Hey y'all. I have been dipping pouches for 7 years. Switched from smoking after 13 years. I never had a problem putting it down until about a year ago. I honestly hate it now. I get dizzy, feel weak, and there is a distinct self-loathing every time I put one in. When I try to go without it, I get angry. I feel like the world is against me and I cannot tolerate anyone or anything. Is this normal?
I want to quit. I will quit. I have been saying "This is my last can" for several months now. You can find a million support groups and products for quitting smoking, but few I can find for dipping.
Okay, an introduction. I am from Texas, outdoors my whole life. I am Oklahoma now. In my 30's, a redneck girl from my toes up. everyone I know dips, and think it is cool that I, a gal, do. I cannot go an hour without it. My EXCUSE for dipping was that I couldn't smoke around the kids, so I can dip in the house. WRONG. I hate that I have spit bottles around. I hate that my kids bring me my dip can when they find it. I am not okay with the example I am setting. I am done.
Thanks for listening. It is great to meet y'all. I love that y'all are hard and blunt, no excuses.
Today, November 11, 2013, I am over this chain on me. 'help'