost 3 weeks ago, about 11 days into my quit I had an accident. I was trying to get on a roof and the ladder slipped. I must have banged the hell out of my head because I was out for at least 30 minutes. I know my leg was messed up and I had a huge bruise on my ass but the headache lasted for about 10 days. Could the fall have triggered something that turned off the switch? I have have some minor cravings since but I have been able to blow them off. I'm sure the biggest reason for being successful in my quit is my dedication to posting roll daily and staying engaged in this site.
Rejoice in the fact that your cravings are minor. Glad you're doing well in your quit. It sucks that it took a fall like that to help get rid of the cravings, but count it as a blessing.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #96 on: March 30, 2014, 01:28:00 AM »
So why the hell does this seem so damn easy this time? Mogul stated in chat tonight that it's like a switch that just turned off and it made me think. Almost 3 weeks ago, about 11 days into my quit I had an accident. I was trying to get on a roof and the ladder slipped. I must have banged the hell out of my head because I was out for at least 30 minutes. I know my leg was messed up and I had a huge bruise on my ass but the headache lasted for about 10 days. Could the fall have triggered something that turned off the switch? I have have some minor cravings since but I have been able to blow them off. I'm sure the biggest reason for being successful in my quit is my dedication to posting roll daily and staying engaged in this site.

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2014, 12:37:00 AM »
As time goes on, my posts in my intro will be less and less. The beginning of this journey was hell and the roads traveled were bumpy. It's been one hell of a ride but so damn worth it. The past week has been trying but not in regards to my quit. A long time friend (my best friends dad), passed away last week. It has been very trying but my quit has been strong. I have had zero craves at all and that is awesome. In the past when I stopped, this would have been a reason to cave but not anymore. There is never a good reason to cave, unless you are weak. Tomorrow will be the end of the journey for a dear friend but my journey with my quit will continue. As I stated, my posts will be less and less but my commitment to Posting Roll and promising to stay quit will continue. I am glad to be quit with you all today.

Hey NB. 'arse'

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #94 on: March 20, 2014, 12:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
It seems like many people think of each Milestone (HOF, 2nd floor, etc) as a finish line. To me, each one of those Milestones is nothing more than a Stepping Stone.

Lastly, it's a matter of retraining the brain to think that it's ok to quit. Most of us have been taught to never give up, don't quit, etc. from the very beginning. Now we are telling ourselves it's good to quit.

My 2 cents worth on my 21st day of Freedom. I am damn proud to be a quitter.
Right on Raider. You get it.
Quit with you Bro!
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #93 on: March 20, 2014, 11:48:00 AM »
And I stand right next to you and totally agree. In the beginning of our quit it was just us, singularly, searching the internet for help to quit. We find KTC via search on Google, bing, etc. more quitters, hell thousands of quitters holding each other accountable. What a great way to stay quit. Really though it is temporary, in the end it all becomes back to us, singularly. KTC takes you 100 days and then kind of dumps you out on your own. KTC IS THE "training wheels" of quit. That's it, you are on your own after that. Sure you can stay here like me and post but most don't. When you do finally leave KTC you better be prepared to hold yourself accountable, grab your sack and pinch your nipples, keep your ass quit.

Raider, like you I see HOF and other levels as nothing but a stepping stone to stay quit one more day. Back when I was dipping, I would have damn sure posted roll to dip each day if I had too. I will post to stay quit. That is what addicts do. Me being one of the worst. If I'm not here, you better call text or drive to my home and kick my ass. I never want to dip again. I love this freedom.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #92 on: March 20, 2014, 08:43:00 AM »
It seems like many people think of each Milestone (HOF, 2nd floor, etc) as a finish line. To me, each one of those Milestones is nothing more than a Stepping Stone.

Lastly, it's a matter of retraining the brain to think that it's ok to quit. Most of us have been taught to never give up, don't quit, etc. from the very beginning. Now we are telling ourselves it's good to quit.

My 2 cents worth on my 21st day of Freedom. I am damn proud to be a quitter.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #91 on: March 19, 2014, 11:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
So I was thinking last night about my addiction and why this whole KTC thing really works. We all know that Accountability (Posting Roll) is the center of KTC. The Brotherhoood being the spokes that reach out to one another but is that it? Is that why I have been quit for 20 days and feel like this time it will work? There seems to be something missing.

As I was on chat last night and looking at intros, rolls, etc it clicked. Part of the solution is facing the problem every damn day. Being on here is a constant reminder of my addiction. When I stopped in the past (for 3 years) I tried to completely block out anything to do with dipping. I would look away from the dip cans behind the counter. I would avoid going into the c-stores at all cost. I tried to act like I was over what I thought was a habit as opposed to facing an addiction.

Way back then I was still a slave to the NB, she was just waiting to pounce at a weak moment, and she did, and it was easy because I thought that I had forgot about her.

I am no longer a slave. I am still an addict but this time I am ready because I have the constant daily reminder of my addiction. I can face my fears head on because I have one hell of an Army behind me. The Army of KTC.

Hey NB 'arse'
Way to go Raider! You are winning!
'Finger' Nic. Quit with you!
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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #90 on: March 19, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
So I was thinking last night about my addiction and why this whole KTC thing really works. We all know that Accountability (Posting Roll) is the center of KTC. The Brotherhoood being the spokes that reach out to one another but is that it? Is that why I have been quit for 20 days and feel like this time it will work? There seems to be something missing.

As I was on chat last night and looking at intros, rolls, etc it clicked. Part of the solution is facing the problem every damn day. Being on here is a constant reminder of my addiction. When I stopped in the past (for 3 years) I tried to completely block out anything to do with dipping. I would look away from the dip cans behind the counter. I would avoid going into the c-stores at all cost. I tried to act like I was over what I thought was a habit as opposed to facing an addiction.

Way back then I was still a slave to the NB, she was just waiting to pounce at a weak moment, and she did, and it was easy because I thought that I had forgot about her.

I am no longer a slave. I am still an addict but this time I am ready because I have the constant daily reminder of my addiction. I can face my fears head on because I have one hell of an Army behind me. The Army of KTC.

Hey NB    'arse'
'clap' 'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

To those that have made it to the hall of fame and think that they shouldn't post anymore because the only time they think about dip is when they post.... Read Raiders Post. This might save your quit!!!! You must think about your addiction and be prepared for an ambush. Your addicted mind will sneak in when you let your guard down. Posting is your treatment for this illness. Refusing to post its like you are going onto a battle field refusing to wear armor. Not Smart. 'Crazy'
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #89 on: March 19, 2014, 11:05:00 AM »
So I was thinking last night about my addiction and why this whole KTC thing really works. We all know that Accountability (Posting Roll) is the center of KTC. The Brotherhoood being the spokes that reach out to one another but is that it? Is that why I have been quit for 20 days and feel like this time it will work? There seems to be something missing.

As I was on chat last night and looking at intros, rolls, etc it clicked. Part of the solution is facing the problem every damn day. Being on here is a constant reminder of my addiction. When I stopped in the past (for 3 years) I tried to completely block out anything to do with dipping. I would look away from the dip cans behind the counter. I would avoid going into the c-stores at all cost. I tried to act like I was over what I thought was a habit as opposed to facing an addiction.

Way back then I was still a slave to the NB, she was just waiting to pounce at a weak moment, and she did, and it was easy because I thought that I had forgot about her.

I am no longer a slave. I am still an addict but this time I am ready because I have the constant daily reminder of my addiction. I can face my fears head on because I have one hell of an Army behind me. The Army of KTC.

Hey NB 'arse'

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #88 on: March 16, 2014, 11:36:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
When will the damn headaches go away though? The beginning of my quit seemed easier than the last few days.
Great job. Water, water, water. Your body and thinking machine will be going through a lot with this quit initially. Initially means first 100 days or so. Give it what it needs. water, juices, fruit. Exercise will help greatly. Worst mistake is sitting around and doing nothing, while drinking soda and eating a bag of chips.

Keep enduring my friend. It's all worth it. Quit with you today.
Funny you mention sitting around with a soda and bags of chips. I have made a lot of changes in lifestyle lately. The most important is being quit but I also gave up alcohol for Lent and started the 8 hr eating plan. Basically I can eat what I want for 8 hours then I'm done, nothing more in the pie hole except water. Also can't eat past 6pm. No shitting wonder I have a headache. Thanks for the advice about water and exercise though. I will work more on that.

Proud to be quit with you.