Author Topic: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"  (Read 3350 times)

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2012, 11:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: carumba10
Quote from: dr_jones_25
So, I think I am going to take some advice from my brother-in-law, who is a bad ass quitter, and take all of the money that I save from chew and put it in an account and buy myself something nice when I reach HOF. He said he was able to buy the best penis pump that money can buy, and the fanciest Ben Wa Balls on the market. I think I will buy a gun. Thanks for your inspiration MThomas!!!!
Is her name Bambi ??
or Bang-Me?
Wait until the nic-rage has lifted before you go shopping :huh:

Btw, if you ever start running low on good reasons to quit, check these out!
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2012, 05:14:00 AM »
Quote from: carumba10
Quote from: dr_jones_25
So, I think I am going to take some advice from my brother-in-law, who is a bad ass quitter, and take all of the money that I save from chew and put it in an account and buy myself something nice when I reach HOF. He said he was able to buy the best penis pump that money can buy, and the fanciest Ben Wa Balls on the market. I think I will buy a gun. Thanks for your inspiration MThomas!!!!
Is her name Bambi ??
or Bang-Me?

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2012, 07:09:00 PM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
So, I think I am going to take some advice from my brother-in-law, who is a bad ass quitter, and take all of the money that I save from chew and put it in an account and buy myself something nice when I reach HOF. He said he was able to buy the best penis pump that money can buy, and the fanciest Ben Wa Balls on the market. I think I will buy a gun. Thanks for your inspiration MThomas!!!!
Is her name Bambi ??
Quit Date: March 23 2012

I am Quit today. Tomorrow ?
Not impressed with rants from the 'Do As I Say Not As I Do' crowd.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2012, 06:58:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: dr_jones_25
So, I think I am going to take some advice from my brother-in-law, who is a bad ass quitter, and take all of the money that I save from chew and put it in an account and buy myself something nice when I reach HOF. He said he was able to buy the best penis pump that money can buy, and the fanciest Ben Wa Balls on the market. I think I will buy a gun. Thanks for your inspiration MThomas!!!!
That's it man, aim high (pun intended) for that gift. Just watch as may not want to use it for the same intentions as your bro-in-law and his gifts.

if I had your brother in law I would buy a gun too 'BanDog'
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2012, 05:40:00 PM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
So, I think I am going to take some advice from my brother-in-law, who is a bad ass quitter, and take all of the money that I save from chew and put it in an account and buy myself something nice when I reach HOF. He said he was able to buy the best penis pump that money can buy, and the fanciest Ben Wa Balls on the market. I think I will buy a gun. Thanks for your inspiration MThomas!!!!
That's it man, aim high (pun intended) for that gift. Just watch as may not want to use it for the same intentions as your bro-in-law and his gifts.


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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2012, 05:38:00 PM »
So, I think I am going to take some advice from my brother-in-law, who is a bad ass quitter, and take all of the money that I save from chew and put it in an account and buy myself something nice when I reach HOF. He said he was able to buy the best penis pump that money can buy, and the fanciest Ben Wa Balls on the market. I think I will buy a gun. Thanks for your inspiration MThomas!!!!

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2012, 12:44:00 PM »
Quote from: bigbamadan
right on dr jones.  a positive mental attitude is one of the biggest keys to a successful quit.  you post reminded me of something I wrote very early on in my own quit.

From day 25...

Quote from: bigbamadan
I've recently tried to stop blaming things on my quit.  For the first 15 days or so that's all I did.  Bad day at work...damn this quit making my job suck.  Burned dinner...fuckin no good quit making me lose track of time and forget something was in the oven.  Wife asks me to take out the trash and the bag rips on son of bitch you've torn my garbage bag, really you are fucking with my garbage bags????  These few examples, along with countless other things I simply chalked up to the fact that my gold top, "it satisfies" friend was gone.  (Side that I just typed that, what kind of slogan is that anyway???  "It satisfies"....that opens up a whole other can of worms and now has me pissed...but I'll post about that later...back to original train of thought)

At some point within the last two weeks, I saw a post in one of the other pre-HOF quit groups.  I don't recall which one or who made the post.  I don't even recall a direct quote, but the gist was...quit all your damn belly aching about how hard it is to quit.  The post was more abrasive than that and better stated but that was the idea.  At first I was pissed, this jackass can't tell me how I should feel.  The quit is hard and fuck him for insinuating I'm not man enough to handle it being I think and talk about how hard it is to break free from this addiction.

A couple of days passed.  I was having a conversation with the wife at dinner...just discussing our day. (Another side note, wife now loves how I can now sit at the dinner table after we longer have to run off to find my can)  In the conversation she brings up a coworker, informing me that another colleague had received an update on how they were doing.  A month and a half ago this coworkers teenage son passed a tragic freak freak accident.  For the rest of the night I remained fairly down, imagining that family's loss and the pain they must be experiencing.

That's when it hit me and I started to think about that post saying to stop bellyaching over the quit.  That poster was right.  I don't have it bad, far from it actually.  My wife's coworker's family is dealing with a tragic unthinkable loss...and I'm sitting here for the past two weeks complaining to myself and thinking the sky is falling because I can't stuff carcinogens in my face.  How lame is that??? 

It was at that point I decided I needed a serious attitude change with my quit.  No longer would I blame things on the quit.  I had bad days when I that stands to reason there will be bad days in my new nicotine free life.  The bad is not caused by the lack of nicotine.

Since openly attempting to embrace this train of thought I feel my quit has grown stronger.  I'm no longer questioning myself each and every step of the way.  Wondering if this would be occurring if I had that shit in my lip.  It is a nice change.
LOL, that is exactly how I was feeling. Everything was going wrong because I was quitting. But it is exactly the opposite. So many things are going right because I am quitting! I am using all of the positive things (Smile on wife's face, daughter's beaming eyes because I don't have a chew in) to make this easier. I was super concerned about a job interview I was going to have, but thanks to god, and my changed attitude, I got the job and I am sure that no one in that room knew I was going through so much physical and mental agony. This quit is the best thing I have done, and I am happy to be here with everyone.

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2012, 01:11:00 PM »
right on dr jones. a positive mental attitude is one of the biggest keys to a successful quit. you post reminded me of something I wrote very early on in my own quit.

From day 25...

Quote from: bigbamadan
I've recently tried to stop blaming things on my quit.  For the first 15 days or so that's all I did.  Bad day at work...damn this quit making my job suck.  Burned dinner...fuckin no good quit making me lose track of time and forget something was in the oven.  Wife asks me to take out the trash and the bag rips on son of bitch you've torn my garbage bag, really you are fucking with my garbage bags????  These few examples, along with countless other things I simply chalked up to the fact that my gold top, "it satisfies" friend was gone.  (Side that I just typed that, what kind of slogan is that anyway???  "It satisfies"....that opens up a whole other can of worms and now has me pissed...but I'll post about that later...back to original train of thought)

At some point within the last two weeks, I saw a post in one of the other pre-HOF quit groups.  I don't recall which one or who made the post.  I don't even recall a direct quote, but the gist was...quit all your damn belly aching about how hard it is to quit.  The post was more abrasive than that and better stated but that was the idea.  At first I was pissed, this jackass can't tell me how I should feel.  The quit is hard and fuck him for insinuating I'm not man enough to handle it being I think and talk about how hard it is to break free from this addiction.

A couple of days passed.  I was having a conversation with the wife at dinner...just discussing our day. (Another side note, wife now loves how I can now sit at the dinner table after we longer have to run off to find my can)  In the conversation she brings up a coworker, informing me that another colleague had received an update on how they were doing.  A month and a half ago this coworkers teenage son passed a tragic freak freak accident.  For the rest of the night I remained fairly down, imagining that family's loss and the pain they must be experiencing.

That's when it hit me and I started to think about that post saying to stop bellyaching over the quit.  That poster was right.  I don't have it bad, far from it actually.  My wife's coworker's family is dealing with a tragic unthinkable loss...and I'm sitting here for the past two weeks complaining to myself and thinking the sky is falling because I can't stuff carcinogens in my face.  How lame is that??? 

It was at that point I decided I needed a serious attitude change with my quit.  No longer would I blame things on the quit.  I had bad days when I that stands to reason there will be bad days in my new nicotine free life.  The bad is not caused by the lack of nicotine.

Since openly attempting to embrace this train of thought I feel my quit has grown stronger.  I'm no longer questioning myself each and every step of the way.  Wondering if this would be occurring if I had that shit in my lip.  It is a nice change.
Quit: 3/23/10
All good things in all good time.

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2012, 12:43:00 PM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Today was another GREAT day!! I want to give special props to Wt57, Divine, and of course MThomas for being some bad ass supporters! I enjoy the texts, so keep em comin!!!

I also want to add that I have been a huge downer for the last 5 days. Yesterday and today were fantastic, so what was the difference? I read a little bit of Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people". I read this often. Ecause I deal with people a lot! It meant something different today than when I have read it in the past. It talked about attitude, a d how you decide what your attitude is going to be. For the first five days, I CHOSE to let the nic bitch control my attitude, and they were horrible. For the last 2 days, I have CHOSEN to be well, and be happy, and be quit. I am stronger today than I ever was chewing. I am happy to have the fog, headaches, shaky, sweaty etc because that means I am doing something good for me, and it's starting to feel amazing. Just like everyone talks about, you have a choice. I choose to be quit and be happy!!

Reason #5 - because I CAN!!
I am with you man. Regardles of how bad we feel during this time we are much better off without dip. It messed with our minds and bodies for way too long but the fact is, we now have control. Never give up, never give in, do everything possible to stay quit. Keep it up Brother!!
Quit Group:
June 2022 No Lip Turd Herd

Quit Date:  13 March 2022
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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2012, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Today was another GREAT day!! I want to give special props to Wt57, Divine, and of course MThomas for being some bad ass supporters! I enjoy the texts, so keep em comin!!!

I also want to add that I have been a huge downer for the last 5 days. Yesterday and today were fantastic, so what was the difference? I read a little bit of Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people". I read this often. Ecause I deal with people a lot! It meant something different today than when I have read it in the past. It talked about attitude, a d how you decide what your attitude is going to be. For the first five days, I CHOSE to let the nic bitch control my attitude, and they were horrible. For the last 2 days, I have CHOSEN to be well, and be happy, and be quit. I am stronger today than I ever was chewing. I am happy to have the fog, headaches, shaky, sweaty etc because that means I am doing something good for me, and it's starting to feel amazing. Just like everyone talks about, you have a choice. I choose to be quit and be happy!!

Reason #5 - because I CAN!!
Great Job! Reach out to some more brothers and sisters in the Group. Get some more numbers, and Stay Quit Bro! Keep kickin' that bitch's ass. We are MADMEN!!!
Quit Date: 06/26/2012 3rd Floor: 04/21/2013
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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2012, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Today was another GREAT day!! I want to give special props to Wt57, Divine, and of course MThomas for being some bad ass supporters! I enjoy the texts, so keep em comin!!!

I also want to add that I have been a huge downer for the last 5 days. Yesterday and today were fantastic, so what was the difference? I read a little bit of Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people". I read this often. Ecause I deal with people a lot! It meant something different today than when I have read it in the past. It talked about attitude, a d how you decide what your attitude is going to be. For the first five days, I CHOSE to let the nic bitch control my attitude, and they were horrible. For the last 2 days, I have CHOSEN to be well, and be happy, and be quit. I am stronger today than I ever was chewing. I am happy to have the fog, headaches, shaky, sweaty etc because that means I am doing something good for me, and it's starting to feel amazing. Just like everyone talks about, you have a choice. I choose to be quit and be happy!!

Reason #5 - because I CAN!!
Exactly!!! Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch. Decide that each crave will be a reminder of your new freedom. Embrace the suck. Learn to laugh at the stupid choices you (we) made in the past. For me, that was 20+ years of stupidity...that is a ton of laughter!

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2012, 05:04:00 AM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Today was another GREAT day!! I want to give special props to Wt57, Divine, and of course MThomas for being some bad ass supporters! I enjoy the texts, so keep em comin!!!

I also want to add that I have been a huge downer for the last 5 days. Yesterday and today were fantastic, so what was the difference? I read a little bit of Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people". I read this often. Ecause I deal with people a lot! It meant something different today than when I have read it in the past. It talked about attitude, a d how you decide what your attitude is going to be. For the first five days, I CHOSE to let the nic bitch control my attitude, and they were horrible. For the last 2 days, I have CHOSEN to be well, and be happy, and be quit. I am stronger today than I ever was chewing. I am happy to have the fog, headaches, shaky, sweaty etc because that means I am doing something good for me, and it's starting to feel amazing. Just like everyone talks about, you have a choice. I choose to be quit and be happy!!

Reason #5 - because I CAN!!
One thing I question though is there are some side effects that we just go through to get to freedom.

Love the attitude. When you hit your first funk, just remember the core choice is to quit. No matter what, I think some attitudes won't be as easy to will into positive. Doesn't mean you don't try to be positive.

From my experience, my quit has been bi polar. It is awesome to be on the highs, but the lows are tough. If you find yourself in a low, just stay will come out of it. The bad days become less and the good days become more abundant.

When the vets tell you it gets really does. Soon you will be writing those kinds of books! Freedom from vice catapults us to positive thinking.

Great thoughts and post!
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2012, 09:32:00 PM »
Today was another GREAT day!! I want to give special props to Wt57, Divine, and of course MThomas for being some bad ass supporters! I enjoy the texts, so keep em comin!!!

I also want to add that I have been a huge downer for the last 5 days. Yesterday and today were fantastic, so what was the difference? I read a little bit of Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people". I read this often. Ecause I deal with people a lot! It meant something different today than when I have read it in the past. It talked about attitude, a d how you decide what your attitude is going to be. For the first five days, I CHOSE to let the nic bitch control my attitude, and they were horrible. For the last 2 days, I have CHOSEN to be well, and be happy, and be quit. I am stronger today than I ever was chewing. I am happy to have the fog, headaches, shaky, sweaty etc because that means I am doing something good for me, and it's starting to feel amazing. Just like everyone talks about, you have a choice. I choose to be quit and be happy!!

Reason #5 - because I CAN!!

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2012, 09:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Today sucked. I have been thinking all day "what if if cave. What are the consequences if I cave? What if I buy some chew now, and just take a quick dip.....what do I have to do to get back on track?"

ALL of these thoughts I am having are the wrong thoughts. I need to change the way I am thinking, or I will cave. I HATE this feeling!! My wife is on board, my daughter noticed today that I actually ate breakfast with her, and didn't have a chew in my mouth. I can't go back, so how do I stay on track? Well, here it is. Tomorrow I am reaching out to the members that have reached out to me. Wt57, Roam Country, and MThomas, I will be talking to all of you tomorrow. I will be reaching out, because I NEED accountability. I have always been an ACCOUNTABLE person, so that is what I need. Accountability. I need all of you to hold me accountable to what I committed to in the first place. I have all of your numbers in my phone, so be expecting a text from me tomorrow, I will be reaching out.

I am going to admit, I am getting nervous. I am afraid of caving. I have an interview on Thursday in Minnesota. I am flying in on Wednesday, and my interview is on Thursday. I am meeting with the presidents of the company. I have my suit all dry cleaned and pressed, my hair is cut, my resume polished. What am I nervous about? I am nervous that I am going to be a fucking mess for the interview. I have been a sweaty, clumsy, foggy person for the last 5 days, and I don't know how I am going to get through this interview. I did, however, talk with my brother today, and we both agreed that God can help. I am not a religious Nazi by any means (no offense Mark), but there is a time and a place where you need answers, and there is only one person you can ask the question. Lot's of emotions going through my head, but I have already posted roll for Wednesday, so I will quit today.

Reason #4 - For my dog Roger. He needs a best friend :)
Three things,
1. Post roll first thing in the AM, ensures accountability
2. Pray, I don't care how religious or un-religious you are, God made all, knows all, and hears all in their times of need. You are no exception
3. Take it one day at a time, Oct 12 is here for you. If you need me, give me a call.

You got this, one day at a time. There is never a good reason to cave, there are always good reasons to stay quit.

Cave thinking sucks!!! Positive thinking will get you through this!! As for MT being a Nazi, well I find he not to bad of a guy most of the time. I'm only a call away, the extra stress along with your quit can suck or you can turn it around and use as a positive to boast your confidence by recognizing the strides you are making to take control of your personal life!! Your attitude is great, you are rocking your quit!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: "Every thing I do.......I do it for chew"
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2012, 06:22:00 AM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Today sucked. I have been thinking all day "what if if cave. What are the consequences if I cave? What if I buy some chew now, and just take a quick dip.....what do I have to do to get back on track?"

ALL of these thoughts I am having are the wrong thoughts. I need to change the way I am thinking, or I will cave. I HATE this feeling!! My wife is on board, my daughter noticed today that I actually ate breakfast with her, and didn't have a chew in my mouth. I can't go back, so how do I stay on track? Well, here it is. Tomorrow I am reaching out to the members that have reached out to me. Wt57, Roam Country, and MThomas, I will be talking to all of you tomorrow. I will be reaching out, because I NEED accountability. I have always been an ACCOUNTABLE person, so that is what I need. Accountability. I need all of you to hold me accountable to what I committed to in the first place. I have all of your numbers in my phone, so be expecting a text from me tomorrow, I will be reaching out.

I am going to admit, I am getting nervous. I am afraid of caving. I have an interview on Thursday in Minnesota. I am flying in on Wednesday, and my interview is on Thursday. I am meeting with the presidents of the company. I have my suit all dry cleaned and pressed, my hair is cut, my resume polished. What am I nervous about? I am nervous that I am going to be a fucking mess for the interview. I have been a sweaty, clumsy, foggy person for the last 5 days, and I don't know how I am going to get through this interview. I did, however, talk with my brother today, and we both agreed that God can help. I am not a religious Nazi by any means (no offense Mark), but there is a time and a place where you need answers, and there is only one person you can ask the question. Lot's of emotions going through my head, but I have already posted roll for Wednesday, so I will quit today.

Reason #4 - For my dog Roger. He needs a best friend :)
Three things,
1. Post roll first thing in the AM, ensures accountability
2. Pray, I don't care how religious or un-religious you are, God made all, knows all, and hears all in their times of need. You are no exception
3. Take it one day at a time, Oct 12 is here for you. If you need me, give me a call.

You got this, one day at a time. There is never a good reason to cave, there are always good reasons to stay quit.