Author Topic: 12 days off  (Read 9455 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2012, 08:06:00 PM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: ERDVM

I was cleaning out my 1st floor room in the Glass House of April this week, and I came across this ol dusty intro.  Thought I'd clean it up some and take it with me to my new room on the second floor (sharing bunk beds with Rated is gonna be so awesome). 

Anyway, I wanted to comment on how kickass the 2nd story feels.  It is like, when you grasp the intratesticular region of your scrotum with your thumb and middle finger, and produce a “need money” motion whilst gently pulling downward in an ever-so-nice fashion.  Plus your wife doesn’t roll her eyes and act all put out when you quit in front of her, like she does with the “needmoneydownwardscrotumpullmove”.....


Vadge 202
Congrats on 200 Vadge. You are a hell of a quitter.
I think I tore something trying the “needmoneydownwardscrotumpullmove”

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2012, 05:48:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM

I was cleaning out my 1st floor room in the Glass House of April this week, and I came across this ol dusty intro. Thought I'd clean it up some and take it with me to my new room on the second floor (sharing bunk beds with Rated is gonna be so awesome).

Anyway, I wanted to comment on how kickass the 2nd story feels. It is like, when you grasp the intratesticular region of your scrotum with your thumb and middle finger, and produce a “need money” motion whilst gently pulling downward in an ever-so-nice fashion. Plus your wife doesn’t roll her eyes and act all put out when you quit in front of her, like she does with the “needmoneydownwardscrotumpullmove”.....


Vadge 202
Congrats on 200 Vadge. You are a hell of a quitter.
I think I tore something trying the “needmoneydownwardscrotumpullmove”
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2012, 03:56:00 PM »

I was cleaning out my 1st floor room in the Glass House of April this week, and I came across this ol dusty intro. Thought I'd clean it up some and take it with me to my new room on the second floor (sharing bunk beds with Rated is gonna be so awesome).

Anyway, I wanted to comment on how kickass the 2nd story feels. It is like, when you grasp the intratesticular region of your scrotum with your thumb and middle finger, and produce a “need money” motion whilst gently pulling downward in an ever-so-nice fashion. Plus your wife doesn’t roll her eyes and act all put out when you quit in front of her, like she does with the “needmoneydownwardscrotumpullmove”.....


Vadge 202

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2012, 09:51:00 AM »
yeah, coming clean is great! Its a new life and way of perceiving things.

Offline nv0311

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2012, 09:30:00 AM »
Dude your a badass, thats all I am gonna say, and that I am proud to be quit with you.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
Quit Date 1/1/2012, HOF date 4/9/2012.

Offline luby

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2012, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: ERDVM
50 days.
Felt pretty good this weekend when I hit 50. Most of my quit brothers are well past this mark, but 1/2 a chub is better than 1/3 chub. I didn't have any celebrations, i just posted roll early, and quit all day. My quit was challenged this weekend though.

1. Friday night, a referring hospital called and wrongly chewed my ass. Threatening
to send her business elsewhere.
2. Saturday morning a good friend and colleague, who is 3.5 years quit from
opiates, whom I supervise, had a positive result for alcohol come back on his
urine test. He is 30 days from getting fully licensed again.
3. Saturday night, a quit brother called me with major marital problems that are
likely going to adversely affect his quit.
4. Mother in Law fell and broke her damn hip. Had surgery Sunday.
5. Sunday had a major, ridiculous fight with my wife.

So did I cave - hell no, I aint no crack whore. Did I crave nicotine - actually no. Did I crave easy, passive solutions - yes. But I am no longer that person who will just tell you whatever to avoid conflict. My brain is no longer medicated with nicotine 24 hours a day. It is quite liberating to wear my big-girl panties around and handle life's problems like an adult. I used to somehow handle life's curveballs, but without nicotine it is just different somehow. So, I went with my heart and I dealt, honestly, with all my issues.

1. Dr. Paranoid's Office Manager, you were not so combative when I repeated your complaint and told you that i was offended by your suggestion. Nor were you so demanding, when I ended our conversation and called your boss directly. Guess what, she only apologized 6 times for your drama and still refers to me.
2. Dr. Friend, I called you because I care for you. Yeah, we work great together and will make a lot of money together if you stay sober, but that's not why I care. I researched the urine test and false positives are common at such a low level. Ultimately, when you gave me your word, I believe you.
3. KTC Brother, you might read this. I think the conversations we had this weekend were very positive, and I hope you know that i was completely honest with you. I will keep your confidence, but if you will let me ask around the site some, I am sure I could find you some additional help. I am still worried about your quit.
4. MNL. Your only 60, very healthy. But next time use a ladder vs a chair.
5. Wife. I know it is a little weird with me being quit. Im dealing with things like a 15 year old - the last time i didn't have nicotine running through my body. We have both been very busy, and with 4 kids, are lives are rarely dull. However, please don't think that you can manipulate me anymore. i.e.-get in a fight and yell enough that you know i will/would/used to go to the garage and pack my lip with medication. Being completely honest with myself and to you is weird to me too. I think that us being honest with each other will only strengthen us in the long run.

So, yeah, I've just rambled and pretty much just vomited on this page. This isn't meant to be zen-ful, or life-changing, its mostly just for me. 1/2 HOF is what it is - 50 days of quit. I'm still just one fuck up away from losing it all - we all are. However, I am quit today and I'll deal with tomorrow's problems tomorrow - without nicotine.
Great job! I like the smell of the quit you are cooking. Damn impressive. I will quit with you today.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2012, 01:41:00 AM »
Sounds like a pretty eventful weekend, but you handled like a champ Dr. Vadge, nicely done. You've got my number if you ever need anything, or if you wanna vent....or I could drive 3 hours and give you a hug...anytime

Remember, we quit like fuck!
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2012, 01:20:00 AM »
50 days.
Felt pretty good this weekend when I hit 50. Most of my quit brothers are well past this mark, but 1/2 a chub is better than 1/3 chub. I didn't have any celebrations, i just posted roll early, and quit all day. My quit was challenged this weekend though.

1. Friday night, a referring hospital called and wrongly chewed my ass. Threatening
to send her business elsewhere.
2. Saturday morning a good friend and colleague, who is 3.5 years quit from
opiates, whom I supervise, had a positive result for alcohol come back on his
urine test. He is 30 days from getting fully licensed again.
3. Saturday night, a quit brother called me with major marital problems that are
likely going to adversely affect his quit.
4. Mother in Law fell and broke her damn hip. Had surgery Sunday.
5. Sunday had a major, ridiculous fight with my wife.

So did I cave - hell no, I aint no crack whore. Did I crave nicotine - actually no. Did I crave easy, passive solutions - yes. But I am no longer that person who will just tell you whatever to avoid conflict. My brain is no longer medicated with nicotine 24 hours a day. It is quite liberating to wear my big-girl panties around and handle life's problems like an adult. I used to somehow handle life's curveballs, but without nicotine it is just different somehow. So, I went with my heart and I dealt, honestly, with all my issues.

1. Dr. Paranoid's Office Manager, you were not so combative when I repeated your complaint and told you that i was offended by your suggestion. Nor were you so demanding, when I ended our conversation and called your boss directly. Guess what, she only apologized 6 times for your drama and still refers to me.
2. Dr. Friend, I called you because I care for you. Yeah, we work great together and will make a lot of money together if you stay sober, but that's not why I care. I researched the urine test and false positives are common at such a low level. Ultimately, when you gave me your word, I believe you.
3. KTC Brother, you might read this. I think the conversations we had this weekend were very positive, and I hope you know that i was completely honest with you. I will keep your confidence, but if you will let me ask around the site some, I am sure I could find you some additional help. I am still worried about your quit.
4. MNL. Your only 60, very healthy. But next time use a ladder vs a chair.
5. Wife. I know it is a little weird with me being quit. Im dealing with things like a 15 year old - the last time i didn't have nicotine running through my body. We have both been very busy, and with 4 kids, are lives are rarely dull. However, please don't think that you can manipulate me anymore. i.e.-get in a fight and yell enough that you know i will/would/used to go to the garage and pack my lip with medication. Being completely honest with myself and to you is weird to me too. I think that us being honest with each other will only strengthen us in the long run.

So, yeah, I've just rambled and pretty much just vomited on this page. This isn't meant to be zen-ful, or life-changing, its mostly just for me. 1/2 HOF is what it is - 50 days of quit. I'm still just one fuck up away from losing it all - we all are. However, I am quit today and I'll deal with tomorrow's problems tomorrow - without nicotine.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2012, 07:53:00 PM »
5 Weeks Quit

Needed to get some things out there. I'm damn proud of my little 1/3 HOF chubby. It ¡s pretty cute with its little eye. ;) Also proud of my btarded bros of april; although, many have bigger chubbies than me. Everyone seems to be strong in their quit. I like the word "chubbies"because they're kind of fun to play with, but they either get bigger or shrivel away. I didn't think of this myself, but saw this referenced somewhere on the site. Don't know why images of half-hard cocks stay with me but they do.

How does it feel at 5 weeks. Pretty awesome and scary. Not really craving snuff, just craving a reliable way to handle life. Nicotine was the great imitator I know, and CBird summed it up for me when he said "all of my adult decisions have been made under the influence." That sucks that I thought nicotine actually helped in those situations, and it's scary that I don't know how I'll handle "life's curveballs". Not scary, like "OMG life is too much" but more like riding a roller coaster. Clink -clinking up the big o incline, knowing that all shit is going to break lose at any moment, but knowing in the back of your head that you're really ok, it will be over in few moments, it can be kind of fun, and the next hill/loop will be better. That's me, and every day I am somewhere different on the track. Panic to elation, screaming to smiling, holding on to letting go, from "oh fuck" to "fuck yeah". The ride can take minutes, hours, or days, and most days I ride multiple times with my all-day-quit pass.

Lately though, as I'm riding the coaster, I'm in this "dickhead-tourettes-like-insomnia-fog" mode. Not as intense as the "20s Fog", just different. I cant seem to express myself without releasing a savage pack of F bombs and MFs. Not a great attribute when dealing with clients, coworkers, family, or quit brothers. Seriously, I have to either let em run or shut up. If I shut up and don't address the problem, the vitriolic fbombs and MFs just conjugate on my tongue until ultimately they bust from their pens gang banging anyone in their vicinity (dude at Sam's are a lucky bitch my wife and kids were with me asshole. Wife, sorry). Anyway, it is what it is, and I am reigning the hounds of vitriol better. Is this normal? Hell if I know. Probably. It's normal for my quit I guess. I see similar posts from younger quits and from vets when they were at this stage. Everyone says that it definitely gets better. I still have doubts though. Maybe, my REAL self is a huge dickhead??? :huh:

Git some Quit my friends.


Offline ChewCrewRetiree

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2012, 09:35:00 AM »
Fantastic rant, ERDVM. Rants are good now and then. Awesome to see you conquering the bitch after so many years catering to her every wish. Maintain your integrity day by day and she shall continue to sink into the gnarly black depths from whence she came. That being said, do not get complacent. Your quit as well as the brothers here need you here! I quit with you today.

Crew - 112
Quit - 10/24/11 |-| HOF - 1/31/12 |-| 2nd Floor - 5/10/12 |-| 3rd Floor - 8/18/12 |-| 1 Year - 10/22/12 |-| 4th Floor - 11/26/12

Stop and in say hi to the January 2012 Juggernauts

Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2012, 01:38:00 AM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Yeah I have been completely nicotine free since Saturday Jan 13 12 am.
Hey you quit on my birthday, don't ever cave fucker or I'll hunt you down and pretend you're a sheep! 'chief'

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2012, 01:27:00 AM »
30 days with a little ranting.

Working this weekend and missed a little drama. Damn..

1. Good to have you back Mark. Where you been spookin? Those early 20's are a motherfucker. Just thought it would be nice of me to warn you, maybe help if I can, but I'm not sure if you'll see this just posting every 4th or 5th day and all. _
PorkChop, you ok. Sent you a PM, you said you would let me know if you needed me. _

2. Now that you can post, let us hear you texas. Rage and get it off your chest. Ive found in my short quit that unleashing some "fuck yous" and "motherfuckers" in your posts is not elaborate but very therapeutic. Fuck using "F you" it doesn't fucking do your quit fucking justice, IMFO. For instance you might rage, "there is not one decent fucking college football team in texas, FUCK!" Try it, it well help.

3. I'm on the younger end of our quit group but damn, it rocks to see you guys post. Makes think that Im not the only psycho nicotine addict out there. You older quits, seem to be just coasting. MD, hippy, pig,script,hart, cope put some shit on the table. Check out Feb 2012. I saw that 5 brothers just quit after 50 days. MIA, KIA, POW who the fuck knows? Just up and quit 1/2 way there, names now like tombstones sitting at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Maybe you guys did post early on, but I haven't seen anything in the 2.5 weeks Ive been KtC. If I'm pissing you off, good. Post about it and send all your complaints to Coach.

4. I just hit 30. 30 days. Seems like nothing yet is the longest this Oklahoma Motherfucker has been w/o nicotine since 1988. Anyone thinking about those select times growing up when first tasted the Bitch? I have. At age 6, 1978, from my older brother. Playing Batman in the backyard, he let me taste her, and then I ran to the faucet screaming to rinse out my mouth. I year older than my twins! That Bitch marked me then and there with her cunt juice and just waited for 10 years until high school baseball. Started with candy first (Hawken, Silver Creek) cause that wasn't as strong. Still buzzed and vomited, but hung in there....23 fuckin years of skoal, wolf, reseal. Stood right by her side. Always made sure she was included and comfortable. Well Bitch, I'm 30 days w/o you, and I think about you less and less every day. Im learning, growing stronger, and I don't miss you. In fact, to celebrate this landmark, today I will quit you again.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2012, 08:03:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Do I need to join April, or just stay with May?
Just April. Not may. Because you hit 100 days in April.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2012, 07:37:00 PM »
Do I need to join April, or just stay with May?

Offline dippshit

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2012, 02:12:00 PM »
Quote from: DW3
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: ERDVM
Doing OK, know I'm addicted, but I think I might also have tourettes :)  Why did I ever start this shit?
What does this mean?

Are you quit?



Guess tourettes is better than nicorettes...

Hahaha. Yeah I have been completely nicotine free since Saturday Jan 13 12 am.
Except for a 9 month span around 10 y ago, have been dipping/using NR for 25 years (39 now). Check out tourettes guy to see "why I feel like I have tourettes".
Everyone on this site has tourettes. Welcome - looks like you have a great start.
My apologies. I didn't know you had 12 days under your belt man. Your in April, not May, sorry man. Congrats, you have made the best decision of your life.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown