Wow. This experience has been humbling yet invigorating. Never did I think in a thousand years that quitting nicotine would bring so much more than just freedom from the addiction. I've gained friends, strength, and a newfound passion; and that passion is quitting. I just love it. I love having hundreds of new friends I would have never met, I love being able to text and interact with people all over the country, and I love being free from the chains of my addiction to nicotine. There is no more guilt, no more hiding, and no more lying. I'm a changed person - I have integrity, I am honest, I am not a hypocrite, and I am not weak.
Friends, thank you for giving this to me. Thank you for being a part of my quit and allowing me to be a part of yours. Thank you for giving me my freedom.
Lastly, over these past 1,000 days I've reflected on my quit numerous times. Every time I think I have it figured out - somebody teaches me something new, whether its good or bad. But there has always been one constant. One foundation that stands above all and is timeless in its criticality. Post roll. Just do it - its all you need to do. If it sounds corny, then just say "post your promise." You owe it to yourself, and once you've built a quit as massive as this one - you owe it to those who care about you.