Author Topic: First day to my new life without dipping; what a day without dipping was like  (Read 1593 times)

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Offline segelhoff

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I fell on this site 1259 days ago. At first I didn't understand what was going on but I soon realized that this was a place for me to go and get rid of a nasty habit. My journey began over 30 years ago. I thought it was cool to dip. I was addicted to cope and it was my crutch for 30 years. I tried to quit several times in the 30 years but all the time I quit , I would start right up again. I didn't think I had a problem but needless to say I really did when I look back at it. I remember joining the U.S Navy and while I was in boot camp I didn't dip. Until my graduation night when my parents came up and bought me that can. I was addicted again just by taking that one dip. I was hooked for 20 more years until one day I realized it was making me sick. I went to the doctor to help. He gave me some Chantix. The day I actually quit is the day I found this site. I posted roll everyday while I also took the Chantix for 59 days I did this. Until one day a vet pm me telling me that it was my new crutch. At first I didn't believe him and he was just giving me a hard time. After thinking about it I realized that he was right. That day I stopped taking it and I started dreaming that I was dipping again. I thought that I really caved and that I let my group down. It was so real that I almost told the group that I caved. Luckily, I didn't. After my 100 days was up I thought I would be free. That isn't the case. You will never be free until you are no longer here. Over my 1000 days I have came on here a few times. I have only posted 200 plus times but I always fine my self coming back here to communicate with the newbies and the vets who was newbies at the time I quit. Every time I come back to this site where my brothers and sisters are. I feel like I am home and that I belong to a group of people who have battled this bad addiction and we are still fighting to win the war. To all the newbies that read this. After 100 days have pasted stay close to your group and get your numbers and has times passes by remember that life after 100 is far from over.
Quit Date: January 21, 2011
HOF Date: April 30, 2011

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Quitting one day at a time is all that matters.
To be successful takes you being accountable.

Offline segelhoff

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It is day 35 and i feel good. This month has been hard off and on but I found out that most of the quitters in my group are here to help me. I have to thank AmericanNurse34 becasue she has help me and more ways than one. I have to thank dynasty, gig, bronco, and short for the hard pounding lessons they have taught me so far. I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for this site and the support I get everyday from the brothers and sisters I probably would of caved by now, however my dedication to my quit is the most important thing in my life and I am not going to let the NIC bitch control my life.
Quit Date: January 21, 2011
HOF Date: April 30, 2011

HOF Speech

Quitting one day at a time is all that matters.
To be successful takes you being accountable.

Offline Bean

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Whoops...guess it would help if I looked in the right month, huh? Congrats and keep it up.

Offline Bean

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  • Likes Given: 0 you doing, buddy? I didn't see you post roll and I'm concerned that the Nic Bitch is putting it to you. How about it? You still hanging in there?

Offline Bean

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Well, like I said, I mean no offense. I am just glad to be quit with you today. Congrats and let's keep this up!

Offline Dr. Bruce Banner

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Quote from: segelhoff
Quote from: Bean
First and foremost...CONGRATS on your quit.  Do what you have to stay that way.  That goes for everyone.  But I got news for don't need Chantix.  I don't mean offense.  It is just that you already have the strength...part of being an addict is that you don't believe you can do it.  Chantix is just a psychological crutch you don't need. 

It's a life or death versus a pill...I'd bet on you.
I tell you something, I am taking a pill everyday for 12 days now. First of all i do hate taking a pill, Second I already am getting sick of the pill. Third by this time next week i probably won't be on the pill. However, when I stop taking chantix , i will be starting a new one for the high cholestral I have. I understand what you are saying and i am only using chantix as a tool not a crutch. I understand how i need to be accountable for my quit and i also know that my mindset of my quit is clear and concise for me. I gave up dipping for life and i am four days in and i want to make sure i will never touch dip again. To ensure that i never will cave i had the doctor give me the chantix to take to help me quit. one difference in the directions is if you slip, but my mindset is i already quit for 4 days and i am not going to let my brothers down or myself. I am not trying to quit, i am done with dip and their isn't anything that can make me cave like a pussy with or without chantix. I am not rageing or anything I am making my self clear that chantix is only a tool and it does work with some support.
all I heard was, pill, pussy, my tool...Damn I'm horny! 'BanDog'
HOF 2/2/2010
2nd 5/12/2010
3rd 8/20/2010
4th 11/29/2010

Within our capabilities, orginating in our attitudes and culminating in our actions

Offline segelhoff

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Quote from: Bean
First and foremost...CONGRATS on your quit. Do what you have to stay that way. That goes for everyone. But I got news for don't need Chantix. I don't mean offense. It is just that you already have the strength...part of being an addict is that you don't believe you can do it. Chantix is just a psychological crutch you don't need.

It's a life or death versus a pill...I'd bet on you.
I tell you something, I am taking a pill everyday for 12 days now. First of all i do hate taking a pill, Second I already am getting sick of the pill. Third by this time next week i probably won't be on the pill. However, when I stop taking chantix , i will be starting a new one for the high cholestral I have. I understand what you are saying and i am only using chantix as a tool not a crutch. I understand how i need to be accountable for my quit and i also know that my mindset of my quit is clear and concise for me. I gave up dipping for life and i am four days in and i want to make sure i will never touch dip again. To ensure that i never will cave i had the doctor give me the chantix to take to help me quit. one difference in the directions is if you slip, but my mindset is i already quit for 4 days and i am not going to let my brothers down or myself. I am not trying to quit, i am done with dip and their isn't anything that can make me cave like a pussy with or without chantix. I am not rageing or anything I am making my self clear that chantix is only a tool and it does work with some support.
Quit Date: January 21, 2011
HOF Date: April 30, 2011

HOF Speech

Quitting one day at a time is all that matters.
To be successful takes you being accountable.

Offline Bean

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First and foremost...CONGRATS on your quit. Do what you have to stay that way. That goes for everyone. But I got news for don't need Chantix. I don't mean offense. It is just that you already have the strength...part of being an addict is that you don't believe you can do it. Chantix is just a psychological crutch you don't need.

It's a life or death versus a pill...I'd bet on you.

Offline Xzacto

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Great Job! Today is my third day kicking the nic in the gut! I have smoked and chewed for the better part of 20 years and quit smoking about 5 months ago. I've been chewing Copenhagen for 20 years also. I've used Chantix a few times and it works and that's all that matters so keep it up!
I remember when it was cool as a kid to chew and smoke and then after 20 years I realized the only cool thing to do was to quit and livestrong! I would rather be broke and healthy than rich and sick!

Offline minuteofangle

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Quote from: Crick
Quote from: segelhoff
Today was the first day without copenhagen, I have been dipping everyday for the past 31 years. with a break back in 1991. however today was different becasue i am using chantix to help me quit. I have been sucking on peppermint candy today and i feel like i accomplished something today. I actually went all day without dipping and i am proud of that. I have all cravings all day but i fought through them. I am happy i found a place to help me get the support i need from people who know what i am going through. Thank you for the time and I will check in everyday to devote that day to be tobacco free and if i need help that day i will ask thanks.
Congrats on the quit. It is a journey to freedom that definitely has plenty of obstacles. I'll give you a bit of my past experience with a previous quit. Do what ever you want with it.

A few ago I took Chantix. Yes, it did help reduce the cravings. I made it 3 months without nic. But my mind was not in the right spot. I thought I was cured. I stopped at a gas station and bought a can so I could have "just one." BOOM. Nic and I were back together. About one year later I tried Chantix again. But nic was not going let it become between us. The second time around I didn't even make day 1. It wasn't until I found KTC, and got into the proper mindset, before I got my quit on.

If Chantix is working for you, use it. But don't depend on it. You are going to have the same withdrawal symptoms as if you were quitting cold turkey without it. The most important part of your quit will be your dedication to your quit. KTC will help you there. Use this site, post up, ask for help, help others. Don't just depend on that prescription.

Welcome Aboard.
Crick - 238 days quit after a 29 year relationship to nicotine.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Well said Crick....


Offline ncgolfer

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Quote from: segelhoff
Today was better. except the withdrawals are more intense. I am thankful i made it through day two. It easier than Friday but it is more rewarding. I am focused to keep quitting everyday. Thanks for the support and everyone here no matter how you do it you guys rock for the effort and hope of a tobacco free day. I understand what it means to be addicted to something and didn't realize how it has taken over my life in the past. I now know why my quit is important and what it means to me. Without my quit it is a fail , without me it is a fail, but with all of you and me and my quit it will be a success. Thanks for another day without tobacco.
Great job here, remember today!! Post roll today, keep your promise, repeat tomorrow!! Proud to be quit with you.
Quit Date - 12/17/2010
Hall of Fame - 03/26/2011
Hall of Fame Speech -

Offline segelhoff

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Today was better. except the withdrawals are more intense. I am thankful i made it through day two. It easier than Friday but it is more rewarding. I am focused to keep quitting everyday. Thanks for the support and everyone here no matter how you do it you guys rock for the effort and hope of a tobacco free day. I understand what it means to be addicted to something and didn't realize how it has taken over my life in the past. I now know why my quit is important and what it means to me. Without my quit it is a fail , without me it is a fail, but with all of you and me and my quit it will be a success. Thanks for another day without tobacco.
Quit Date: January 21, 2011
HOF Date: April 30, 2011

HOF Speech

Quitting one day at a time is all that matters.
To be successful takes you being accountable.

Offline Bean

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You don't need Chantix. You strong enough to do it on your just don't know it yet. You took the first step, let us help you with the rest. Congrats on Day One. You just proved to yourself that you can do this because that's how it is day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow, next week or forever. We'll deal with that when we get there. But what you can do is commit to quitting right now. It is don't need just tell yourself that there is absolutely no fucking way you are going to put that crap in your face today, post roll, read everything you can on this site, and embrace your new freedom.

It will suck at first...the first day of anything that is dood for you usually does. But you did it, and you can do it again today. Remember this feeling well. Use it as motivation to NEVER do it again...unless you want to go through this again.

Post roll, white knuckle it through the day, and repeat. Remember, you can do this, brother!!!

Offline Crick

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Quote from: segelhoff
Today was the first day without copenhagen, I have been dipping everyday for the past 31 years. with a break back in 1991. however today was different becasue i am using chantix to help me quit. I have been sucking on peppermint candy today and i feel like i accomplished something today. I actually went all day without dipping and i am proud of that. I have all cravings all day but i fought through them. I am happy i found a place to help me get the support i need from people who know what i am going through. Thank you for the time and I will check in everyday to devote that day to be tobacco free and if i need help that day i will ask thanks.
Congrats on the quit. It is a journey to freedom that definitely has plenty of obstacles. I'll give you a bit of my past experience with a previous quit. Do what ever you want with it.

A few ago I took Chantix. Yes, it did help reduce the cravings. I made it 3 months without nic. But my mind was not in the right spot. I thought I was cured. I stopped at a gas station and bought a can so I could have "just one." BOOM. Nic and I were back together. About one year later I tried Chantix again. But nic was not going let it become between us. The second time around I didn't even make day 1. It wasn't until I found KTC, and got into the proper mindset, before I got my quit on.

If Chantix is working for you, use it. But don't depend on it. You are going to have the same withdrawal symptoms as if you were quitting cold turkey without it. The most important part of your quit will be your dedication to your quit. KTC will help you there. Use this site, post up, ask for help, help others. Don't just depend on that prescription.

Welcome Aboard.
Crick - 238 days quit after a 29 year relationship to nicotine.
Quit 5/29/10
Die'n aint much of a liv'n.
Destiny is not determined by chance. It is determined by choice.

Offline segelhoff

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Thanks today was hard but i was able to do it without no support. i am glad i found this site because now i know i am not alone.
Quit Date: January 21, 2011
HOF Date: April 30, 2011

HOF Speech

Quitting one day at a time is all that matters.
To be successful takes you being accountable.