So, here are all you newbs and retreads. Lots of action in the short, short, improvised car-chase scene that is March 2019.
So, an honest question: What's it like to cave? I don't mean pre-KTC where you stopped for a period of time (like we all have). I mean like when you count on a few - if not several - quit sis' and bros, and they count on you, for daily and sometimes hourly support. I mean, people here lean on eachother when they don't feel like theirs backs won't break by the fatigue of an early bombardment.
An assault of crave after crave after nag after bitch after nag that is meant for nothing but to demoralize. But only if it gains ground and wins and only if you let it happen. The choice to lose or win this battle is entirely yours.
But in choosing this path to quit-dom, we thereby open ourselves up to an uncomfortable humility that all but forbids us to simply ask for help. To ask for accountability from you and thus ask to have your trust in this battle. You let me take your six. You let me take your quit rage. You call me at 3AM if you have to. You can trust me.
By engaging in this forum you are asking for trust and at the same time to be trusted. This isn't some fucking cult like many have said here before they ghosted. This is a group of men and women who came to a realization they their lives and the lives of the ones that cared for them are negatively impacted in more ways to count. This is a group of men and women who entered asking "can i trust you?" to "you can trust me."
Cavers here violate that trust. Many of you newbs wonder about the harsh treatment retreads get. And even say the b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bully word. If your underwear is not twisting on a flag pole, you are not being bullied. If you not upside down having the coins shaken out of your pockets, you are not being bullied.
Here you are being held accountable. This is what it looks like. Like it or not, it always will