Author Topic: 12 days off  (Read 9454 times)

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Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2013, 02:04:00 PM »
“Divine Quit Protection?”

One year ago last weekend, cbird65 (aka bird aka peeturd aka the Watcher aka Vigor) unknowingly helped me off the Edge and jumpstarted my quit. It happened in Dallas at a soccer tournament.

This weekend, I so happened to again be in Dallas, at a soccer tournament, and Vigor unknowingly kept me safe again....

Last Friday night, I took a rain check on the usual Excessive Parental Drinking the Friday Night Before a Soccer Tournament get together.
I had other plans.
I had a date.
At BoneDaddyÂ’s.
With Vigor, Rocket, and Bruce (and Angel and Lust, but that is for another time)

Long story short...I was able to officially meet Bruce and Rocket in person. There is something so overwhelmingly profound that happens when you meet your fellow quitters face to face. I mean, on a lot of levels, they know as much or MORE about me than some of my closest “real” friends or family. They know my secrets, my struggles, my wins, my losses. They know me, and I know them, because, we are all the same. We are all addicts. We all drink the “Kool Aid” every day.

So after a few too many beers, one too many shots of Don Julio, some raucous humor, and flirting with the scantly clad wait staff, I left BoneDaddyÂ’s with a smile on my face, partial wood, and a revived quit. Slept awesome that night in the Hyatt. Had dreams of Angel and Lust....

The next day at breakfast, I was asked where I was last night. I told them I met up with some friends (still seems a little awkward to say I met up with some friends who are addicts and who I make a promise to every day on the interweb...). I got the expected jeers and post game report.

“Man, we got hammered last night. Crown Black. We missed you. We even had a cigar for you....”



“A cigar?” I question.



“Well I’m glad I missed that then”, I respond.

“What do you mean?" asks friend. "Oh yeah, youre still all no nicotine arent you”.

“Yep", I nod and smile, "379 days today.”

Was this some divine direction from some higher power? Was it the essence of L00t? Or maybe the prayers of Chewie and Mule? Yes and no. It was the cumulative power of thousands of nicotine addicts that saved me. Im not saying I would have caved last Friday night. But, I am saying that it would have been a much less enjoyable evening. Probably requiring me to leave the party. Probably requiring me to contact a few of you “just to chat” (man slang for “help me”). I know at least, my connection and daily promise with you all, kept me from a dangerous situation. Kind of like deciding to take one route, and finding out later there was a major accident on the other one. You might not have crashed, but ...

Guys, this stuff works. Many of you are struggling today. New and old. Sometimes Life keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. We all sometimes “long” for the “normal of yesterday”. We mistakenly start to think nicotine was/is the magical leygate to that time. But.... It wasn’t normal back then. We werent normal. We chose to medicate and ignore Life, vs learning how to be Brave. And Authentic. And Vulnerable. Life sucks sometimes. And we Hurt. And that is OK. all of us lives the Power to Choose. Choose to Push Back. Choose to Reach Out before you reach into a can of cancer. Reach Out so that you don’t have to do this alone.

Yep. I'll take this flavor of Kool Aid every day.

Offline pavetheway

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2012, 04:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: pavetheway
That is good shit my friend.
What a sexter.......
Wait....what? :blink:

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2012, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: pavetheway
That is good shit my friend.
What a sexter.......
Make Your Decision

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2012, 08:43:00 AM »
That is good shit my friend.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2012, 12:53:00 PM »
So...April's all moved in up here on the 3rd story. I'm proud as fuck for all of you. No post-HOF cavers (that we know of) since 'chief' and he thankfully made it back. Actually, no cavers since the Jake Martin Shitstorm 240 or so days ago.
That's pretty badfuckingass in my opinion.

I see that we got some new cozy furniture and the baby cribs put back together. Good on whoever was wise enough to leave the plastic in situ on the couches. Auburn's not here very long anymore, but I did use a black light in the den the other day and saw FUCK YOU CHIZIK fluoresce on the wall. Either it is Auby's pork sword oil or there's a stray tom cat around with incredible aim.

Anyway, before everybody gets all cozy and shit, I would like for us to remember that there are some major "first times w/o nicotine" coming our way. For Vadge they are:

1. Christmas Lights. I vividly remember my wife chastising me last year when she saw me on the roof with a huge horsehoe of nasty loaded in my lower lip.
What a Fool....

2. Thanksgiving with Inlaws. I remember sneaking out to the car for a post-dinner hit of carcinogen (and the drive over, and pre-dinner, and halftime, and between beers, and after 2nd dessert, and for drive home....sigh).
What a Fool....
What a Liar....

3. Christmas With My Folks at Our Farm. I remember Mom telling me and my brother how happy she was that we no longer dipped. My brother had quit quit cold turkey, by himself, and is still quit. I, on the other hand, had just quit by buying a box of "keepyouraddictionstronglozenges" instead of a can. I even poked fun at my brother for gaining weight post quit.
What a Fool....
What a Liar....
What a Douche....

4. Christmas Morning. I remember excited kids in pajamas, the study chalk-full of presents, a fresh cup of coffee, my sleepy wife in her pajamas proudly smiling at her brood, lighting a fire, grabbing the video camera out of the closet...and...some highly addictive poison in my pie hole. Oh, I layered it along my jaw so that kids couldn't tell, and just gutted it with my Christmas coffee.
What a Fool....
What a Liar....
What a Douch....
What an Addict....

Yeah, even at 310 days, I'm getting my plan(s) ready.
Checking them twice and all that.
Gonna go NOLAQ and keep "my shit up and running 24/7".
For I will NOT forget. NOT Today.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2012, 11:13:00 AM »
Vadge fondles sleeping tigers.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2012, 09:43:00 AM »
HFS! That's a story that needs to be put on paper...think this guy's been reading too much Steven King...

Just remind him next time that, "Sometimes, dead is better." A-yuh.

Seriously, with all my stuff imploding, this - oddly and sadly - made me feel better. Sorry it's at your expense, Vadge.
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2012, 08:12:00 AM »
You are living a Quentin Tarantino scene. Crazy shit that guy is taking.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2012, 11:29:00 PM »
I think I'd be tempted to say "go ahead and look, you'll never find him here now, I hope for your sake you didn't eat chinese last month though" when he calls the cops I might again be tempted by the devil to say "officer ask anyone here, I'd never say such a thing, he's been by every month and is crazy as hell, how can we get him to quit harassing me???"
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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2012, 10:57:00 AM »
man insted a putin the dog in a doggy bag you shood a gave him the number a one a them taxa guys what stuff animals. but then you dint no he was sycko at the time.

Offline Arfy

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2012, 10:24:00 AM »
Wow. Great story Dr. Vadge! Give him his darn dog back already! ha ha!

Maybe you should give him a personal tour next time he comes around!
Caving is NOT an option!

?The only thing nicotine use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it.? #brilliance #truth

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2012, 09:37:00 AM »
Holy fucking weird. You did the right thing. I'd call the cops and get the story on file and then call them as soon as his weird ass comes around again. Good luck!!


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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2012, 09:13:00 AM »
I wonder what else that dude has in his garage.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2012, 08:35:00 AM »
Just give him his dog back, dude.

Holy crap, that's crazy. Restraining order time.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2012, 08:13:00 PM »
So here's the deal - I've got another stalker so to speak (had a FB stalker a few months ago for those of you that don't know).
Looking for suggestions.

June 2012.
Weird ass 40 ish dude brings me his 15 y/o Corgi for "trouble getting around". Do some lab work and X-rays - and the dog has arthritis. No surprises. I put him on some medicine and advise Weirdo to see his primary DVM in 10 days. Toodleloo.

July 2012 - weird fuck shows up to have same dog euthanized. OK. Whatever. I ask how he did on the medicine and what his DVM thought. (Knowing full well he never followed up like I advised). Shocker-he never went. So...alright, the dog is 15, and isn't exactly loving life anymore, so we euthanize him. Weird Fuck wants to take body home to bury (illegal in city limits), so we put the body in a bag, and then place it in a cardboard coffin thingy, give the guy his deceased dog, condolences...yadayadayada...and he leaves.

I vividly recall this because
1. It was early, I had just woken up, was getting ready to go home, and was on KTC (~7:45).
2. Before shift change, so it was just me and nurse.
3. And did I mention this dude is weird as fuck? Like Silence of the Lambs Buffalo Bill/Jame Gumb Tucked penis Would you fuck me? weird.
4. And he was distraught and crying....more so than usual. ie: opened coffin in lobby to pet dog-even though it was in a bag inside coffin.

But whatever Jame....toodleloo.2

August 2012:
Jame comes in and requests to speak with me. (Generally not going to be a positive experience when someone shows up w/o their pet to speak with the doctor). So I clear some rooms and go visit with him in an exam room. So....Billy proceeds to tell me how much he still misses his dog, and then asks me if they change color after they die. (WTH?)
Because, he had been talking to some people....
they said that sometimes ...
vets will keep dogs ...
and not tell the owners...
and because he kept the dog in his garage for a few days...
and he opened up the bag before he buried his dog...
he noticed it was a different dog!
The dog in the bag looked younger and was more brown....

Ummm....okaaaay....(goosebumps on arms)

So I tell Jame:
1. I did not substitute a different dog for his dog.
2. I do not keep a fresh supply of dead dogs around the hospital.
3. Dogs' fur does not change color postmortem.
4. And, why would someone substitute a younger dog, and keep an older, decrepit dog alive? It is nonsensical.

Jame nodded that he understood.
I offered some consolatory hubbub, and turned to leave...

Except, Jame just stood there....staring at the wall. He starts nervously rubbing his forearm and says....
"Doc, I would do anything any amount of get my dog back."

(Note to self at the time: I am an addict, I no longer self medicate with nicotine, I have some anger/rage issues, I called a gang banger wannabe a "punk ass" in the lobby about 6 weeks prior, and this dude is fucked up, don't get involved, get him out of here...)

So, I come around the exam table, look him in the eye, and tell him incredulously that now I am pissed and offended. After I explained that I did not and would never do what he implied, he still doesn't believe me?

“Jame”, I say, let's get this straight...your old dog, who you left in a bag in your garage in July looked different to you because
1. It was dead.
2. It had began to rot.
3. It was likely covered in dead juice, feces and urine.
4. And, it was DEAD.

"I do not have a secret lair in the basement where I keep old dogs alive with tubes of neon green juice running to them so I can perform evil experiments, Mr Gumb. Your dog is gone, and you are in denial, but I can do nothing more you. Your next step would be to exhume the body (Gumb blanched and stumbled), call CSI, and do DNA testing. I advised him to not return and walked out of the exam room (inwardly smiling because I definitely got through to him this time). Toodleloo.3

September 2012.
Yep Jame Buffalo shows back up. Now wants to speak with owner. No longer wants to speak with me. Still thinks we have his dog in some evil veterinary lair. Says that every night that he sleeps with his window open he can hear the dog whispering "you left me there". My boss assures him that his dog was not exchanged. And that he should consider getting some grief counseling. Also advises him that maybe his "not letting go" is preventing the dog from traveling on to heaven (sigh). Buffalo agrees and leaves. And Dr. Vadge is the joke of the week. Hahaha. But at least he is finally gone. Toodleloo.4

Octfuckingtober 24, 2012!
Buffalo Bill comes back. All long-faced and wanting to talk about his dog. Now, he would like to look around the facilities!

So what would you guys do?

I told him to leave. Informed him that we are going to report this to cops, and, that if he ever returns here, we will let the police handle him. Too harsh maybe? I have now gone from laughing at the poor motherfucker to worried he's going to show up with gun. I don't know whether to laugh or tremble. He never outwardly threatened me or the staff, he just creeps me the fuck out. For the record, this is not the first time I have dealt with crazies, and our front door has an electronic lock for a reason, but I have never dealt with this kind of denial/pathology. (Wish I was in Luckenbach....)