Yea! Got it, thanks. FUCK YOU NICOTINE! Seriously. How is day 1 the hardest?
Right now you are telling your brain and your body that you are taking back control, and while you are doing that that chemical part of Nicotine which is still in your body for about 4 days is fighting back.
Then when the Nicotine is out of your system the mental part of the fight begins. One of my fellow quitters and now brothers Paradigm Dawg I am sure will post you his timeline for his quit. You will notice that in most of us the first week sucks total ass.
Like CBird stated earlier, we quit daily. This fight sucked and was hard on several days for me. However, I refused to lose and as a retired Marine that is stubborn, thickheaded and as a tendency to be a complete ass; I had to take control. I refused to lose for 120 days now.
I was an addict for over 24 years though and I will continue to consider myself an addict every day. You have my number and if the fight ever gets bad enough that you are ready to throw in the towel, then please use that as a lifeline. Plus like I said I have older sisters so if you want to call me bitching and acting like I am the anti-Christ in your quit then please do so; I happen to love a good argument too.
I do love a good heated debate. I am feeling a little more calm now. Going to go thrash a steak for dinner. I have a feeling right after i finish eating I am gonna be on here or texting someone. Something tells me it is going to suck balls. Right after I eat is my worst trigger. Thanks y'all.
If you haven't yet located an alternative to dip then drink a shot of hot sauce right after that steak!
Nice job bro. Hit the steak hard and when you are done thumb your nose at the nic B. You got this thing. Don't go into your post dinner battle conceding that this will suck balls. Fight to make it not suck balls. QLF!!
Yeah enjoy your meal then get busy. You have only roughly 4 hours and your quit is a victory and you quit all day! Fight and go to bed. If you wake, post first think and take that day on! We will be quitting with you tomorrow.
Make KTC your sanctuary. This is The Real Church of Quit.
No nice tries here. You post roll, keep your word to us and focus on Today. What you did yesterday is over and what you do tomorrow is too far to even worry about.
Quit today. When Tomorrow becomes today...repeat.
KiNd of Ironic. How many times have we said, heard, read and preached this. The plan is so simple. The work and application is a dog fight but if we post roll, keep our word for the day and every morning we wake...