A month ago I went to the doctor for a sore mouth and to get medication to quit chewing, she complied and referred me to an ENT due to the condition of my mouth. I was informed by him that although he is unable to feel anything cancerous at this time due to the condition of my mouth, it was full of pre-cancerous cells and if I was to continue it is not a matter of if but when I will develop cancer. Addiotionally, due to the cells in my mouth now there is a likelyhood I will develop it anyway. He wants me back in 2 months to re-assess me and biopsy if needed. With a wife and 3 little kids that seems like a pretty strong motivator right. Fortunately for me a friend tipped me off to you guys and I found someone who knows how tough it is. I had back surgery about 5 years ago and was on pain medicine for 15 months regularly. I was able to kick that no problem (the DT's sucked but they only lasted about 3 days, then I started to almost get a high just knowing I didn't need them anymore) and besides I needed a prescription SA and 7-11 don't sell percocet and oxycontin.
While I have slowed to a crawl and no longer allow it to touch my lower lip I do cheat a couple of times a day with the upper lip in an attempt to wean myself down from the 600 mg/day level I was at. It is starting to get easier to avoid the can but it seems I need those 2-3 chews a day just to motivate me by having something to look forward to.
I have been chewing for 20 years averaging 2 cans a day with an average of 3 cans a day for about the last 3 years. I am trying wellbutrin now, I have patches and gum but have been staying away from them knowing that essentially all I am doing is prolonging what I will eventually have to do anyway. I have people around that would support me but they just don't get it, they don't know how hard it truly is and as a result really have no idea how to support me.
Here it is boys...... I laid it all out there for the first time ever, any help or advice you guys can give me would be great, I cannot post day 1 yet but really want to..........
If anyone wants to e-mail me with tips feel free