Author Topic: Glad to be here  (Read 109732 times)

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Offline Athan

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« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2018, 07:47:18 PM »
In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed Mount Everest. Took them 7 weeks.
Know how they did it?
One step at a time.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

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outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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The Nightmare
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2018, 07:44:25 PM »
You stare at the floor. You are alone in a crowded waiting room. You’re finding it hard to breathe; as if a weight were actually on your chest compressing it. Though it’s 65 degrees in there you are bathed in a cold sweat. Cancer. The word itself instills fear in just about everyone. “What is that stuff Daddy? That stuff you put in your mouth?” You remember his little words, spoken so long ago like they were yesterday. Your little man. Little nothing. He’s a strapping young man now. You’ve never been more proud of anything or anyone in your whole life. You were there at his graduation from boot camp. The pride on his face was nothing to what you held in your heart. One of your greatest joys is introducing him to acquaintances, “This is my son…”
“Sir?”, the doctors words shake you from your reverie. “Sir, your son is going to be fine. We had to take some 60% of his jaw and 30% of his tongue. But we think we got it all.”
True. He might have learned to chew from someone else.
But he didn’t.
He learned from you.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
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Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Athan

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You Might be it's Bitch if.....
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2018, 07:43:31 PM »
You might be its bitch if:
You've deferred sex for nicotine
You've been broke and paid for it with a credit card (you friggin financed your addiction you idiot, you actually paid interest on it!)
You've looked for the round silhouette on strangers in a crowd so you could bum a chew
You've lied about using
You've stashed cans to ensure your next fix was never out of reach
You've driven cross town because your normal stop was out
You've fallen asleep with a chew in
You've recycled a chew because you were running low
You've put a chew in and experienced pain because your lip is shredded
You've stolen from your kids piggy bank to finance your dirty deed
You've not only eaten with a chew in, you've actually gotten proficient at it

Aren't you tired of being it's bitch?
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
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Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Athan

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63 days
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2018, 07:42:32 PM »
So we had a guy cave yesterday. Said he was “half-assing” his quit.
Can’t begin to convey the sense of loss I felt.
Here was someone who made a conscious decision to stop using a dangerous substance but in the end was unable to resist the sirens call.
6 days into it.
I won’t sugar coat it; it’s a trial. The cravings are real. But so is freedom.
I’m 63 days free today because I didn’t cave yesterday.
I and most of the guys in our group communicate and actively lean on each other.
The guy that caved didn’t. He neither sought out nor offered help.
He tried alone and he died alone.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
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My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2018, 07:41:44 PM »
Time is not on your side

How old were you when you started?

Time is not on your side
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
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My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Athan

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« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2018, 07:41:16 PM »

It's a word used by the weak to describe that which requires effort.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
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The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Athan

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An Installment Plan From Hell
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2018, 07:40:49 PM »
Take that can out and look at it. Really, go ahead. Take it out and look at it. It’s not made of gold or anything.
What if I told you that you paid $50,000 for it.
What, you didn’t know it was an installment plan?
Didn’t know with the first can you were signing up for LIFE?
You weren’t planning on that were you?
If a slick salesman were sitting before your son with a legal contract and was pushing your kid to sign the dotted line that would obligate him for $5 a day for the REST OF HIS LIFE and you had a baseball bat, how would that all pan out?
What person in their right mind commits themselves to a financial contract in perpetuity that could cost them their life?
I wouldn’t even do that for a cool pickup truck.
And for a can? Really?
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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All in
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2018, 07:39:57 PM »
You ready to be all in?
Because there's no point entering unless you are.
There's no such thing as half-quit.
I mean, you don't get half-syphilis.
The doctor isn't going to tell you, "I'm sorry, but you've got half cancer"
Your objective, should you choose to commit, is to quit every day.
You'll post roll with others promising to do just that, every day.
You'll notice some that post late, some that miss days.
They're not all in. They don't make it. They're on their way to getting half-herpes or half-diabetes.
What about you?
You ready to be all in?
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2018, 07:36:57 PM »

Polonium-210 (Po-210) is a radioactive material that occurs naturally in the earths crust.

Similar to banana’s and their affinity for potassium-40, tobacco has an affinity for Polonium. That means that the plant will naturally absorb the nuclide whereas other plants won’t.

Now here is the interesting part, Po-210 emits alpha particles. Of all the radioactive particles, the alpha particle is the largest, has the highest charge, and does the most biological damage.
Because of its large mass and high charge, it is stopped by the clothes that you wear or even your skin. So it’s a radiation hazard only if it is taken into the body through breathing or eating.

Polonium has a half-life of 138 days. That means that after 138 days, you will still have half of what you just ingested.

Much of Po-210 is passed through feces, although the remaining amounts that enter the bloodstream can concentrate in organs such as the spleen, kidneys, and liver.

And you thought oral cancer was the only risk; think again. You can’t pull your spleen out and look at it to see if you’ve been chewing too much the way you can look at your lip or gums in the mirror.

Ready to spit that dip out and quit for real now?

« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 07:38:44 PM by Athan »
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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...only idiots do it needlessly
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2018, 04:56:40 PM »
There was a slight chill in the air so I grabbed a light jacket on the way out. When I got there a buddy starts busting my balls about needing a coat.
"Yes it's true, a real man can endure the elements." I said. Then I added, "But only an idiot does it needlessly."
So it is with the quit. A real man can bear that burden alone.
But only an idiot would do it needlessly.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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Know what makes my day?
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2018, 04:55:12 PM »
Know what makes my day?
When a young father comes along. He's got a little girl he wants to be there for. He's got a little boy he wants to watch become a man. And he's made a decision that they are more important than the can.
I've heard it said that urgent things are seldom important while important things are seldom urgent.
Well that craving you feel for that next pinch is an urgent thing.
Watching your children grow up, well, I think you'll agree with me that that's important.
Yeah, if you came on in outa the cold and posted by the fire where all the quitters stand round and support each other, that'd make my day.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Athan

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all we are saying...
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2018, 04:54:28 PM »
...all we are saying, is give quit a chance

...what if they gave a can and no one chewed.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2018, 04:53:49 PM »
What are some of the ones that you use?
After this can, just dropped $5 on it and I'm not gonna throw that out (um, that was 500 cans ago)
After this weekend (um, that was 100 weekends ago and counting)
She's driving me crazy (um, that's what they do)
I work with idiots! (um, don't we all? and that can will magically make the world smarter? Really?)
I broke my leg (sorry about the leg, um, and the can has bone healing medicinal properties?)
I have so much extra cash I don't know what else to do with it (um, please call me I can help you out)
Chicks dig it! (no, not really and can we talk about that mullet while we're on the subject?)
What's it to you, I'm only hurting myself (not while we're on a quasi socialized medical system but that's another class)
The tobacco companies are counting on me (just copenhagen alone is over a BILLION dollars a year)
Statistics are in my favor that I won't get cancer/diabetes/stomach ulcers/extremity circulatory damage/etc. (statistics are meaningless to the ones that do, and their families)
I do it in secret, she doesn't know (and lying to your spouse has always been a good foundation for a marriage/relationship?)
The fact is, there are as many excuses as there are cans of tobacco. I'm sure you can add to the list ad nauseum.
Winners have results. Losers have excuses. Your choice. Your life.
Choose life.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Athan

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« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2018, 07:44:01 PM »
IQWYT is commonly included when folks post. It means "I quit with you today"

I have never seen anyone post IQAOMOTAIDNYB (I quit all on my own today and I don't need you basterds!)
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Athan

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The Fool
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2018, 07:43:12 PM »
Like a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

Don't be a fool my brother, choose life, choose to quit!
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer