Author Topic: Day 1 and Counting  (Read 1964 times)

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2011, 11:42:00 PM »
Quote from: BeerBottleSpittoon
Weekends. Not my favorite part. I'm one of those guys that gets up early for work and generally puts in a busy problem solving day with little room for distractions. Get home and fluff through the news and get to bed early. Monday through Friday. Then the weekend comes. My dive in full throttle as fast as you can and hope you come out the other side ready to go two days of the week.

I hate weekends right now.
Hang tough brother, you got my number if you need it.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline BeerBottleSpittoon

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2011, 11:36:00 PM »
Weekends. Not my favorite part. I'm one of those guys that gets up early for work and generally puts in a busy problem solving day with little room for distractions. Get home and fluff through the news and get to bed early. Monday through Friday. Then the weekend comes. My dive in full throttle as fast as you can and hope you come out the other side ready to go two days of the week.

I hate weekends right now.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2011, 11:15:00 PM »
Quote from: BeerBottleSpittoon
Second Dip dream last night...

Threw in a dip while walking out the door to go somewhere and realized afterwords that I fucked up my quit. I spit the thing out immediatlely and felt the guilt sweep over me. I started to think of how to handle it. Then the thing just drug on and on and on. Kept talking to myself about how easy it happened and how I never even thought about it. I was amazed at how the process of putting the dip in was as automatic as breathing.

I've been contemplating this dream all day, as I'm sure many of you have done with your own dip dreams. Tomorrows my Day 30 and there hasn't been a day gone by yet that I haven't thought about my quit at some level. My dream served as a reminder to me that every day is a battle and that I cannot let my guard down. :angry:
Keep that thought as your quit progresses and you will be fine. It is a daily battle and the reason we say to post roll EVERY day.

Never let your guard down.

Offline BeerBottleSpittoon

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2011, 10:59:00 PM »
Second Dip dream last night...

Threw in a dip while walking out the door to go somewhere and realized afterwords that I fucked up my quit. I spit the thing out immediatlely and felt the guilt sweep over me. I started to think of how to handle it. Then the thing just drug on and on and on. Kept talking to myself about how easy it happened and how I never even thought about it. I was amazed at how the process of putting the dip in was as automatic as breathing.

I've been contemplating this dream all day, as I'm sure many of you have done with your own dip dreams. Tomorrows my Day 30 and there hasn't been a day gone by yet that I haven't thought about my quit at some level. My dream served as a reminder to me that every day is a battle and that I cannot let my guard down. :angry:

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2011, 09:16:00 AM »
Quote from: BeerBottleSpittoon
Two things for today.

I feel like I've made a lot of progress since my last post. I am winding down day 6 and feel pretty good in my quit. The first 3-4 days that included a long weekend at home was truly a bitch. The nearly constant flashes of chew ARE (edit) crazy, but...(I'm also in day 2 of my insanity workout and that helps too for me).

Second, I love this website. I spent a lot of time here this past three day weekend reading as much as I can. There is so much here for the new quit person it's crazy. It's just awsome. Period.

If your reading this and haven't read "my page is better than yours" you are truly missing out. What happened to that guy? I hope he's ok.

Thanks to the folks that have been here for some time. Your efforts and dedication are something else.
Awesome man. Take in everything you can. Read all the old quit groups too, tons of good shit in there.

Offline BeerBottleSpittoon

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2011, 12:29:00 AM »
Two things for today.

I feel like I've made a lot of progress since my last post. I am winding down day 6 and feel pretty good in my quit. The first 3-4 days that included a long weekend at home was truly a bitch. The nearly constant flashes of chew ARE (edit) crazy, but...(I'm also in day 2 of my insanity workout and that helps too for me).

Second, I love this website. I spent a lot of time here this past three day weekend reading as much as I can. There is so much here for the new quit person it's crazy. It's just awsome. Period.

If your reading this and haven't read "my page is better than yours" you are truly missing out. What happened to that guy? I hope he's ok.

Thanks to the folks that have been here for some time. Your efforts and dedication are something else.

Offline BeerBottleSpittoon

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2011, 01:55:00 PM »
Thanks Greg. I hear you loud and clear man. These are some of the many reasons that led to the momentus day last wednesday when I finally arrived at the point where I was ready to quit chewing. I write some of the things that I write because I mean them whole heartedly. At day 4 today, I still love chewing. I am pissed off that I can no longer enjoy a chew.

I am not chewing because I don't like chewing. I am not chewing because other things in life have become more important to me for the first time. My can of kodiak that was readily available had been the most important thing for 16 years. No longer is that the case. As I am progressing through this shitty ass mother fucking piece of shit cock sucking detox phase I am bending ever so slightly towards the:

"The illusion you made up for yourself is that you liked it. You don't. Step back and look at the habit itself and you will decide it is the most digusting fucking thing you have ever done."


I am not having fun and will not pretend to. But I am here and ready. And by Gods good grace I will be here at day 100, 200...500. Enthusiastic about quitting my addiction to nicotine.

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2011, 09:01:00 AM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: BeerBottleSpittoon
A friend of mine has been going through this process here at Kill the Can and I see that he is on day 131.  Congratulations Scooners.  Today I join him and begin my first ever Quit in 16 years.  It will be a challenge but I will succeed because for the first time ever I want to quit.  Until now (and even now) I have loved loved loved chewing.  But last night I had my last chew and today I quit.
as of today, you no longer love it. You'll find, perhaps very quickly, that you detest tobacco. Read the site from top to bottom. When you are done, you'll hate tobacco for the rest of your life.
Tarpon is correct. The illusion you made up for yourself is that you liked it. You don't. Step back and look at the habit itself and you will decide it is the most digusting fucking thing you have ever done. I will post an article here that may help you understand.

Understanding your enemy.

**Portions taken from an article on**

As teenagers, what most of us thought would be a brief rebellious experiment was quickly transformed into a powerful lifelong chemical addiction as daily multiple nicotine feedings quickly became mandatory. New studies confirm that for some of us it only took coughing and hacking our way through a few nicotine laden cigarettes, or a few pinches of tobacco before the shackles of slavery began to take control. Five, ten, fifteen nicotine fixes a day became the norm, our way of life- when will enough be enough became the question. "Tomorrow, tomorrow I will quit” or "I love tobacco, it helps me think" “ “It helps me remain calm”, and many other lies we told ourselves daily. Welcome to the realities of true chemical dependency. A world built upon lies; Lies sold to you by big tobacco and lies you told yourself.

Psychologists calls our lies denial. Denial is an unconscious defense mechanism - just below the surface - we use for resolving the emotional conflict and anxieties that naturally arise from living in a permanent state of self-destructive chemical bondage. Three primary areas of denial relied upon by nicotine addicts are dependency denial, cost denial and recovery denial. In each, truth is sacrificed in exchange for peace of mind while remaining hostage in an artificial world of "nicotine normal," or to justify relapse. I know I told my self hundreds of times I could quit whenever I wanted to, I just did not want to quit. Tobacco kept me calm, helped me concentrate, gave me energy.. what horseshit. I know you all used this one too “ I will quit when Skoal reaches XXX per can I will quit.” All forms of denial to help you cope with your addiction.

Most nicotine addicts are completely insulated by a thick blanket of unconscious denial rationalizations, minimizations, fault projections, escapes, intellectualizations and delusions that hide the pain of captivity or create the illusion that lifes problems are somehow being solved by using. The average addict musters the confidence to challenge their addiction about once every three years, at which time roughly 1 in 20 will succeed in breaking free for an entire year. These horrible recovery statistics evenutally result in half of us dying by our own hand, with male users losing an average of 13 years of life expectancy and females losing 14 years. Our senseless self-destruction is undeniable visible evidence of denial's depth, and the power of this addiction. The addiction insulated us from the extreme price being paid with each and every puff or pinch - a little more of life itself taken, all to line the pockets of big tobacco.

Sadly for far too many the three years between recovery attempts will be too long. According to the World Health Organization the next three years will cost 15 million of our brother and sister addicts their lives. If you are here reading this you are at a crossroads. You want to quit but are not sure you can. This is where you need to be. It will be tough, you will have to endure some pain but it can be done. As a former can to can and a half a day user I can attest to the fact that this site and the methods here do work. You have a choice to make today, another try in three years may be too late.

Make no mistakes, this is a battle for your lives. What will your decision be ?

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2011, 08:47:00 AM »
Welcome to the quit beerbottlespittoon! This site has a lot of stuff to help you on here. Make sure you check out the chat room as well. There is usually a handful of people in there and they can talk to you when you are having problems. I have talked to scooners, and he is a good one to have in your corner. This is a family here, and we all look out for each other. If you ever need anything, you have plenty of people on here to lean on, so make sure you do so.

Look forward to seeing you on roll call!!!
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Offline bryank530

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2011, 08:25:00 AM »
Quote from: BeerBottleSpittoon
Thanks you guys. Still learning the website and understanding what it has to offer but I really do thank everyone for the huge support group that is available here.
I have loved loved loved chewing. But last night I had my last chew and today I quit.
Hey BBS welcome to the MAY group, keep posting roll and ask for help if you need it..
Day 1: 1/24/2011 | HOF: 5/3/2011

Offline BeerBottleSpittoon

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2011, 08:22:00 PM »
Thanks you guys. Still learning the website and understanding what it has to offer but I really do thank everyone for the huge support group that is available here.

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2011, 10:11:00 AM »
Way to go BBS.

Offline tarpon17

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2011, 09:48:00 AM »
Quote from: BeerBottleSpittoon
A friend of mine has been going through this process here at Kill the Can and I see that he is on day 131. Congratulations Scooners. Today I join him and begin my first ever Quit in 16 years. It will be a challenge but I will succeed because for the first time ever I want to quit. Until now (and even now) I have loved loved loved chewing. But last night I had my last chew and today I quit.
as of today, you no longer love it. You'll find, perhaps very quickly, that you detest tobacco. Read the site from top to bottom. When you are done, you'll hate tobacco for the rest of your life.

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 09:06:00 AM »
Welcome, you can do this you have it in you.
Quit January 19, 2011

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Re: Day 1 and Counting
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 08:12:00 AM »
Welcome to the quit Beer Bottle Spitoon!

Post roll every morning, and realize that posting roll means keeping your word not to dip for the day. Read up, and have some alternatives ready for the oral fixation.
Great to be quit with you!