Author Topic: I'm Ready  (Read 2116 times)

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Offline DennyX

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2011, 07:24:00 PM »
Nice day 2, man!

You are one of those badasses I brag about on this site. Just make it to bed tonight, tomorrow decide what to do about day 3. (hint: post roll and keep your word).

Proud to be quit with you today.

Offline MattMan

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2011, 10:05:00 AM »
You fuckin' rock. I see you posted day 2 already!

I'm 59 days today. The suck is still fresh in my mind... any you know what? I remember it not being that bad. Yes, I did have a hard time concentrating and freaked out a little when I reached for the can and it was not there... BUT... I also remember how PROUD of myself I was. I was proud of the resolution I made and was keeping. I was proud I posted roll and was man enough to keep my work.

Quiting builds strength and integrity.

Now, grab your balls and hold on. You will probably need both hand cauz' this is a wild ride and you gonads are HUGE!
Day 1 - 10/18/2011
span style='font-family:Geneva'HOF - 01/25/2012

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds. /// Zig Ziglar

Offline dchogs

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2011, 08:33:00 PM »
By the way, I read the same sites you did and was going to quit on my anniversary. Instead, I manned up and quit "15 days early." being quit for over two weeks was a much better anniversary present than just being one day quit. I wish I would have quit sooner.

You can do it.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline dchogs

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2011, 08:29:00 PM »
Quote from: dwwilson
First, I would like to say that I am amazed as to how many of you are so supportive and willing to give me a good kick in the ass to get me on track. This is such an amazing program. I've been checking these posts all day and I am so thankful.

I have no good excuse for wanting to quit Friday besides the fact that everything I have read from all those other health websites said that you should set a goal as to when to start and stick to it. My first dentist appointment in quite a long time (as I went without for the last couple of years of college) is exactly one month from Friday, so I decided that it would be a good goal to walk into my dentist and say that I have been chew free for a month. My semester of teaching will be over, I will have a fresh start on the year and about 2 1/2 weeks to try and numb myself to the withdrawals of this terrible addiction. I am not sure if any of you are teachers, but teaching inner city 7th graders around holiday break is absolute chaos..They are bouncing of the walls, fighting, throwing shit, panicking because they are failing and rushing to turn in missing assignments from the past 2 months..It's pretty crazy, but I KNOW I am using it as a crutch. I hate myself right now and I feel like such a big pussy...I want so bad to start RIGHT NOW, but I am worried about the fog I will be in, and especially the withdrawals, and my ability to cope with them these last two days, which are super stressful for teachers. I idolize every single one of you that have made it through and I know that I will be belittled and chastised for my weakness, but I need help..Can you help me and give me some tips to survive the fog I will be in when I stop so I can wake up tomorrow and pledge to be nicotine free for the rest of my life? Can you tell me how you coped during a particularly stressful time? Will I even be able to function amidst the chaos?

Thank you all so much for your time. I need help.
I'm a teacher.

Show a fucking video for the next two days.

It ain't great teaching, but it could save your life. Make something up if your principal rolls in about the video's relevance to your class... Teachers are good at producing bullshit, so I know you can do it.

Which is more important? Your face or teaching stuff to kids who aren't listening anyway? I know what my answer would be.

Quit today.

If not today, why not Monday.... You don't want your weekend to suck do you? And, really, monday's not good either- it's the first day of break for the love of god! The first day shouldn't be miserable. So you should probably wait until the 23rd, but then again, that's close to Christmas and I know you don't want to be a dick to your loved ones as you're detoxing during Jesus's birthday party. Let's aim for Wednesday (cuz Monday's are bad quit days, and a hump day quit would be epic). The 28th is pretty close to new years, so why not quit then, with all of the other people trying to change their lives. New years day will be too tough... you've never been hungover without a lipper, plus ALL OF THE FOOTBALL. No way to the 1st. Valentines day, that's it. Or St patty's day. Or the summer solstice. Or labor day. Halloween. On 12/12/12... Awwww fuck it, the worlds going to end then anyway. May as well stay a slave.

tl;dr - tomorrow's always a day away. If you're going to quit, quit now. Right fucking now.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline redtrain14

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2011, 08:15:00 PM »
Good choice. Its day one for you. Go post it.

I promise you will not regret this.

Offline redtrain14

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2011, 08:13:00 PM »
The only good time to quit is now. It will never be easy. If its not inner city 7th graders, I can promise life will toss you some other bag of shit that make you decide that quitting is too difficult in that moment in time. That my friend, is just life.

We know you are scared, we all were. I should come up with some curveball analogy for you, but typing on my phone is starting to irritate me.

Don't get me worked up, toss the tin already and get to it. Your students will get over you being an asshole for a couple days.

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2011, 08:10:00 PM »
No post that badass Day 1 right the fuck now.

Offline dwwilson

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2011, 08:08:00 PM »

I just posted a few minutes ago and read a few things over in between grading papers and a few things really stuck:

Cancer is black and white.
I could take my last dip tomorrow and it could be the one that kills me.

And finally:
How can I be living my dream if I am a slave?

I went to take a shit, thought about Friday, thought about my future, thought about taking a dip as I pulled that "last" can of Cope out of my pocket...

I flushed it down the toilet along with all that other shit that my body doesn't need and threw in a dip of fake instead.

Tomorrow I will post in roll call. Tomorrow I will start to have that poison leave my body. Tomorrow and Friday will suck tremendously with my crazy kids. But tomorrow I will win my life back, break the chains, and truly be able to live my dream.
"You can't be living your dream as a slave." Ready

Quit Date- 12/14/11
HOF- March 2012]

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2011, 07:56:00 PM »

nicotine withdrawal is something you must go through to accomplish quit. You can chew seeds, gum, fake, candy, whatever to relieve the oral fixation, but the physical withdrawal you cannot avoid. That makes it inconvenient. Of course it is tough to quit at work...but then again it is tough to do when you are off of work, its tough on a monday, sucks on a sunday, and is pure hell every other day of the week....

The good news is it gets way better real soon...The problem with a plan, is that it keeps us using, quit dates get adjusted because the "time isnt right". By not starting today, you are merely delaying freedom. Jump in. The water's fine.

Offline loot

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2011, 07:47:00 PM »
Cancer is black and white. You either got it...or you don't. One dip. One single dip determines your fate. Let's hope that single dip doesn't come between now and Friday.
Good luck.

Offline dwwilson

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
First, I would like to say that I am amazed as to how many of you are so supportive and willing to give me a good kick in the ass to get me on track. This is such an amazing program. I've been checking these posts all day and I am so thankful.

I have no good excuse for wanting to quit Friday besides the fact that everything I have read from all those other health websites said that you should set a goal as to when to start and stick to it. My first dentist appointment in quite a long time (as I went without for the last couple of years of college) is exactly one month from Friday, so I decided that it would be a good goal to walk into my dentist and say that I have been chew free for a month. My semester of teaching will be over, I will have a fresh start on the year and about 2 1/2 weeks to try and numb myself to the withdrawals of this terrible addiction. I am not sure if any of you are teachers, but teaching inner city 7th graders around holiday break is absolute chaos..They are bouncing of the walls, fighting, throwing shit, panicking because they are failing and rushing to turn in missing assignments from the past 2 months..It's pretty crazy, but I KNOW I am using it as a crutch. I hate myself right now and I feel like such a big pussy...I want so bad to start RIGHT NOW, but I am worried about the fog I will be in, and especially the withdrawals, and my ability to cope with them these last two days, which are super stressful for teachers. I idolize every single one of you that have made it through and I know that I will be belittled and chastised for my weakness, but I need help..Can you help me and give me some tips to survive the fog I will be in when I stop so I can wake up tomorrow and pledge to be nicotine free for the rest of my life? Can you tell me how you coped during a particularly stressful time? Will I even be able to function amidst the chaos?

Thank you all so much for your time. I need help.
"You can't be living your dream as a slave." Ready

Quit Date- 12/14/11
HOF- March 2012]

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2011, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: markr
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: dwwilson
I am sure not many people read these long posts, but I want to thank the people that created this site for having such a vast amount of resources available, as well as this forum for being another link in the chain of support.

My quit date is set. I will have my last dip on Friday December 16th 2011, the last day of classes before Christmas break in my school district. I will check back often. Hopefully someone might read, but I hope to use this site as a resource as I struggle with this challenge.
lissin up cup cake. this here aint webmd. it aint the face book. you see that shit what i bolded for you? we dont pop in from time to time to give the statis up dates. sure we got lots a good resorses but dammit what makes us quit is the roll call. you reed all that stuff in that 'WELCOME CENTER' link up top. reed it agin. and agin. speshully that number 4. your free to reed all you wnat here. but untill you give anunff of a dam bout your quit to post up roll call i cant reely give a dam bout it eether.

and if you aint postin up roll i dont wanta see your fuckin statis up dates eether.
I am with Syndrome on this. You either join up and quit with us or find another way to quit. These guys post roll every day they don't want a part time quitter. Post up every day it is the way this place works. I commend you on wanting to quit and if you are really serious then posting every day to make your promise should be no big deal.
Effin A. Well said Syn.

Either your pregnant or your not!!!
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2011, 03:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: dwwilson
I am sure not many people read these long posts, but I want to thank the people that created this site for having such a vast amount of resources available, as well as this forum for being another link in the chain of support.

My quit date is set. I will have my last dip on Friday December 16th 2011, the last day of classes before Christmas break in my school district. I will check back often. Hopefully someone might read, but I hope to use this site as a resource as I struggle with this challenge.
lissin up cup cake. this here aint webmd. it aint the face book. you see that shit what i bolded for you? we dont pop in from time to time to give the statis up dates. sure we got lots a good resorses but dammit what makes us quit is the roll call. you reed all that stuff in that 'WELCOME CENTER' link up top. reed it agin. and agin. speshully that number 4. your free to reed all you wnat here. but untill you give anunff of a dam bout your quit to post up roll call i cant reely give a dam bout it eether.

and if you aint postin up roll i dont wanta see your fuckin statis up dates eether.
I am with Syndrome on this. You either join up and quit with us or find another way to quit. These guys post roll every day they don't want a part time quitter. Post up every day it is the way this place works. I commend you on wanting to quit and if you are really serious then posting every day to make your promise should be no big deal.

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2011, 12:58:00 PM »
Quote from: dwwilson
I am sure not many people read these long posts, but I want to thank the people that created this site for having such a vast amount of resources available, as well as this forum for being another link in the chain of support.

My quit date is set. I will have my last dip on Friday December 16th 2011, the last day of classes before Christmas break in my school district. I will check back often. Hopefully someone might read, but I hope to use this site as a resource as I struggle with this challenge.
lissin up cup cake. this here aint webmd. it aint the face book. you see that shit what i bolded for you? we dont pop in from time to time to give the statis up dates. sure we got lots a good resorses but dammit what makes us quit is the roll call. you reed all that stuff in that 'WELCOME CENTER' link up top. reed it agin. and agin. speshully that number 4. your free to reed all you wnat here. but untill you give anunff of a dam bout your quit to post up roll call i cant reely give a dam bout it eether.

and if you aint postin up roll i dont wanta see your fuckin statis up dates eether.

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Re: I'm Ready
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2011, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Ready
You can't be living your dream as a slave. Period. Quit with us. you will not regret it.
^ He is Ready..

You are dwwilson :)

Seriously though, time to commit to quitting. Quit today. Tomorrow never comes. We see this alot. The support here doesn't cost you a dime and it is priceless.

Miles - 282 days nicotine free and I wouldn't be here without my badass quit brothers and sisters cheering me on and holding me accountable.

Just do it.
I quit with with you all!