Author Topic: 1st Time Quitter Intro  (Read 2257 times)

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2016, 07:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Max_Power
K got it. Thanks.
Mr. Max.....I humbly retract my last! Great job posting roll this morning. You are one of the few who actually get it right first time! I would urge you to read as much as you can about how insidious nicotine can be and how you are in for a rough next few months. Steel yourself, because it's gonna suck in all the worst ways. Just remember that nicotine withdrawals, far as I can determine from intensive internet searches, have never actually killed anyone!

Quit with you today on your day four!

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2016, 07:08:00 AM »
K got it. Thanks.

Offline nodipinthislip

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2016, 10:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Max_Power
Haven't caved, believe what you want but I haven't, , I'm still trying to find out how to find the latest post on the group page to post roll. And since I haven't posted roll I didn't post anymore because it's against the proper etiquette of the forums. And my name isn't a reference to any power I may or may not think I have but to an great Simpsons episode in which Homer changes his name to Max Power. I have a crazy schedule (work 3am to 11 am, come home take care of the baby, clean the house, put baby to bed and go to sleep around 7 unless I have a day off) but I'll figure this out sometime tomorrow.
here you go Mr. Busy is a video of how to post roll......once you get used to it a few seconds is all it takes.....everyone has a busy hectic life don't use it as a reason not to post roll.....Stay quit life is so much better without dip.....and if you fuck it up while posting nobody cares ..we all have done it ....

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2016, 10:15:00 PM »
Here's a link that may help you.

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2016, 10:11:00 PM »
Don't worry about screwing up roll. The only way to screw up roll is by not being on roll. You'll figure it out before long. We all have.

Find the Quit Groups group of threads.
Scroll down til you find Pre-HOF December 2016 Group.
To the right of that link you'll see the word "pages" followed by "1 ... some number". Right now that "some number" is 110. By time you get there it may be 115 or 120. Depends on how many posts there are between now and then.
Tap or click on that "some number" (110, 115, 120), whatever shows up as the last page in the thread.
Find the last entry that is "roll". Most of the posts are roll, but some are banter back and forth between members.
There will be instructions for posting roll right in the last roll entry. Do your best to follow them, but don't get too hung up on it. Again, the only way to screw up roll is by not being on it.
Post roll every day, and you will be welcomed as a part of the community, and brothers will trip over themselves trying to help you.
Stay quit.

Offline Max_Power

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2016, 09:32:00 PM »
Haven't caved, believe what you want but I haven't, , I'm still trying to find out how to find the latest post on the group page to post roll. And since I haven't posted roll I didn't post anymore because it's against the proper etiquette of the forums. And my name isn't a reference to any power I may or may not think I have but to an great Simpsons episode in which Homer changes his name to Max Power. I have a crazy schedule (work 3am to 11 am, come home take care of the baby, clean the house, put baby to bed and go to sleep around 7 unless I have a day off) but I'll figure this out sometime tomorrow.

Offline CavMan83

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2016, 09:15:00 PM »
Speaking of sex, looks like maxpower done lost his load. Posting roll is the cost of admission. Not posting is a sign of a cave. Hope you pull through bud.

Maybe he needs a name change to No Power..... Likewise, I hope he's okay, but I wouldn't bet on it....

Offline Gdubya

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2016, 05:47:00 PM »
Quote from: jswiss11
Dude. I had the EXACT same thoughts. "What is the point of eating, drinking coffee, fucking my wife.... without my DIP?!?" it's your addicted brain trying to get you to break. DO NOT LISTEN TO IT!! you're gonna feel like this for probably a good 2 weeks. just come in here to rage on us. read up on all the resources about this addiction and consider your options. fight this and win each day for another chance at a new life... or go back to sucking shit through a straw after you lose your jaw.
No sex jswiss ??? I aint going that far with ya bro. Haha. Being whipped helps. And you ca even suggest a little hey babe, some relief right now would sure help things out. 'BanDog'

Speaking of sex, looks like maxpower done lost his load. Posting roll is the cost of admission. Not posting is a sign of a cave. Hope you pull through bud.

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2016, 03:08:00 PM »
Dude. I had the EXACT same thoughts. "What is the point of eating, drinking coffee, fucking my wife.... without my DIP?!?" it's your addicted brain trying to get you to break. DO NOT LISTEN TO IT!! you're gonna feel like this for probably a good 2 weeks. just come in here to rage on us. read up on all the resources about this addiction and consider your options. fight this and win each day for another chance at a new life... or go back to sucking shit through a straw after you lose your jaw.

Offline Gdubya

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2016, 10:30:00 PM »
Hey Bro, all that whining and cry baby whoa is me crap?....... that's exactly what this place is for. Bring it all right here and dump it out. Unload on us. That's what we do here. And that's why vets like myself stay here. We are walking in the awesome freedom that we've earned and we know what the new guys are going through. Heck. Somebody with 2 weeks, 30 days, 60 days or 100 days.... knows exactly what your going through right now. See this right here 'Finger' , those emoticons are there also to help express how your feeling. We've all said it, FU Nic 'Finger' .

Lets get something straight and put into the correct perspective. When you decided to Quit, you began to hear voices. Two voices specifically. The voice of the real you and also the voice of addiction. The voice of addiction tells you you'd rather have a dip than try to get that job. You the real you tells you that you need to be a heathy nicotine free provider to your family. The voice of addiction tells you it impossible to be free. The real you says he wants to be free. How do I know this ? Well, its the real me that's typing this to you right now. Ive been there listening to both of those voices screaming at me. Now I only hear the real me. Sometimes that other voice tries to pop up, but I recognize it and deal with it.

You should be thankful of the no nicotine requirement of the prospective job. Let it be a wake up call. My job has just begun implementing higher insurance costs for nicotine users. Hell, if I were an employer I wouldn't hire addicts. And is it fair to our families that we spend family money on this addiction and then have to pay higher insurance premiums as well?

You said you just don't know how to get over this. Well, take the simple attitude of my quit buddy Doc2Quit4Good, and say "never again". That covers every stinking thing that could ever come against you. No matter the stress, no matter how sick you start feeling, no matter if you do or do not get that job, nothing will ever again bring you to using nic ever again. You post roll. Every damn day. EVERY DAMN DAY !!!! Post roll first thing in the morning. Its your promise to me and this entire community that for just that day you will not use nic in any form or fashion. This aint a slow down or replacement site. Cold turkey buddy. As addicts, we partook first thing every morning. Now we post roll first thing. Nic is replaced with roll. Get numbers of your folks in your quit group. Get numbers of vets. Click my profile and send me a PM with your number. Text me FU and Ill text you FO and we just go about our nic free day happy as a lark. Text all your quit group buddies every day as well. Again, how do we get over this ? Well, we do it together. That the magic of KTC. Its also an accountability group. Means we watch over each other. Hold each other accountable. As in, I don't see your name on roll. You post a Day 1 yet? That's the price of admission here. Get r Done. And shoot me a pm. Glad your here. Your in the right place.

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2016, 09:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Max_Power
Thanks to everyone for the support, I know the rant was selfish but that's just how I am I guess, especially in my own head and thoughts. Also sorry for not posting roll, I guess I wasn't quite up on the proper etiquette for the site.
You have until 11:59 to post for today just an FYI. You got this.

Offline Max_Power

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2016, 09:00:00 PM »
Thanks to everyone for the support, I know the rant was selfish but that's just how I am I guess, especially in my own head and thoughts. Also sorry for not posting roll, I guess I wasn't quite up on the proper etiquette for the site.

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2016, 07:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Max_Power
Hey all,
Formerly a 13 year, 1 - 1.5 can/day dipper of Grizzly Straight Long Cut. Today is my second full day without nicotine and what a nightmare it is. I envy all of you who seem to be psyched about finally kicking the habit, but I have to be honest, I am not psyched at all about it. I know that it isn't the way it is supposed to be done, but I my motivations for quitting are not for my own benefit (though I know it is to my benefit) , I am quitting because I've gotten a chance for an interview at a very reputable hospital and it is against their hiring policy to hire people who use nicotine. This job would be huge for my wife and daughter, but even still I am so addicted, I would really rather have my dip right now. I am so addicted to dip that despite being in a situation where I am a veteran as well as a college graduate working in a dead-end almost minimum wage job (due to the fact that I have had terrible luck finding good work after graduating 3 months ago and simply had to take something), I would still rather have my lousy dip and forget about that potentially great job and everything that comes with it. I just don't know how to get over this, I really don't. In my head I can't help but thinking things like "what's the point in having a cup of coffee? I can't even enjoy it without my dip." "What's the point of even owning a game console, how can I play video games without a dip?" etc. These are the things that keep going on in my head. I haven't really eaten much the past couple days because I know how bad it will suck not to have a dip after my meal. I'm feeling so miserable from the withdrawals, that I can't even enjoy spending time with my 11 month old daughter, really freaking sad. I play with her and put on a nice face but it's all phony, I'm miserable inside and I'd rather just have my damn dip and enjoy things again. I really hope I don't go back to dip after the whole job thing is over I know that would be so stupid, I want to be free of it forever, hopefully I'll start feeling better and more confident after a few days. Well I guess that's it for now, Ill get on and post some more stuff later, sorry for the whining but I've really got no one else to whine to, certainly no one that understands what I'm feeling.

Hey Max, I'm a Veteran too. Army 95-96 until a major knee injury. I chewed for 23 years. I'm 9 days quit. I feel your pain. Like it was said post roll daily starting today. I will send you my digits and you can text me when you feel the urge. Also use the chat and vent there. We are all behind you and the people on this site have your 6.

Offline nodipinthislip

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2016, 07:03:00 PM »
oh and Max you need to go to quit groups then preHOF December and post roll it is your daily promise to quit....there is magic in that daily promise

Offline nodipinthislip

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Re: 1st Time Quitter Intro
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2016, 06:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Max_Power
Hey all,
Formerly a 13 year, 1 - 1.5 can/day dipper of Grizzly Straight Long Cut. Today is my second full day without nicotine and what a nightmare it is. I envy all of you who seem to be psyched about finally kicking the habit, but I have to be honest, I am not psyched at all about it. I know that it isn't the way it is supposed to be done, but I my motivations for quitting are not for my own benefit (though I know it is to my benefit) , I am quitting because I've gotten a chance for an interview at a very reputable hospital and it is against their hiring policy to hire people who use nicotine. This job would be huge for my wife and daughter, but even still I am so addicted, I would really rather have my dip right now. I am so addicted to dip that despite being in a situation where I am a veteran as well as a college graduate working in a dead-end almost minimum wage job (due to the fact that I have had terrible luck finding good work after graduating 3 months ago and simply had to take something), I would still rather have my lousy dip and forget about that potentially great job and everything that comes with it. I just don't know how to get over this, I really don't. In my head I can't help but thinking things like "what's the point in having a cup of coffee? I can't even enjoy it without my dip." "What's the point of even owning a game console, how can I play video games without a dip?" etc. These are the things that keep going on in my head. I haven't really eaten much the past couple days because I know how bad it will suck not to have a dip after my meal. I'm feeling so miserable from the withdrawals, that I can't even enjoy spending time with my 11 month old daughter, really freaking sad. I play with her and put on a nice face but it's all phony, I'm miserable inside and I'd rather just have my damn dip and enjoy things again. I really hope I don't go back to dip after the whole job thing is over I know that would be so stupid, I want to be free of it forever, hopefully I'll start feeling better and more confident after a few days. Well I guess that's it for now, Ill get on and post some more stuff later, sorry for the whining but I've really got no one else to whine to, certainly no one that understands what I'm feeling.

i got to be honest Max that is about the most selfish horseshit i have ever read...just think about it...just picture the ceo's of big tobacco laughing and taking your money while you refuse to provide a better life for your can a tin of dip control your behavior like cant play video games boooooooooo hooooooooooo......MAX you are in control of everything you do...not a can of dip if you decide not to take the job it is all you.....the title of your intro should be " Hi my name is Max and i am a shelfish little girl"......It is awesome on the other side Max just change your thinking and it will happen.....i was a can a day dipper for a long time( especially after meals) and now sometimes it is hard for me to believe that i used to do that shit....the craves get weaker and day at a time and instead of thinking why quitting sucks try only thinking why quitting is the right thing to makes it a hell of a lot easier than this poor poor pitiful me shit....