All y'all bitches need to relax.
Actually, I recognize all of this Jerry Springerness for exactly what it is =
A bunch of dudes each making their own attempt to keep other dudes from caving.
Accountability. I get it.
For the record, I'm 267 days quit today and still solid, thanks to me mostly, but also thanks to all of you a-holes.
No, I have not posted every single day and there are various reasons for that, some of which are really awesome reasons and some of which stink.
However, I am still quit.
Yes, I failed once and then came back.
Took a lot of (well deserved) shit for it too.
And, it appears, I continue to take a lot of shit for the manner in which I'm quitting.
That's ok though.
Between texts, phone calls, and posting here though, I've kept my promise this time and I intend to continue to do that every day.
Because of what I do and what's going on with my family, I cannot and will not promise to post here every day or spend as much time here as I once needed to.
That's because I am not interested in breaking any more promises.
I do, however, hold dear the promise to stay quit.
And I've kept that promise to me and to each and every one of you.
I'm not pissed at any of you bitches for "butting in" on our group or ranting and swearing or generally acting like trailer-park dill holes.
That's because I realize that accountability takes many forms.
Sometimes it's a Care Bear hug other times it's a foot in the ass, but either way, I get it.
And I value it.
Know this - My quit is going sweet.
I know it just enough to be proud of myself up to this point, but not so much that I think I have it knocked.
I don't.
But I continue to put daily sleeper holds on this bitch each day, no matter what.
Just like you.
In the meantime, everybody needs to fucking relax...